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MARCH 19, 2018 OBJECTIVE – Students will demonstrate understanding of global warming/climate change. Students will describe different methods scientist.

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Presentation on theme: "MARCH 19, 2018 OBJECTIVE – Students will demonstrate understanding of global warming/climate change. Students will describe different methods scientist."— Presentation transcript:

1 MARCH 19, OBJECTIVE – Students will demonstrate understanding of global warming/climate change. Students will describe different methods scientist use to collect data about past climates. WARM-UP – You will need a pencil for your quiz. Fill out scantron with name, date , period and Unit 3, Quiz 3. Add Wind Energy CER/Organizer to writing folder. HOMEWORK – Benchmark 3 – 3/ Complete Assigned Article Questions/Notes (Weebly, Causes of Climate Change, Looking Forward, Looking Back) Benchmark Review Packet: Birds with Attitude Questions – 2/20 AGENDA – Global Warming/Climate Change Quiz Looking Forward/Looking Back Article Assignment, Questions, Notes (See Mrs. Skiados)

2 After your quiz: 1. Look at the number that is taped on the table where you are sitting. It corresponds with an article you will be reading, answering questions and creating notes on a graphic organizer. 2. The color of your number matches (almost exactly) to each of the articles. 3. Borrow the article that matches your number and color from my BACK LAB TABLE. 4. Read the article and answer the questions in your lab notebook (include the title of your article). You should answer in complete sentences and restate the question in your answer. 5. On the graphic organizer on your table, you must create a set of notes for your article and write the notes in the designated section of the graphic organizer. Notes focus the MOST IMPORTANT pieces of information that will help others understand what you learned from the article. 6. The articles/graphic organizer are also on my weebly site: Unit 3, Causes of Climate Change Page, Looking Forward, Looking Back

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