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Cryptococcal Antigen (CrAg) Essential In Vitro Diagnostic Device

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1 Cryptococcal Antigen (CrAg) Essential In Vitro Diagnostic Device
David R Boulware MD, MPH, CTropMed Associate Professor University of Minnesota, USA

2 Overview Need Existing CrAg LFAs Existing Validation Data Discussion

3 Meningitis Etiologies in Adults in Africa
Hospital(s) Country Sample Size HIV infected Meningitis Prevalence Bacterial / Pyogenic Tuberculous Cryptococcal Aseptic / Viral Meningitis Mulago and Mbarara1 Uganda 416 98% 4% 8% 59% 29% GF Jooste, Cape Town2 South Africa 1,737 96% 19% 13% 30% 38% Queen Elizabeth Central3 Malawi 263 77% 20% 17% 43% Harare Central and Parirenyatwa4 Zimbabwe 200 90% 16% 12% 45% 28% Univ. Teaching Hospital5 Zambia 331 100% 3% 14.5% 27.5% 55% Pooled Average 2947 95% (94-96%) 15.0% ( %) 12.8% ( %) 36.0% ( %) 36.3% ( %) 1 Durski K et al. J AIDS 2013; 63: e101-8. 2 Jarvis JN, et al. BMC Infect Dis 2010; 10: 67. 3 Cohen DB, et al. Trop Med Int Health 2010; 15: 4 Hakim JG et al. AIDS 2000; 14: 5 Siddiqi OK et al. Clin Infect Dis 2014; 58:

4 Lancet Infectious Diseases 2017; 17: 873-881.
2014 Estimated Annual Global Burden Average CrAg prevalence 6.0% (95%CI 5.8–6.2) in CD4 <100 cells/μL CrAg+ (95%CI, – ) cryptococcal meningitis cases (95%CI – ). global deaths (95% CI – ), ~15% of AIDS-related deaths (95%CI 10–19%) Plateau in Deaths since 2014, likely similar burden in 2018

5 CrAg LFAs, 2018 Manufacturer Year Country Approval Immy CrAg LFA 2011
USA FDA, CE Biosynex CryptoPS 2016 France CE StrongStep, Liming Bio 2017 China ? FungiXpert® Genobio Pharmaceutical 2018

6 Validation Studies Test Validation N Locations Immy CrAg LFA
Multi-site, Multiple studies 1000s Multiple Biosynex CryptoPS Single Site 186 serum, plasma; 23 CSF Cameroon StrongStep, Liming Bio Two-site, one study 143 CSF; 167 plasma Uganda FungiXpert® Genobio Pharmaceutical One study 40 CSF Mozambique

7 CrAg LFA Use to Data Test N CrAg+ N CrAg- Immy CrAg LFA 10,000’s
Biosynex CryptoPS 14 blood 4 CSF 172 blood 17 CSF StrongStep, Liming Bio 101 CSF 55 plasma 42 CSF 112 plasma FungiXpert® Genobio Pharmaceutical 14 CSF 26 CSF

8 Positive Predictive Value Negative Predictive Value
Immy CrAg LFA CSF Validation Study (Data on First prospective study, Multiple others) Diagnostic Test n Sensitivity Specificity Positive Predictive Value Negative Predictive Value CRAG LFA 666 99.3% (435/438) 99.1% (226/228)* 99.5% (435/437) 98.7% (226/229) CSF Culture † 806 90.0% (459/510) 100% (296/296) (459/459) 85.3% (296/347) 100 mL CSF volume 524 94.2% (309/328) (196/196) (309/309) 91.2% (196/215) 10 mL CSF volume 282 82.4% (150/182) (100/100) (150/150) 75.8% (100/132) India Ink 805 86.1% (438/509) 97.3% (288/296) 98.2% (438/446) 80.2% (288/359) CRAG-latex (Meridian) 279 97.8% (176/180) 85.9% (85/99) 92.6% (176/190) 95.5% (85/89) CRAG-latex (Immy) 749 97.0% (452/466) (283/283) (452/452) 95.3% (283/297) * All CSF CRAG lateral flow assay (LFA) “false positives” did not have any other pathogen identified, but did not have a serum or plasma specimen available for testing of cryptococcal antigenemia to determine if this is enhanced detection. † Different quantitative CSF culture methods were used in with 10 mL input volume vs with 100 mL CSF volume Boulware DR. Rolfes MA, Rajasingham R, von Hohenberg M, Qin Z, Taseera K, Schutz C, Kwizera R, Butler EK, Meintjes G, Muzoora C, Bischof JC, Meya DB. Multisite validation of cryptococcal antigen lateral flow assay and quantification by laser thermal contrast. Emerg Infect Dis. 2014; 20;

