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Army Engineer Association

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1 Army Engineer Association
Army Power and Energy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment HON Katherine Hammack Presentation to the Army Engineer Association 2 October 2013

2 Agenda OASA(IE&E) Overview
ASA(IE&E) Energy and Sustainability Portfolio Strategic Challenges

3 (Data collected as of 30 Sep 12) (8.7% dual military married)
2013 Army Universe (Data collected as of 30 Sep 12) Land Acreage United States ,428,541 Europe ,907 Asia ,816 Other Overseas ,361 Army Installations IMCOM 66 Army Reserve AMC 27 DLA 5 National Guard 48 ARCENT TOTAL Army End-Strength Active 550,064 USAR 201,166 ARNG ,078 Civilians 271,794 Retired ,117 2.2 Million People 152 Small Cities Roads (paved and unpaved) 9,611 Lane Miles Aviation Multi-use Heliport Paved Area (excludes roads) (Square yards) 255,800,227 FY12 Army Demographics 59.8% married (8.7% dual military married) 6.6% single parents 880,743 family members Railroads 2, (Miles) 29, (LF (Bridges)) Family Housing Units Owned 15,281 Leased 7,945 Privatized 83,625 106,000 Homes Buildings (Square feet) United States ,864,319 Europe ,915,310 Asia ,899,139 Other ,210,417 Leases ,955,967 Privatized Barracks Adequate Spaces Permanent Party K Training K ORTC K 968 Million Square Feet Environmental Clean-up Remaining (Installation Restoration Program & Military Munitions Response Program) Active Sites 1,515 BRAC Sites Formerly Used Defense Sites 1,738 Plant Replacement Value $314.6B Utilities (Miles) (Electric, Gas, Water, Sewer) 45,308 FY12 Installation Management Resources = $20.8B

4 Headquarters Department of the Army

5 Energy and Sustainability
Soldier Basing Vehicles Installation Contingency Tactical Non Tactical OSD Operational Energy Strategy Senior Energy & Sustainability Council Energy Initiatives Task Force Army Energy Security Initiatives Operational Energy Installation Energy Both Net Zero Strategy


7 Installation Energy Manage People/Change culture
We are increasing the mission assurance and resiliency of Army installations by implementing an effective energy program. Manage People/Change culture Improve Energy Efficiency Expand Renewable Energy Incorporate Science and Technology

8 Renewable Energy Army seeks to create a balanced pipeline of opportunities that will serve three driving principles

9 Renewable Energy Opportunities
Installation Project Status: Contracts and Agreements Project Validation Project Assessment Deactivated Opportunity HI AK Sierra Army Depot Tooele Army Depot Joint Base Lewis-McChord Ft. Huachuca Ft. Stewart Yakima Training Center Yuma Proving Ground Hawthorne Army Depot Watervliet Arsenal Schofield Barracks Redstone Arsenal Ft. Bliss Ft. Irwin Ft. Detrick Location: Ft. Irwin, CA Project: 15 MW Solar Business/Acquisition Model: Competitive PPA through DLA Location: Ft. Bliss, TX Project: 20 MW Solar Business/Acquisition Model: Sole source energy service contract to El Paso Electric Location: Ft. Detrick, MD Business/Acquisition Model: Competitive PPA through DLA Location: Ft. Drum, NY Project: 28 MW Biomass Location: Schofield Barracks, HI Project: 52 MW Biodiesel Business/Acquisition Model: Lease with HECO Ft. Drum Ft. Hood Ft. Lee Ft. Leonard Wood Ft. Greely Rock Island Arsenal McAlester Army Ammunition Plant Location: Ft. Huachuca, AZ Business/Acquisition Model: GSA Areawide Contract through TEP Location: Redstone Arsenal, AL Project: 25 MW Renewable CHP Business/Acquisition Model: Competitive PPA through HNC UNCLASSIFIED 9

10 Net Zero Net Zero ENERGY: An installation that produces as much energy on-site as it uses, over the course of a year. Net Zero WATER: Limits the consumption of freshwater resources and returns water back to the same watershed so not to deplete the groundwater and surface water resources of that region in quantity or quality. Net Zero WASTE: An installation that reduces, reuses, and recovers waste streams, and converts them to resource values with zero solid waste to landfills. Net Zero INSTALLATION: Applies an integrated approach to management of energy, water, and waste to capture and commercialize the resource value and/or enhance the ecological productivity of land, water, and air.

11 Net Zero Way Ahead Net Zero Pilots Road Maps Net Zero Army Wide
Baselines Assessments Strategies / Master Plans Implementation Net Zero Army Wide

12 Power outages have risen sharply over the last decade
Energy Supply Risk Power outages have risen sharply over the last decade Major power disturbances in North America

13 Smart Charging Microgrid


15 Systems Integration Lab, Fort Devens
Contingency Basing Strategic - Deployed environments shape our operational flexibility - Transformation and force structure changes and impacts. Operational - Army contingency bases must meet commanders’ objectives - DOD Directive Contingency basing outside U.S. Tactical Integrating fuel, water, and waste disposal system efficiencies - Army has deployed a variety of contingency basing solutions Systems Integration Lab, Fort Devens

16 Operational Energy $3.6 billion on fuel in FY12.
70-80% of resupply weight in theater - fuel and water. 18% of US casualties in OIF and OEF are related to ground resupply. Reducing fuel and water demand will reduce logistical burdens, save lives, and expand capability. To achieve this the Army is: Deploying Soldier, vehicle, and basing power technologies Deployed “hybrid” energy systems Established a testing and evaluation system, integrated with training as well as doctrine development Working to drive behavior change

17 Strategic Challenges

18 Climate Change Physical effects Policy implications
Impacts on the Soldier Create framework to integrate climate change adaptation considerations into existing installation plans Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program funded creation of decision framework and down-scaling tools

19 Budget FY 14 Budget uncertainty challenges: Near Term Long Term
Shutdown Continuing Resolution (CR) Budget Control Act (BCA) Long Term Sequestration significantly lowers discretionary funding caps for DoD during FY14-21. Dramatically cuts future personnel, modernization, operations/maintenance, and readiness.

20 An Evolving Army Base Realignment and Closure
Army Strategic Planning Guidance Equipping Modernization Strategy Regional Aligned Forces “The Army is globally responsive and regionally engaged ; it is an indispensible partner and provider of a full range of capabilities to Combatant Commanders (CCDRs) in a Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational (JIIM) environment. As part of the Joint Force and as America's Army, in all that we offer, we guarantee the agility, versatility and depth to Prevent, Shape and Win” (CSA vision ASPG).


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