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Wstęp do Teorii Gier.

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1 Wstęp do Teorii Gier

2 Labour union vs factory management
The management of a factory is negotiating a new contract with the union representing its workers The union demands new benefits: One dollar per hour across-the-board raise (R) Increased pension benefits (P) Managements demands concessions: Eliminate the 10:00 a.m. coffee break (C) Automate one of the assembly checkpoints (reduction necessary) (A) You have been called as an arbitrator.


4 Eliciting preferences
Management ordinal preferences Further questions: Indifferent between $0.67 raise and granting pension benefits 0.67R=P, hence P=-2 and R=-3 Willing to trade off a full raise and half of pension benefits for elimination of the coffee break R+0.5P=-C, hence C=4 Management cardinal utility Labor union cardinal preferences

5 The game We assume that these utilities are additive (strong assumption) We get the following table

6 Finding Nash solution kjh

7 Issues What if the Nash point is a mixed outcome? E.g. (2,2½)= ¼PRC+ ¾PRCA. How to give ¾ of the automation? Possibilities: grant automation but require that ¼ of the displaced workers be guaranteed other jobs. What to do if there are no outcomes which are Pareto improvement over SQ? Recommend SQ Or better, enlarge the set of possibilities – brainstorming with LU and management Is the present situation a good SQ? Real negotiation often take place in an atmosphere of threats, with talks of strikes and lockout (each side tries to push SQ in her more favorable direction) What about false information about utilities given by each side? E.g. correct scaling for positive and negative utilities separately, but to misrepresent the “trading off” of the alternatives

8 Management false utilities
Suppose, the management misrepresents by doubling negative utilities:

9 The new Nash point is at (1,½) It could be implemented as:
½PC + ½RCA. In the honest utilities this point corresponds to (3½,½) -not Pareto optimal, but better for the management than (3,2) Or ¾PC + ¼C. In the honest utilities it corresponds to (2½,½), which is worse than (3,2) for both.

10 Other cases Assume that now the management is truthful and Labor Union lies by doubling its negative payoffs The solution RC (LU does not profit) Assume that both lie and double their negative utilities The solution SQ!!! (No profitable trade at all)

11 (3,2) PRCA

12 In real utilities (3.5,0.5) PC (1,0.5) RCA

13 In real utilities: (1,2) (1,1) RC

14 In real utilities the same (0,0)
(0,0) SQ

15 An introduction to N-person games
Let’s consider a three person 2x2x2 zero-sum game


17 Players may want to form coalitions
Suppose Colin and Larry form a coalition against Rose -4.4 – this is the worst Rose may get (it is her security level) Colin should always play B and Larry 0.8A+0.2B.

18 Now two remaining possible coalitions
Rose and Larry against Colin Rose and Colin against Larry

19 Which coalition will form?
How the coalition winnings will be divided? For example in a) Colin and Larry win 4.4 in total, but the expected outcome is: It is Larry who benefits in this coalition! Colin though not very well off, is still better off than when facing Rose and Larry against him. The rest of the calculations is as follows:

20 Which coalition will form?
For each player, find that player’s preferred coalition partner. For instance Rose would prefer Colin as she wins 2.12 with him compared to only 2.00 in coalition with Larry. Similarly Colin’s preferred coalition partner is Larry Larry’s preferred coalition partner is Colin. So Larry and Colin would form a coalition! Unfortunately, it may happen that no pair of players prefer each other

21 Transferable Utility (TU) models
Von Neumann and Morgenstern made an additional assumption: they allowed sidepayments between players For example Rose could offer Colin a sidepayment of 0.1 to join in a coalition with her – effective payoffs (2.02,-0.59,-1.43) This coalition is more attractive to Colin than Colin-Larry coalition The Assumption that sidepayments are possible is very strong: It means, that utility is transferable between players. It also means, that utility is comparable btw. players. Reasonable when there is a medium of exchange such as money.

22 Cooperative game with TU
We assume that: Players can communicate and form coalitions with other players, and Players can make sidepayments to other players Major questions: Which coalitions should form? How should a coalition which forms divide its winnings among its members? Specific strategy of how to achieve these goals is not of particular concern here Remember going from extensive form game to normal form game, we needed to abstract away specific sequence of moves Now in going from a game in normal form to a game in characteristic function form, we abstract away specific strategies

23 Characteristic function
The amount v(S) is called value of S and it is the security level of S: assume that S forms and plays against N-S (the worst possible), value of such a game is v(S) Example: Rose, Colin and Larry Zero-sum game since for all S: An important relation:

24 Examples kjhn

25 Examples N={members of the House, members if the Senate, the President} v(S)=1 iff S contains at least a majority of both the House and the Senate together with the President, or S conatins at least 2/3 of both the House and the Senate. v(S)=0 otherwise The game is constant-sum and superadditive.

26 Elections 1980 Three candidates: Democrat Jimmy Carter,
Republican Ronald Reagan, Independent John Anderson.

27 Politics In the summer before the election, polls:
Anderson was the first choice of 20% of the voters, with about 35% favoring Carter and 45% favoring Reagan Reagan perceived as much more conservative than Anderson and Anderson was more conservative than Carter. Assumption: Reagan and Carter voters had Carter as their second choice

28 However it may be helpful to vote for your second candidate
If all voters voted for their favorite candidate, Reagan would win with 45% of the vote. However it may be helpful to vote for your second candidate But, it is never optimal to vote for the worst Suppose each voters’ block has two strategies Three equilibria: RCC (C wins) and RAA, AAA (A wins)!!! Observe that the sincere outcome RAC (R wins) in not an equilibrium.

29 The game may be simplified: Reagan voters have a dominant strategy of R
Sincere outcome: upper left Carter and Anderson voters could improve by voting for their second choice In the summer and fall of 1980 the Carter campaign urged Anderson voters to vote for Carter to keep Reagan from winning

30 Another example In march 1988 House of Representatives defeated a plan to provide humanitarian aid to the US backed “Contra” rebels in Nicaragua. There were three alternatives: Simple model: CR - Conservative Rep., LD- Liberal Democrats

31 The first vote was between A and H and the winner to be paired against N.
The result was Consider sophisticated voting (in the last round, insincere voting cannot help, so it must be in the first round) If H wins the first round, the final outcome is N But if A wins the first round, the final outcome is A So the Republicans should vote sincerely for A LD should vote sincerely for H But MD should have voted sophisticatedly for A

32 Alternatively, we could consider altering the agenda.
An appropriate sequential agenda could have produced any one of the alternatives as the winner under sincere voting:

33 Impossibility theorem

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