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The Tevatron Connection

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1 The Tevatron Connection
and comparisons with theory! A Few CDF Run 2 Proton-AntiProton Cross Sections Top Pair Cross-Section Single Top Cross-Section J/Y Cross-Section b-Hadron Cross-Section b-Jet & b-DiJet Cross-Sections Charm Meson Cross-Sections g + b/c Cross-Sections g + g Cross-Section Z-boson Cross-Section We now have over 400 pb-1 of data! W-boson Cross-Section W+n Jets Cross-Sections W/Z + g Cross-Sections W + W Cross-Section Z + W & Z + Z Cross-Sections Inclusive Jet Cross-Sections The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

2 Top Pair Cross Section CDF Run 2 Summary
200 pb-1 Observed cross sections consistent with each other and with the standard model prediction (1.96 TeV, mt = 175 GeV) Bonciani et al., Nucl. Phys. B529, 424 (1998) Kidonakis and Vogt, Phys. Rev. D68, (2003) The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

3 Single Top Cross Section CDF Run 2 Search
s-channel 0.88 pb 1.98 pb t-channel t-channel Search for W + 2 jets and tag one b. Do likelihood fit to HT (s+t channed combined). st < % CL st+s < % CL The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

4 The J/Y Cross Section CDF Run 2
The J/y inclusive cross-section includes contribution from the direct production of J/y and from decays from excited charmonium, Y(2S), and from the decays of b-hadrons, B-> J/y + X. J/ K B J/y coming from b-hadrons will be displaced from primary vertex! 39.7 pb-1 Down to PT = 0! CDF (mb) s(J/Y, |Y(J/Y)| < 0.6) 4.080.02(stat)+0.36(sys)-0.48(sys) The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

5 b-hadron Cross Section CDF Run 2
Run 2 b-hadron PT distribution compared with FONLL (CTEQ6M). Cacciari, Frixone, Mangano, Nason, Ridolfi Excellent agreement between theory and experiment! 39.7 pb-1 |Y| < 1.0 b-hadron PT CDF (mb) FONLL (mb) s(b-hadron) 29.40.6(stat)6.2(sys) The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

6 b-Jet Cross Sections CDF Run 2
Arbitrary normalization! b-quark tag based on displaced vertices. Secondary vertex mass discriminates flavor. Require one secondary vertex tagged b-jet within 0.1 < |y|< 0.7 and plot the inclusive jet PT distribution (MidPoint, R = 0.7). The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

7 b-DiJet Cross Section CDF Run 2
Normalized to one! bJet-bbarJet invariant mass bJet-bbarJet Df Require two secondary vertex tagged b-jets within |h|< 1.2. One of these tagged jets has to have a corrected tranverse energy greater than 30 GeV, the other has to have a raw transverse energy greater than 10 GeV. The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

8 Prompt Charm Meson Cross Sections CDF Run 2
Theory calculation from M. Cacciari and P. Nason: Resummed perturbative QCD (FONLL), JHEP 0309,006 (2003) The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

9 g + b/c Cross Sections CDF Run 2
b/c-quark tag based on displaced vertices. Secondary vertex mass discriminates flavor. The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

10 g + b/c Cross Sections CDF Run 2
g + c CDF (pb) s(b+g) 40.619.5(stat)+7.4(sys)-7.8(sys) s(c+g) 486.2152.9(stat)+86.5(sys)-90.9(sys) PYTHIA Tune A correctly predicts the relative amount of u, d, s, c, b quarks within the photon events. ET(g) > 25 GeV The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

11 g + g Cross Section CDF Run 2
g + g Df g + g mass Di-Photon cross section with 207 pb-1 of Run 2 data compared with next-to-leading order QCD predictions from DIPHOX and ResBos. The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

12 Z-boson Cross Section CDF Run 2
Impressive agreement between experiment and NNLO theory (Stirling, van Neerven)! CDF (pb) NNLO (pb) s(Z) 254.93.3(stat)4.6(sys)15.2(lum) 251.35.0 The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

13 W-boson Cross Sections CDF Run 2
NNLO s(W)/s(Z) 10.920.15(stat)0.14(sys) 10.690.08 Impressive agreement between experiment and NNLO theory (Stirling, van Neerven)! CDF (pb) NNLO(pb) s(W) 277510(stat)53(sys)167(lum) 268754 The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

14 W + n Jets Cross Sections CDF Run 2
Alpgen + HERWIG Run 2 W + n Jets Cross Section compared with Run 1 (JetClu, R = 0.4). Run 2 data compared with Alpgen + HERWIG. The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

15 W + g Cross Sections CDF Run 2
ET(g) > 7 GeV R(lg) > 0.7 CDF (pb) NLO (pb) s(W+g)*BR(W->ln) 19.71.7(stat)2.0(sys)1.1(lum) 19.31.4 The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

16 Z + g Cross Sections CDF Run 2
Note: (W)/(Z) ≈ 4 while (W)/(Z) ≈ 11 ET(g) > 7 GeV R(lg) > 0.7 CDF (pb) NLO (pb) s(Z+g)*BR(Z->ll) 5.30.6(stat)0.3(sys)0.3(lum) 5.40.3 The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

17 W+W Cross Section CDF Run 2
Campbell & Ellis 1999 CDF (pb) NLO (pb) s(WW) (e,m) (stat)-4.9(stat)1.6(sys)0.9(lum) 12.50.8 s(WW) (l+track) 19.45.1(stat)3.5(sys)1.2(lum) The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

18 Z+W, Z+Z Cross Sections CDF Run 2
Upper Limit CDF (pb) NLO (pb) W+Z, Z+Z < 13.9 (95% CL) 5.20.4 The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

19 Inclusive Jet Cross Section CDF Run 2
353 pb-1! ET > 500 GeV! Parton Level! Calorimeter Level! The challenge is that we measure the jets at the “calorimeter level”. We do not measure partons! The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

20 Inclusive Kt Jet Cross Section CDF Run 2
I wish we had a QCD NLO Monte-Carlo Model with Parton-Showers, Fragmentation, Beam-Beam Remnants, etc.! We are using Kt and MidPoint in Run 2! The Run 2 Kt inclusive jet cross section compared with PYTHIA Tune A (CTEQ5L). The Tevatron Connection August 9-10, 2004 Rick Field - CDF/Florida

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