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Essential and fundamental factors involved in crown & bridge

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1 Essential and fundamental factors involved in crown & bridge
嘉泉醫大 吉病院 齒醫學 敎室 主任敎授 : 金 滿 龍

2 Considering factors of fixed partial denture
Biologic phase factor Physiologic phase factors Engineering phase factor Mechanical phase factors Esthetic phase factor 0110 Ghil dental center

3 A. Biologic requirement
Pulps of these teeth ; remove the pathogenesis Hard & soft investing tissue Design : inter-proximal embrasure area, location of sub-gingival margin, materials, solder joint, pontic areas, retainer 0110 Ghil dental center

4 B. Physiologic requirement
Anatomic details characteristic of natural teeth Functional occlusion; inter-maxillary relationship, harmony and balance of occlusion 0110 Ghil dental center

5 C. Engineering & mechanical esthetic requirement
Good construction Comprehensive knowledge of properties of material Oral tissues will accept the restorations biologically 0110 Ghil dental center

6 Requirements for success of a fixed partial denture
Thorough examination Favorable occlusion Careful selection and designing of retainers Incorporating into the restoration those anatomic details characteristic of natural teeth Applies conform to the laws of nature 0110 Ghil dental center

7 Requirements for success of a fixed partial denture
Thorough examination Proper selection of most desirable type or method To preserve the remaining teeth – primary purpose Masticatory function, phonetics improvement of esthetics – 2nd purpose 0110 Ghil dental center

8 Requirements for success of a fixed partial denture
Favorable occlusion To note the discrepancies of jaw relationships, tooth to tooth position Understanding of centric occlusion To seek & balance between occlusal stress and tissue 0110 Ghil dental center

9 Requirements for success of a fixed partial denture
Careful selection and designing of retainers Ideal retainer 0110 Ghil dental center

10 IDEAL RETAINER One that requires the least amount of destruction to the abutment(최소한의 삭제) One that least destroys the outline form of the tooth Least amount of marginal line Finished about its periphery with great accuracy

11 IDEAL RETAINER Positioned margin at less susceptible to caries or recurrence of caries Rigidity – withstand the requisite load Functional adaptation and protect the tooth against its fracture Least destroys the cervical marginal ridge

12 IDEAL RETAINER Preparation can be made without trauma to the pulp or surrounding tissue Accurate complement to the lost tooth structure Cleansable esthetic

13 “Weak point in a bridge is the cement lute”
Dental cements are not adherent, and do not bond to the retainer or to the tooth. Cements hold a bridge in place by mechanical locking. If the stress in the cement lute are too high, the cement will break and the bridge will become loose. To design bridge retainer – transmits the functional forces to the cement lute as compressive force and not tensile or shear forces.

14 Requirements for success of a fixed partial denture
Incorporating into the restoration those anatomic details characteristic of natural teeth Ridge and groove increase the sharpness and shearing action of teeth Reduce friction by keeping the contacting area to a minimum Reducing the load trasmitted to the abutment teeth 0110 Ghil dental center

15 Requirements for success of a fixed partial denture
Applies conform to the laws of nature Proper selection of dental materials Correct abutment preparation Good technical procedure Application of the basic laws of mechanics & engineering 0110 Ghil dental center

16 Application of the basic laws of mechanics & engineering
Lack of sufficient rigidity ; solution – correct shape, form, thickness Consideration of the stresses of occlusion The alignment of the abutment teeth Physical aspect of the tooth itself Size & shape of crown Number of root shape, length Bone height 0110 Ghil dental center

17 Application of the basic laws of mechanics & engineering
Consideration of the stresses of occlusion The ratio of bone support to the length of the tooth Ante’s law; combine peri-cemental area area abutment teeth = missing teeth 0110 Ghil dental center

18 Application of the basic laws of mechanics & engineering
Consideration of the stresses of occlusion Crown to root ratio ; 1:2, minimum 1:1 Length of span to be replaced ; long or short Contact and alignment of adjacent teeth Long axis relationship; maximum deviation 25-30’ Structure of the supporting bone such as thickness pattern and density ; trabecular – uniform, the bone can withstand the load of proper function Arch form; restoration involving anterior teeth(fig) 0110 Ghil dental center

19 Arch form ; restoration involving anterior teeth
0110 Ghil dental center

20 Application of the basic laws of mechanics & engineering
Consideration of the stresses of occlusion The greatest leverage occurs when four maxillary incisors are replaced in a narrow tapered arch. The presence of a single incisor will considerably shorten the lever arm. 0110 Ghil dental center

21 Application of the basic laws of mechanics & engineering
Consideration of the stresses of occlusion Pontics 1st consideration is strength 2nd consideration is anatomic form. 3rd consideration is esthetics The tissue – contacting surface of the pontic should be convex in form, smooth, make minimal contact, free of pressure, within the area of the immovable mucosa of the ridge. 0110 Ghil dental center

22 Application of the basic laws of mechanics & engineering
Consideration of the stresses of occlusion Midline Pulp - health 0110 Ghil dental center

23 Engineering principles
It is impossible to guess at the forces to which such a structure is exposed. (strains, stress, torque, equilibrium) One must make use of principles of mechanics acceptable to engineering practice. 0110 Ghil dental center


25 A. Dimension Deflection of bar
It must not be too long for the number of retainers. The retainers must have adequate retention. Lateral occlusal forces should not be excessive in order to ovoid displacement of the restoration from its abutment. 0110 Ghil dental center

