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What’s New in SEER-H 7.3.40 The Galorath Team.

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1 What’s New in SEER-H The Galorath Team

2 New Features in H7.3.40 Export to MS Project
Record the full set of Monte Carlo iterations to a text file. At the Rollup/Project level, Monte Carlo reports allow you to select the probability for the estimated values listed in the work element allocation section of the report. Allow user to browse and select a license in an alternate location.

3 Export to ms project

4 Export to MS Project The Export to MS Project option exports schedule data directly to Microsoft Project and creates a plan (Gantt Chart view) in Microsoft Project based on the SEER-H project and the selected planning scheme. Note: This option is available in the Tools menu and requires the following to be installed on your system: Microsoft Project 2010 or later The most recent version of SEER-H Microsoft Project Integration (Version 2.0.9)

5 Monte Carlo risk – new Features

6 Record Monte Carlo Results
Run Monte Carlo calculations using the specified settings, and record the full set of iterations to a text file.

7 Monte Carlo Risk Reports at Rollup/ Project
Report results for all lower level work elements at the selected confidence level.

8 Alternate license file path

9 Alternate License File Path
The "License expired" and "License about to expire" warning dialog boxes now allow the user to browse and select a license in an alternate location. This makes it possible to update licenses without having administrative privileges.

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