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New Technology for Education: a CSUN Report

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1 New Technology for Education: a CSUN Report
Yue-Ting Siu, TVI, Ph.D San Francisco State University

2 Poll: Who is here?

3 What is CSUN? CalState University, Northridge
Meets annually (33 years in 2018!) Anaheim, CA starting 2019 Draws over 5,000 people, >400 sessions Focus on technology for people with disabilities, digital accessibility

4 2018 CSUN Roundup! Exciting developments in: Accessing Language Arts
Data literacy Community inclusion

5 Access to Language Arts
POLL: What’s your go-to app for accessing Bookshare books? - VoiceDream Reader Read2Go GoRead Bookshare WebReader CaptiVoice Dolphin EasyReader Open LORE Kurzweil Other:

6 Poll: What’s your go-to app for accessing Bookshare books?

7 Updates Considerations: Kurzweil TextHelp Read ’N Write GrackleDocs
Platform: Apple? Chromebook? PC? Text-to-speech versus screenreader compatible? Ease of workflow? Interface navigation? Click count?

8 Assistive Meets Access Technology
Hat tip to more notetakers supporting integration with Google Suite - HIMS Polaris joins Humanware BrailleNote Touch in these ranks Mainstream companies included: Microsoft, Google, Apple, Amazon, Pearson, Toyota, U.S. Governmental offices (CIA, secret service, treasury)

9 Data Literacy: Access and Engagement
POLL: Do your students spend more time consuming or producing data? My students spend more time accessing information that is given to them My students spend more time creating their own data My students spend equal time accessing and creating data

10 Do your students spend more time consuming or producing data?

11 SAS Graphics Accelerator
FREE Chrome extension Google search for tutorial videos

12 Desmos Graphing Calculator
Web-based iOS app Braille support Insert YouTube video starting at 00:50

13 Graphiti Refreshable Tactile Graphics Display (APH)
Field testing commencing soon! For accessing and producing graphics Compatible with Orion and Desmos graphing calculators Insert video starting at 00:37

14 Community Inclusion

15 YouDescribe 2.0 Deep-Fried Mini Calzones (YouTube) Insert video A free tool for adding audio description to any YouTube video! Considerations for VI, ELL, and neurodiversities

16 YouDescribe 2.0 Deep-Fried Mini Calzones (YouDescribe) Insert video A free tool for adding audio description to any YouTube video! Considerations for VI, ELL, and neurodiversities

17 IBOS Music XML Reader FREE! Designed for screen readers
Compatible with refreshable braille displays (music braille and plain text) Switch-compatible (foot switches for hands-free)

18 Touch Graphics, Inc.: Multisensory Exhibits
Boston museum of fine arts (Teapots Booklet) Intrepid museum (tactile guide with talking pen)  Metropolitan museum of art (t tactile paint Incas booklet)  National gallery of art (tactile paintings) Crystal bridges museum of American art (tactile paintings)  Cooper Hewitt Museum (interactive touch model of Smithsonian castle and environs)  Washita battlefield National Historical Site (interactive map off historical Indian massacre)  Shed aquarium (seahorses,  penguin,  two talking maps) San Diego museum of art (talking tactile painting,  interactive buddhist sculpture) 

19 Coming soon! VersaSlate, A refreshable slate and stylus! Anticipated July for $95 from  Android apps coming soon to Chromebooks! Eg. VoiceDream Reader Touch Graphics, Inc., Accessible crosswalk signs in NYC, San Francisco & Seattle

20 Want to know more? #CSUNATC18

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