9 Biosynex vs. Immy CrAg Serum Immy CrAg+ Immy CrAg- BioSynex CrAg+ 11
Biosynex Crag- 3 172 78% Plasma Immy CrAg+ Immy CrAg- BioSynex CrAg+ 11 Biosynex Crag- 1 174 92% CSF Immy CrAg+ Immy CrAg- BioSynex CrAg+ 4 Biosynex Crag- 19 Temfack E, Kouanfack C, Mossiang L, Loyse A, Fonkoua MC, Molloy SF, Koulla-Shiro S, Delaporte E, Dromer F, Harrison T, Lortholary O. Cryptococcal Antigen Screening in Asymptomatic HIV-Infected Antiretroviral Naïve Patients in Cameroon and Evaluation of the New Semi-Quantitative Biosynex CryptoPS Test. Front Microbiol. 2018; 9: 409.

10 Biosynex or Immy vs. Meridian EIA
Serum EIA+ EIA Negative BioSynex CrAg+ 8 3 Biosynex Crag- 175 Serum EIA+ EIA Negative Immy CrAg+ 8 6 Immy Crag- 172 Conclusion: EIA is a poor reference standard Temfack E, Kouanfack C, Mossiang L, Loyse A, Fonkoua MC, Molloy SF, Koulla-Shiro S, Delaporte E, Dromer F, Harrison T, Lortholary O. Cryptococcal Antigen Screening in Asymptomatic HIV-Infected Antiretroviral Naïve Patients in Cameroon and Evaluation of the New Semi-Quantitative Biosynex CryptoPS Test. Front Microbiol. 2018; 9: 409.

11 Biosynex Conclusions Excellent Specificity
78% (11/14) Sensitivity of Serum (95%CI: 49% to 95%) 92% (11/12) Sensitivity of Plasma (95%CI: 61% to 99%) 4 of 4 CSF samples CrAg positive. Of serum specimens with Immy titers of <1:100, only 2 of 5 were positive by Biosynex Missed titers of 1:10 and 1:20 Detected one at 1:20 and one at 1:80. Needs more validation on CSF and low blood titers Temfack E, Kouanfack C, Mossiang L, Loyse A, Fonkoua MC, Molloy SF, Koulla-Shiro S, Delaporte E, Dromer F, Harrison T, Lortholary O. Cryptococcal Antigen Screening in Asymptomatic HIV-Infected Antiretroviral Naïve Patients in Cameroon and Evaluation of the New Semi-Quantitative Biosynex CryptoPS Test. Front Microbiol. 2018; 9: 409.

12 StrongStep CrAg Validation
Retrospective and Prospective components Kampala and Mbarara, Uganda Plasma Immy CrAg+ Immy CrAg- StrongStep CrAg+ 54 12 StrongStep Crag- 1 101 CSF Immy CrAg+ Immy CrAg- StrongStep CrAg+ 101 1 StrongStep Crag- 41 Mpoza E, Mukaremera L, Kundura DA, Akampurira A, Luggya T, Tadeo KK, Pastick KA, Bridge SC, Tugume L, Kiggundu R, Musubire AK, Williams DA, Muzoora C, Nalintya E, Rajasingham R, Rhein J, Boulware DR, Meya DB, Abassi M. PLoS One. 2018; 13(1):e doi: /journal.pone

