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Student Presentations

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1 Student Presentations
exploring creative forms of assessment Image source: Damien Hill, Jim Lee, Nancy Rees, Barbara White

2 This is a youtube video of the 2014students presentations which incorporates three aspects of presentation: A group 1 minute elevator pitch that uses one PPT slide A poster A physical display

3 join the conversation
Ask people if they want to have a back conversation - one of us will need to monitor whats happening here

4 Why get students to present?
Valued graduate attribute Employability skills Builds confidence Demonstrates higher order thinking skills: creativity, synthesis, analysis Learn from peers Image source:

5 Why student presentations?
Interesting & engaging for students Requires little direct involvement from lecturers Provides another means for finding out what students know

6 http://www. visualphotos
BUT presentations can be boring for both students ……

7 And academics …….

8 Challenges: student presentations?
Large numbers of students Long boring presentations on the same topic Lack of guidance about expectations Criteria that do not match the assessment purpose Challenges

9 Today…. Different types of oral presentations
Different forms of presentations: oral, video, poster Different tools for presentations

10 External student presentations
Today…. Damien Hill Using posters Jim Lee External student presentations Nancy Rees Pecha Kucha Barbara White mix n match

11 Poster presentations Poster Presentations – Damien Hill, Engineering

12 Pecha Kucha, Nancy Rees, Office of Learning and Teaching

13 External student presentations
Jim Lee, Sports Science

14 Oral presentations - purposes
Inform Persuade Critique Explain Demonstrate

15 Oral presentations…. vary in type
Oral presentations…. vary in type

16 http://mazurkraemer. files. wordpress
Elevator Pitch: a short summary used to quickly and simply define a person, profession, product, service, organization or event and its value proposition approximately thirty seconds to two minutes The 3 minute thesis is an example of this.

17 The goal of lightning talks are to demonstrate a topic in a quick and insightful manner. The main point of a lightning talk is the delivery of the presentation, not necessarily the content in it. The significance of these concise and efficient talks is to grab audiences attention. The short presentations are also important because they allow people to understand mass amounts of information in such a short amount of time At university…. A Lightning Talks event features up to 10 theme-based presentations (each under 5 minutes) from graduate students, followed by a Q+A panel discussion. Audience and presenters are invited to enjoy snacks and refreshments.  (Simon Fraser University)

18 Ignite’s motto, ‘enlighten us, but make it quick,’ is the perfect balance of form and function. Ignite speakers get five minutes and 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds. Speaking at a just-comprehensible clip of 160 words a minute, you get about 40 words per slide for a total of 800 words. Check this out! < <

19 A range of tools can be used…..
Traditional software: PPT Keynote Web 2 tools Prezi Haiku Deck Flip Snack Empressr Emaze Slide Rocket Cloud based software suites Google Docs/Zoho Docs

20 http://mscecortez. weebly. com/uploads/1/2/4/8/12487654/6039395_orig
Common Tools: PPT & Keynote Traditional software

21 Web2 Tools Prezi Haiku Deck FlipSnack Epressr Emaze Slide Rocket

22 and then there’s the cloud!

23 And what about video presentations?
Did you know…… Did you know all students have to create a multimedia presentation as part of the assessment for CUC 107, the compulsory common unit. This is a 3 minute multimedia presentation (video or slideshow)

24 and…..

25 cool video tools

26 And then you can mix them up….

27 And a surprising benefit….

28 so its time to get creative
Write down one thing you would like to try? Write down one question you would like us to answer……. [next time]

29 share your questions
Ask people if they want to have a back conversation - one of us will need to monitor whats happening here

30 Developing rubrics for assessing presentations
next week….. Developing rubrics for assessing presentations

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