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Neo-Classicism Ms LeRoy Grade 11.

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1 Neo-Classicism Ms LeRoy Grade 11

2 NeoClassicism: a reaction to the Baroque
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. NeoClassicism: a reaction to the Baroque Newton's Third Law

3 Italian Baroque Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598-1610)
Considered by many to be the greatest sculptor of the Baroque period

4 Spanish Baroque Diego Velasquez (1599-1660) Las Meninas
In 1985 voted the world’s greatest painting. (The Maids of Honor)

5 French Baroque Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665) Painting based
on Roman myths, history and Greek sculpture.

6 Neoclassicism (1780-1820) Baroque Neoclassical
Clear reaction against the Baroque and Rococo periods. Baroque Neoclassical Important NeoClassical artists: Jacques-Louis David Jean Auguste Dominque Ingres

7 David’s Death of Marat, 1793

8 David’s Oath of Horatii
The story is from the 7th century B.C., and it tells of the triplet sons of Publius Horatius, who decided the struggle between Rome and Albalonga. One survived, but he killed his own sister because she wept for one of the fallen foes, to whom she was betrothed. Condemned to death for the murder of a sibling, Horatius' son is pardoned by the will of the people.Because of its austerity and depiction of dutiful patriotism, The Oath of the Horatii is often considered to be the clearest expression of Neoclassicism in painting. The painting's uncompromising directness, economy and tension made it instantly memorable and full of visual impact. Each of the three elements of the picture - the sons, the father and the women - is framed by a section of a Doric arcade, and the figures are located in a narrow stage-like space. David split the picture between the masculine resolve of the father and brothers and the slumped resignation of the women.. The focal point of the work is occupied by the swords that old Horatius is about to distribute to his sons. While the rear two brothers take the oath with their left hands, the foremost one swears with his right. Perhaps David did this simply as a way of grouping the figures together, but people at the time noticed this detail, and some supposed that this meant that the brother in the front would be the one to survive the combat.

9 Ingres Star student of David (at age 17)
Ingres Star student of David (at age 17). Chiefly remembered for his devotion to the ancients, his portraits, and his Turkish baths. The reclining female nude is often called Odalisque after the Turkish word for a harem.


11 Oedipus and the Sphinx Tell story

12 What defines NeoClassicism?
After Renaissance and Baroque (periods of exploration and expansiveness, came a reaction in the direction of ORDER and RESTRAINT. NeoClassicsm looks back to the ideals and art forms of classical themes. Respect for the past and trust in traditional institutions. Emotion appears controlled by the conscious mind. Nationalism more important than family and personal happiness. Heroes are judged according to their conformity or lack of conformity to Reason.

13 Romanticism Rebelling against the age of Reason
Baroque NeoClassicism Romanticism

14 Gericault Raft of the Medusa

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