13 Strongstep CrAg LFA performance
Sample N Sensitivity Specificity Adjusted Positive Predictive Value Adjusted Negative Predictive Value P-value CSF 143 100% (101/101) 98% (41/42) 96% 0.99 Plasma 167 (54/55) 90% (101/112) 50% 99.8% 0.009 The adjusted positive and negative predictive values are calculated for a CrAg antigenemia prevalence of 9% in Kampala, Uganda and cryptococcal meningitis prevalence of 37% in Sub-Saharan Africa Mpoza E, Mukaremera L, Kundura DA, Akampurira A, Luggya T, Tadeo KK, Pastick KA, Bridge SC, Tugume L, Kiggundu R, Musubire AK, Williams DA, Muzoora C, Nalintya E, Rajasingham R, Rhein J, Boulware DR, Meya DB, Abassi M. PLoS One. 2018; 13(1):e doi: /journal.pone

14 StrongStep Discordant Specimens
StrongStep CrAg LFA Immy CrAg Plasma Immy CrAg CSF CSF culture Clinical Diagnosis Classification CSF 1 Positive N/A Negative No Meningitis False Positive Plasma 39,000 CFU/mL Cryptococcal Meningitis False Negative 2 Viral Meningitis 9 No CrAg Antigenemia Conclusions: A Validation study is more than 2 x 2 table. One needs to define cases and controls based on their true disease state. This is more difficult, requires collection of clinical outcome data – not just samples Mpoza E, Mukaremera L, Kundura DA, Akampurira A, Luggya T, Tadeo KK, Pastick KA, Bridge SC, Tugume L, Kiggundu R, Musubire AK, Williams DA, Muzoora C, Nalintya E, Rajasingham R, Rhein J, Boulware DR, Meya DB, Abassi M. PLoS One. 2018; 13(1):e doi: /journal.pone

15 Dynamiker CrAg LFA Data Courtesy of: Jahit Sacarlal
Retrospective pilot, n=10 CSF 5 CrAg+ Immy = Dynamiker CrAg+ 5 CrAg- Immy = Dynamiker CrAg- Prospective Two lab Study in Maputo, Mozambique One clinical site Two blinded, independent labs CSF Culture Lab 1 Culture+ Lab 1 Culture- Dynamiker CrAg+ 8 1 Dynamiker CrAg- 21 Sacarlal J, Lucas G, Simbine S, Relvas V, Quiboane ZC, Mogodiri T, Sun K. Evaluation of the Dynamiker Cryptococcal Antigen Lateral Flow Assay (LFA) in HIV patient admitted in Mozambique. Unpublished

16 Inter-lab Agreement CSF Culture Lab 1 Culture+ Lab 1 Culture-
6 2 Lab 2 Culture- 22 CSF Lab 1 India Ink+ Lab 1 India Ink- Lab 2 India Ink+ 5 3 Lab 2 India Ink- 22 Sacarlal J, Lucas G, Simbine S, Relvas V, Quiboane ZC, Mogodiri T, Sun K. Evaluation of the Dynamiker Cryptococcal Antigen Lateral Flow Assay (LFA) in HIV patient admitted in Mozambique. Unpublished

17 Dynamiker Manufacturer Data
In Vitro Control Reagent+ Control Reagent- Dynamiker CrAg+ 122 1 Dynamiker CrAg- 5 19 PLATELIA™ commercial reagent Sensitivity: 96% Specificity 95% CSF Case Adjudication+ Case Adjudication- Dynamiker CrAg+ 122 1 Dynamiker CrAg- 24 Sensitivity: 100% Specificity 95% Manufacturer Study: Methods very unclear. Use latex agglutination (?Brand), culture, and case adjudication as ref standard.

