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Force Packaging.

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Presentation on theme: "Force Packaging."— Presentation transcript:

1 Force Packaging

2 Overview What is Force Packaging? Steps to Developing Packages
Example of Developing a Force Package In-Class Activity

3 What is Force Packaging?
The integration of different air and space systems, each performing diverse functions of air and space power, to achieve the desired effects of a mission. Air, space, and cyberspace power, producing synergistic effects. A well-coordinated force, exceeding the effects of forces employed individually. Each member of the team, carrying out a specific mission role based on unique system capabilities.

4 Steps to Developing Packages
Given target, determine desired effect Choose weapon for effect and compatible platforms to deliver weapons Identify threats and plan to counter them Coordinate detached support Route and Sequence Package(s) Lets look at each of these a little closer:

5 Steps to Developing Packages
Determine Desired Effect Given chosen target and possible aim points, match compatible weapons for target aim point characteristics Hard Targets (Bunker) – Laser Guided Bomb (penetrating bomb to punch through the reinforced concrete and destroy what's inside) Soft Targets (Trucks) – General Purpose Bombs create an extensive blast and fragmentation pattern)

6 Steps to Developing Packages
Choose Weapon Which weapon is needed to cause desired effect? Analysis of target characteristics and effect What aircraft can deliver that munition? What are that aircraft system’s limitations (range, sensors, airspeed) What quantity of weapons will achieve desired effect? Number and type of compatible primary aircraft with compatible standard conventional load (SCL)

7 Steps to Developing Packages
Identify Threats What are the threats? What counter air systems can make up for primary aircraft limitations? Is the threat a target that another package can attack? How will strike planning (time of day, altitude, etc.) neutralize threat capability?

8 Steps to Developing Packages
Coordinate Detached Support Aerial Refueling Navigation and Positioning Communications Command and Control (C3) Weather Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR)

9 Ingress Point Split Point Egress Point Rendezvous Point

10 Developing Effective Packages: Recap
Decide the desired effect for the chosen target Choose weapon that can best achieve the desired effect Determine what system can deliver that weapon Identify system limitations Integrate systems to compensate for those limitations Define the enemy threat Identify systems that can counter that threat Threat may be a target that another package can attack Add necessary support elements Refueling, ISR, etc. Position and sequence all necessary parts Routing: Rendezvous Point, Split Point, Ingress and Egress Routes

11 In-Class Activity Mission: Rescue a downed pilot Three Groups:
Counterair Counterland Combat Search and Rescue Brainstorm and brief on force packages (address desired effect, weapon, threat, and detached support)

12 Summary What is Force Packaging? Steps to Developing Packages
Example of Developing a Force Package In-Class Activity

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