26 Engineering principles
Metal (hardness): type4 – increase the load Bending stress – middle portion Loading carrying capacity; type4 (80000N) type3 (40000N) 3 unit bridge type 3, 6 unite type 4 (same thickness) 0110 Ghil dental center

27 Engineering principles
Soldered joint ; deep occlusogingivally Where bending movement are large, joints should be located as far as possible from the center of the bridge span. Dental bridge의 load-carrying capacities에 관계되는 factors The loads that are to come up the bridge The form and shape of structure “I beam” The ability of the material 0110 Ghil dental center

28 Engineering principles
Equilibrium : How do we obtain the important condition of a bridge in equilibrium? The walls of abutment preparations are parallel or converge 2’ and not over 5’ The walls of the abutment teeth are surveyed to obtain this parallelism. 0110 Ghil dental center

29 Engineering principles
The strength of the cement bond is determined by following factors. Strength of the cement in compression, tension, shear The number and size of the interlocking keys The areas of the bond between opposing walls The taper of cavity preparation Tolerance or closeness of fit between the casting & the tooth 0110 Ghil dental center

30 Salient facts Abutment casting must be rigid.
Dowel & crown : effective coupling between the attachment casting and the tooth Heavy sections of attachment casting 0110 Ghil dental center

31 Salient facts Physical properties of the tooth and the restorative material shall be properly met. Cavity preparation should be shallow but extensive Pitch in the cavity walls is essential. 0110 Ghil dental center

32 Important factors in influencing retention of fixed partial denture
Correct tooth selection, design and preparation to accept the proper retainer Accurate construction and fit of the retainer Correct tooth form and function Adequate strength of gold alloy 0110 Ghil dental center

33 “The looser fitting casting gave high values after cementation then those obtained from tight casting Tight casting – irregular cement thickness Loose casting – regular cement thickness 0110 Ghil dental center

34 Another important finding was that the retention values of un-cemented casting gave no indication of the retention values obtained after cementation. 0110 Ghil dental center

35 Retainers Partial veneer crowns Full veneer crowns 0110
Ghil dental center

36 Partial veneer crown are ideal.
Guides for coronal contours Embrasure forms are pre-established. Adequate amounts of attached gingival Adequate vestibular depth 0110 Ghil dental center

37 Full veneer crown Clinical crown and the anatomical crown are dissimilar. Need of splinting for mechanical retention Reshaping of coronal forms 0110 Ghil dental center

38 Types of abutment preparation
Inlay ¾ crown Pin-ledge crown Full veneer crown Half-crown or mesial version of veneer crown 7/8 crown 0110 Ghil dental center

39 Types of abutment preparation
Inlay : less retention – MO.DO,MOD 0110 Ghil dental center

40 Inlay bridge 0110 Ghil dental center

41 ¾ crown Caries index – low
Maximum retention with a minimum sacrifice of tooth structure Its retention depends upon the staple formed by the mesial and distal coverage grooves. Pin in the region of the cingulum Linguo-incisal portion – sufficient thickness 0110 Ghil dental center

42 Pin –ledge crown Dowels are cast instead of using metal wire.
Dowel hole must be slightly larger for good impression. Cautious in its preparation Retention - tripodism 0110 Ghil dental center

43 Pin –ledge crown Co-factors of this type retainer
Length of span Masticatory forces Amount of torque torsion bending Failure : because of margins the “open up”. Resistance can be increased to this by grooving adjustment to the margin for increased bulk, by keeping the margin away for the area of stress in occlusion 0110 Ghil dental center

44 Full veneer crown Most retentive of all the retainer
Extremely short or extensively decayed teeth Gingival decay is prevalent. Marginal gingival health 0110 Ghil dental center

45 Half crown or mesial version of the veneer crown
Teeth that are tilted mesially. Always keep margins away from all stressful situation ; avoid placing margins Abutment preparation should always protected Maintain the proper mesio-distal relation Prevent sensitive cavities Maintain proper relation of occluding teeth Prevent chipping of delicate margin 0110 Ghil dental center

46 Tooth form and function
Contact area : plus contact – arch may be shifted; cause some mal-occlusion, minus contact – food impaction; discomfort, periodontal disease, recurrent decay 0110 Ghil dental center

47 Tooth form and function
Occlusal surfaces : cusp fossae, grooves, ridge excessive occlusal contact – pulpal involvement (periodontal disturbance) Occlusal width : 50-60% / diameter 0110 Ghil dental center

48 Occlusal elements Definite cusp, ridges, grooves
Occlusal table 50-60% on diameter Each cusp has a primary ridge with a smaller supplementary ridge on each side. Each primary ridge is at least twice as wide as each supplementary ridge. 0110 Ghil dental center

49 Occlusal elements Primary and supplementary ridges are biconvex.
The lingual surfaces of anterior teeth have a definite concave surface. Incisal edge of anterior teeth are rounded. 0110 Ghil dental center

50 Stress of occlusion in unworn teeth fall very near the long axis.
On worn teeth stress are spread over wide and more dangerous area. 0110 Ghil dental center

51 Arrows illustrate escape of food in all directions from the contacting point (small contact point)
0110 Ghil dental center

52 OCCLUSAL TABLE 0110 Ghil dental center

53 OCCLUSAL TABLE 0110 Ghil dental center

54 Our occlusal surface designs and physiologic of restorations must be harmonious with biomechanical requirements. Lack of attention to these requirements and basic tails will cause damage to the oral mechanism. 0110 Ghil dental center

55 Thank you for your attention

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