18 References StrongStep
Mpoza E, Mukaremera L, Kundura DA, Akampurira A, Luggya T, Tadeo KK, Pastick KA, Bridge SC, Tugume L, Kiggundu R, Musubire AK, Williams DA, Muzoora C, Nalintya E, Rajasingham R, Rhein J, Boulware DR, Meya DB, Abassi M. PLoS One ; 13(1):e doi: /journal.pone Biosynex Temfack E, Kouanfack C, Mossiang L, Loyse A, Fonkoua MC, Molloy SF, Koulla- Shiro S, Delaporte E, Dromer F, Harrison T, Lortholary O. Cryptococcal Antigen Screening in Asymptomatic HIV-Infected Antiretroviral Naïve Patients in Cameroon and Evaluation of the New Semi-Quantitative Biosynex CryptoPS Test. Front Microbiol Mar 13;9:409. doi: /fmicb Dynamiker Sacarlal J, Lucas G, Simbine S, Relvas V, Quiboane ZC, Mogodiri T, Sun K. Evaluation of the Dynamiker Cryptococcal Antigen Lateral Flow Assay (LFA) in HIV patient admitted in Mozambique. Unpublished

19 What Specimen to Test: Distribution of CrAg positivity in Clinical Meningitis in Uganda 2013-17
CrAg test requires performance on CSF and blood (serum, plasma, or whole blood)

20 Discussion General Discussion
Information to be included with an application for inclusion in the WHO List of Essential In Vitro Diagnostics Device (IVD)s.

21 Box 1. Info to be included with an application for inclusion in the WHO List of IVDs
1. Summary statement of the proposal for inclusion: Cryptococcal meningitis as the most common cause of meningitis in Africa requires diagnostics. Microscopy alone is insufficient as for example, the most common cause of meningitis with negative CSF India Ink is still cryptococcal meningitis. 2. Name of the focal point in WHO submitting the application ? 3. Name of the organization(s) consulted and/or supporting the application Essential Diagnostics for Advanced HIV Disease Meeting, April 2018 4. Generic name (and brand name when only one IVD is suitable/available) of the IVD as appropriate: Cryptococcal Antigen lateral flow assay 5. Whether listing is requested as a specific IVD from a single manufacturer or as a type of IVD technology. IVD Technology 6. Information supporting the public health relevance (epidemiological information on disease burden, assessment of current use, target population) Rajasingham, R et al. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2017 Target Population: HIV-infected persons with advanced disease or CNS symptoms

22 Box 1. Info to be included with an application for inclusion in the WHO List of IVDs
7. Characteristics of the IVD: intended use: both diagnosis and screening product presentation: Lateral flow assay + cassette infrastructure level requirement: none/minimal target user: all levels of healthcare system sample type and volume: CSF, serum, plasma ~40mcL sample handling: minimal, + Blood processing Performance: >98% sensitivity and 99% specificity Specificity important on blood. Sensitivity with a range of titers, detectable to 1:5 of Immy titer time to results: <20 minutes storage conditions: room temperature operation conditions: shipping requirements: Room Temp training requirements: associated equipment: Pippette Throughput: variable need for maintenance: None Connectivity: N/A

23 Box 1. Info to be included with an application for inclusion in the WHO List of IVDs
8. Use of the IVD details (as part of a diagnostic testing algorithm; reference to existing WHO and other clinical guidelines; need for special diagnostic or treatment facilities and skills) Pre-ART Screening in CD4<200 as per 2017 WHO Guidelines for Advanced HIV Disease Suspected Meningitis (Blood and CSF) 9. Summary of laboratory evaluation studies Previously Summarized (Expand for prior published Immy studies) 10. Summary of validation studies in a variety of clinical settings: Identification of clinical evidence (search strategy, systematic reviews identified, reasons for selection/exclusion of particular data) Summary of available data (appraisal of quality, performance, ease of use, summary of results)

24 Box 1. Info to be included with an application for inclusion in the WHO List of IVDs
11. Summary of evidence on safety. N/A 12. Summary of data on comparative cost and cost-effectiveness: Screening: Rajasingham JAIDS 2012; Jarvis PLoS One 2013 Meningitis Dx: Durski K. JAIDS 2013 13. Summary of regulatory status of the IVD: FDA Approval: Immy CE Mark (EU): Immy, Biosynex WHO PQ: Not available from WHO for most common cause of meningitis. 14. Proposed text for the WHO List of Essential IVDs. Text:

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