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Climate Change CH 19.

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1 Climate Change CH 19

2 Greenhouse Effect NOx CO2 CH4
Natural process involving greenhouse gases trap infrared radiation and emit this to Earth- causing a warming of the plant. NOx CO2 CH4 H20 Vapor- absorbs most of the Infrared radiation. CFCs-man-made * These gases are needed to keep the planet temp at 57 degrees F as opposed to 7 degrees F (without gases).

3 Greenhouse Gases Sources
NATURAL Volcanic eruptions- mainly carbon dioxide Methane – from decomposition- WETLANDS, TERMITES Nox from denitrification Water vapor ANTHROPOGENIC Burning of fossil fuels- Nox, CO2, CO Agricultural practices- methane from livestock Deforestation Landfills- methane Industrial production- CFC’s

4 Global warming- one aspect of climate change, the warming of the oceans, land masses and atmosphere of the Earth. Increases in surface temperature alter the movement of winds and ocean currents- impacting distribution of heat

5 The Controversy of Climate Change
Most scientists agree that greenhouse gas concentrations are increasing and that this will lead to global warming What is unclear is how much world temperatures will increase for a given change in greenhouse gases.

6 International Panel on Climate
2014 IPCC scientists concluded that: Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid 20th century has been the result of INCREASE concentrations of ANTHROPOGENIC greenhouse gases.

7 Consequences to the Environment Because of Global Warming
Melting of polar ice caps, Greenland and Antarctica Melting of many glaciers around the world Melting of permafrost- release of GG Rising of sea levels due to the melting of glaciers/ ice sheets AND expansion of water in oceans as it warms Heat waves and Cold spells Change in precipitation patterns Increase in storm intensity Shift in ocean currents Loss of biodiversity

8 The Kyoto Protocol 1997 1997 Kyoto, Japan discussion on controlling the emissions contributing to global warming. Developing nations did not have emission limits imposed by the protocol. Note- China produces the most CO2 Expired in 2012 2015 COP21, also known as the 2015 Paris Climate Conference- replaced Kyoto

9 * HFCs are hydrofluorocarbons, PFCs are perfluorocarbons, and SF6 is sulfur hexafluoride.

10 Carbon Sequestration An approach involving taking CO2 out of the atmosphere. Some methods include storing carbon in agricultural soils or retiring agricultural land and allowing it to become pasture or forest. Captured CO2 could be compressed and pumped into abandoned oil wells or the deep ocean???

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