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Tree Pollens Pine, Spruce, and Oak

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Presentation on theme: "Tree Pollens Pine, Spruce, and Oak"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tree Pollens Pine, Spruce, and Oak
Paleoclimate proxies are physical, chemical and biological materials preserved within the geologic record that can be analyzed and correlated with climate or environmental parameters in the modern world. Seeds and spores tells us about past vegetation and climates.

2 Sediment Core Check this out!

3 Global Warming: Shifting Gears

4 What’s being done now to reduce our emissions?
Wind Power Solar Power Fuel-Efficiency 4

5 Be Bulb Smart—Use CFLs What’s the difference? Compact
Fluorescent Light Incandescent 500 lbs. of coal 1,430 lbs. CO2 pollution avoided $30 saved

6 Incandescent VS CFLs VS LED

7 Simple Things To Do Dress lightly when it’s hot instead of turning up
the air conditioning. Or use a fan. Dress warmly when it’s cold instead of turning up the heat. Offer to help your parents keep the air filters on your AC and furnace clean. Walk short distances instead of asking for a ride in the car. Plant a tree. Recycle.

8 GLOBAL WARMING is the increase of the Earth’s average surface temperature due to a build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in conjunction with the degradation of the ozone layer and urban heat islands. CLIMATE CHANGE is a broader term that refers to long-term changes in climate, including average temperature and precipitation.

9 Compare Global Changes:
Clarifications: Compare Global Changes: Acid Precipitation Ozone (O3) Depletion Green House Effect caused by caused MAINLY by Nitrogen & Sulfur Oxides C.F.C.’s (chlorofluorocarbons) CO2 , N2O, & Methane Which two global changes above are related to global warming?

10 Effects of Climate Change
Rising Sea Level Increased Temperature Habitat Damage and Species Affected Changes in Water Supply

11 Melting of the Portage Glacier in Alaska
1914 2004 11

12 Drying up of the Colorado River
June 2002 Dec 2003 12

13 Desertification

14 Rising sea levels affect low lying areas (Bangladesh)

15 Animals and Plants affected by Climate Change
Kangaroos do several things to regulate their body temperature on a hot day…. Watch the video to figure out what they are…. Would they be able to use these same methods is climate change continues?


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