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Plant Stuff Chapter 20.

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1 Plant Stuff Chapter 20

2 Vascular plants have vessels that carry water and nutrients throughout the plant. Examples: Oak, apple trees, pine tress

3 Non-vascular plants do not have vessels for transport.

4 Xylem - plant vessel that transports water from roots to leaves.

5 Phloem - plant vessel that transports sugars, ions, and other compounds from leaves to other plant tissues.

6 transpiration – the loss of water from plant leaves through stomata.

7 Stomata – opening in plant leaves used to take in CO2
Stomata – opening in plant leaves used to take in CO2. Water is also lost via transpiration through stomata.

8 Angiosperms – plants that produce flowers, fruits, and seeds.

9 Gymnosperms – plants that produce pine cones and seeds.

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