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Tropicana speech 2016-2017.

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1 Tropicana speech

2 #1 PICK A TOPIC: When you are asked to write and give a speech , you should begin by picking a good topic. Here are some questions you can ask: *What do I read about? *What do I know a lot about? *What would I like to know more about? *What do I talk about with my friends? *What do I do for fun?

What are you trying to accomplish with your speech? Here are some reasons students have for giving speeches: *to inform (explains, teaches, gives facts) *to persuade (gain support, convince) *to inspire (stirs emotions, emotional impact) *to entertain (humorous, makes you laugh)

4 #3 NARROW YOUR TOPIC Once you have found a possible topic, and decided whether you want to inform, persuade, inspire, or entertain, ask yourself these questions: *Does it fit my interest, capability and experience? *Will the audience be interested? *Does the topic fit the occasion? *Can the topic be covered properly within the time allotted?

5 If you answer yes to any of these questions…
You should now have a specific topic that will interest your audience and fit your purpose in the time limit you have been given. Practice, if possible, on a stage in an auditorium to see how it feels. Pretend you are introduced and you walk to the speaker’s stand and microphone. You look around and smile at the audience, pause, take a deep breath and begin.


7 NOW you can start gathering info about your topic.
#4 GATHER INFORMATION NOW you can start gathering info about your topic. *Take notes to help you remember. Some students use 3x5 index cards. *Books, magazines, and online articles are NOT the only sources! Talk or write to experts in your school, family, neighborhood Watch tv (News and documentaries) Scan newspaper Remember things from your own thoughts and experiences

8 #5 WRITE AN OUTLINE After you have collected enough information for your speech, you are ready to arrange it in a logical order by writing a brief outline. Remember you don’t have to include everything you have collected. Decide upon 3 or 4 main points to be covered. List these as your outline headings.

9 Example Outline

10 #6 WRITING THE SPEECH Writing a speech is much the same as writing a paragraph or an essay. You must write in a clear, natural way so that your speech moves smoothly from one point to the next; however, remember a speech is written to be heard rather than read. It must, therefore, sound good as well as look good on paper. It must be written using vivid, concrete words which create a clear, colorful picture for the audience. It must also be written with words that bounce and glide rather than plod along. Your information should be arranged into a beginning (introduction), a middle (body), and an end (conclusion). The following are tips to help you write each section:

11 Introduction Grab audience attention (use a famous quote, question, or reason for choosing your topic) Introduce topic Provide motivation Give a brief overview of speech (thesis)

12 Body Give descriptions about topic
Should give 3-5 main points about your topic The points should be interesting and have a logical order

13 Conclusion Summary Quotations Summarize speech with main idea
Provide closure (ending with a final thought, something you want your audience to remember about your topic

14 Preparing your speech Write your speech on notebook paper and have your teacher appove it Then write your speech out on notecards, skipping lines Number your notecards

15 How long should your speech be?
Between 2-3 minutes Time yourself to see if your speech is the correct length

16 #7 PRACTICE YOUR SPEECH Now it's the time to learn your speech. This may not be as difficult as you might imagine because you already have a good idea of the content. Concentrate on your main ideas - not on specific words, then if you forget a phrase, you can choose another way to express the same thought. You won't get stuck! Your speech need not be learned all at once. Learn it in parts. Don't memorize all of it at the same time.

17 PRACTICE TIPS Recreate setting Practice without memorizing
Practice out loud Watch yourself

18 More practice tips Avoid saying “um” and “uh” Don’t talk too fast
Make eye contact with the audience Speak up

19 Elements of body language
Appearance Posture Facial expression Eye contact Movement and gestures

20 #8 GIVING YOUR SPEECH If you have practiced often and well, giving the actual speech should be easy. You may still feel a little nervous at first, but soon you will relax and enjoy sharing your "story" with your audience. Keep the following suggestions in mind as you give your speech: - Speak naturally - Speak clearly and loud enough for everyone to hear. - Vary your voice tone and volume for emphasis. - Use good eye contact looking at various people in the audience. - Use gestures when appropriate to add interest and emphasize your message. - Have comfortable posture with feet fairly close together. Do not rock, weave, or twist. - Dress professional neatly. If you look your best you'll feel more confident and this can influence your presentation.

21 Giving your speech presentation Tips
Don’t say Thank you at the end of your speech Relax, smile and have FUN!!


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