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Company Name & Logo Project Name Date.

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Presentation on theme: "Company Name & Logo Project Name Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Company Name & Logo Project Name Date

2 Objectives and Key Questions
Determine the best value chain strategy for ... products Identify various value chain strategies and determine if any yield significant benefits over others Key Questions What is the optimal final assembly and distribution strategy? Which value chain initiatives will provide additional improvements?

3 Key Inputs Customers & Demand Products Operations Cost & Finance
Product logo Customers & Demand Demand in COGS is ~$...B Product 1: …K items; ~$ …M product 2: …K items; ~$ …M Split by Regions: US ...%; EU ...%; APAC ...% Customers are in USA, Europe and APAC - … largest cities in USA, … countries in Europe, … countries in APAC Products The products are … Product COGS Weight Pallet size Product 1 $ … … kg Product 2 Operations Inventory: FG: … DOI Components: … DOI Transportation: ... by Air locally by road Cost & Finance Total Cost is broken down by Material, Value-Add, Logistics Costs Logistics Cost is broken down by inventory, transportation and warehousing Indicative transport rates and times Inventory Rate of 15% which covers capital and non-capital costs (including obsolescence, mark-downs, depreciation, insurance)

4 EXAMPLE Scenario Overview Scenario PCBAs Final Assembly Distribution
Product logo Scenario PCBAs Final Assembly Distribution Regional Regional hubs Hybrid China EXAMPLE

5 Schematics or maps could be used
Regional Product logo Schematics or maps could be used EXAMPLE:

6 Schematics or maps could be used
Regional Product logo Schematics or maps could be used EXAMPLE:

7 Strategy Trade-Offs (Delivery Time)
Product logo Strategy Footprints Key Performance Metrics EXAMPLE Includes inventory cost and transportation Average inventory in end-to-end supply chain Delivery time from hub to customer Green House Gas Emissions (CO2)

8 Strategy Trade-Offs (SCRT)
Product logo Strategy Footprints Key Performance Metrics EXAMPLE Includes inventory cost and transportation Average inventory in end-to-end supply chain Supply Chain Response Time Green House Gas Emissions (CO2)

9 Executive Summary Product big logo The … Strategies offer lowest Total Cost and savings of ~…% as compared to … Strategy SCRT increases by ~… days in the Hybrid strategies as compared to a … strategy … strategies offer more flexibility to supply chain with increase in Total Cost … with more of a low cost manufacturing concentration is only <..% more expensive than the … strategies (… is more cost effective with Asia fulfilling demand for EU whereas in … fulfills demand for EU)

10 EXAMPLE Key Findings Product logo
… strategies offer more flexibility to supply chain with decrease in Total Cost

11 ... manufacturing strategies offer a ~...% cost reduction in VAM Costs
Product logo EXAMPLE

12 The … strategies are more sensitive to transportation costs than the … Strategy
Product logo EXAMPLE

13 VAM Costs are the key contributor to the savings in … and … strategies
Product logo EXAMPLE

14 EXAMPLE The insignificant differences in … inventory is due to …
Product logo EXAMPLE

15 A ton of carbon emissions trades at € 23. 65 ($ 35
A ton of carbon emissions trades at € ($ 35.50) in European trading (Source: – Aug 13). Product logo EXAMPLE

16 Summary of Key Performance Metrics
Product logo EXAMPLE

17 Summary of Key Performance Metrics
Product logo EXAMPLE

18 Thank You

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