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Success Criteria LT: Today’s Agenda

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1 Success Criteria LT: Today’s Agenda
I will write formal proofs showing how triangles are congruent when two corresponding angles and the included side are congruent. Think of three things you can do to help insure your success in this class I can … I can… Success Criteria Today’s Agenda Do Now Lesson HW#1 I can write formal proofs showing how triangles are congruent when two corresponding angles and the included side are congruent.

2 Second Semester Changes
Quiz corrections alone will no longer bump you up to a 3 Must have the homework related to the quiz turned in order to get your grade bumped up to a 3 Otherwise quiz corrections will only get you bumped up one point

3 Come to class ready to work-personal business stays outside
Come in, sit down and get to work Phones must remain out of sight Set your phone on shuffle and put it in your pocket No talking during the lesson and private reasoning time until prompted No bathroom breaks during the lesson Wait until the lesson is over 10 10 still applies Respect others Please don’t put people down-even if you are joking Respect that others are trying to learn-don’t disrupt

4 G.6 Proving Triangles Congruent Visit
For 100’s of free powerpoints.

5 The Idea of Congruence Two geometric figures with exactly the same size and shape. A C B D E F

6 How much do you need to know. . . . . . about two triangles to prove that they are congruent?

7 Corresponding Parts Previously we learned that if all six pairs of corresponding parts (sides and angles) are congruent, then the triangles are congruent. B A C AB  DE BC  EF AC  DF  A   D  B   E  C   F E D F ABC   DEF

8 Do you need all six ? NO ! SSS SAS ASA AAS HL

9 The triangles are congruent by SSS.
Side-Side-Side (SSS) If the sides of one triangle are congruent to the sides of a second triangle, then the triangles are congruent. B A C Side E Side F D Side AB  DE BC  EF AC  DF ABC   DEF The triangles are congruent by SSS.

10 side-angle-side, or just SAS.
Included Angle The angle between two sides GIH I GHI H HGI G This combo is called side-angle-side, or just SAS.

11 The other two angles are the NON-INCLUDED angles.
Name the included angle: YE and ES ES and YS YS and YE S Y E  YES or E  YSE or S  EYS or Y The other two angles are the NON-INCLUDED angles.

12 Side-Angle-Side (SAS) The triangles are congruent by SAS.
If two sides and the included angle of one triangle are congruent to the two sides and the included angle of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent. included angle B E Side F A C Side D AB  DE A   D AC  DF Angle ABC   DEF The triangles are congruent by SAS.

13 Warning: No SSA Postulate
There is no such thing as an SSA postulate! Side Angle Side The triangles are NOTcongruent!

14 There is no such thing as an SSA postulate!
Warning: No SSA Postulate There is no such thing as an SSA postulate! NOT CONGRUENT!

15 If we know that the two triangles are right triangles!
BUT: SSA DOES work in one situation! If we know that the two triangles are right triangles! Side Side Side Angle

16 These triangles ARE CONGRUENT by HL!
We call this HL, for “Hypotenuse – Leg” Remember! The triangles must be RIGHT! Hypotenuse Hypotenuse Leg RIGHT Triangles! These triangles ARE CONGRUENT by HL!

17 The triangles are congruent by HL.
Hypotenuse-Leg (HL) If the hypotenuse and a leg of a right triangle are congruent to the hypotenuse and a leg of another right triangle, then the triangles are congruent. Right Triangle Leg Hypotenuse AB  HL CB  GL C and G are rt.  ‘s ABC   DEF The triangles are congruent by HL.

18 Reflexive Sides and Angles
Vertical Angles, Reflexive Sides and Angles When two triangles touch, there may be additional congruent parts. Vertical Angles Reflexive Side side shared by two triangles

19 Name That Postulate SAS SAS SSA AAS Vertical Angles Reflexive Property
(when possible) Vertical Angles Reflexive Property SAS SAS Vertical Angles Reflexive Property SSA AAS Not enough info!

20 Reflexive Sides and Angles
When two triangles overlap, there may be additional congruent parts. Reflexive Side side shared by two triangles Reflexive Angle angle shared by two

21 DAY 2

22 Success Criteria LT: Today’s Agenda
I will write formal proofs showing how triangles are congruent when two corresponding angles and the included side are congruent. Success Criteria Today’s Agenda Do Now Lesson HW#2 I can write formal proofs showing how triangles are congruent when two corresponding angles and the included side are congruent.

23 angle-side-angle, or just ASA.
Included Side The side between two angles GI GH HI This combo is called angle-side-angle, or just ASA.

24 The other two sides are the NON-INCLUDED sides.
Name the included side: Y and E E and S S and Y S Y E YE ES SY The other two sides are the NON-INCLUDED sides.

25 Angle-Side-Angle (ASA) The triangles are congruent by ASA.
If two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to the two angles and the included side of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent. included side B E Angle Side F A C D Angle A   D AB  DE  B   E ABC   DEF The triangles are congruent by ASA.

26 Angle-Angle-Side (AAS) The triangles are congruent by AAS.
If two angles and a non-included side of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding angles and side of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent. Non-included side B A C Angle E D F Side Angle A   D  B   E BC  EF ABC   DEF The triangles are congruent by AAS.

27 There is no such thing as an AAA postulate!
Warning: No AAA Postulate There is no such thing as an AAA postulate! Different Sizes! Same Shapes! E B A C F D NOT CONGRUENT!

28 Congruence Postulates

29 Name That Postulate (when possible) SAS ASA SSA AAS Not enough info!

30 Name That Postulate AAA SSS SSA SSA HL (when possible)
Not enough info! SSS SSA SSA Not enough info! HL

31 Name That Postulate SSA SSA AAA HL (when possible) Not enough info!

32 Let’s Practice B  D AC  FE A  F
Indicate the additional information needed to enable us to apply the specified congruence postulate. For ASA: B  D For SAS: AC  FE A  F For AAS:

33 Try Some Proofs End Slide Show
What’s Next Try Some Proofs End Slide Show

34 Choose a Problem. Problem #1 SSS Problem #2 SAS Problem #3 ASA
End Slide Show Problem #1 SSS Problem #2 SAS Problem #3 ASA

35 AAS Problem #4 Statements Reasons Given Given AAS Postulate
Vertical Angles Thm Given AAS Postulate

36 HL Problem #5 Statements Reasons Given Given Reflexive Property
Given ABC, ADC right s, Prove: Statements Reasons Given 1. ABC, ADC right s Given Reflexive Property HL Postulate

37 Congruence Proofs 1. Mark the Given. 2. Mark …
Reflexive Sides or Angles / Vertical Angles Also: mark info implied by given info. 3. Choose a Method. (SSS , SAS, ASA) 4. List the Parts … in the order of the method. 5. Fill in the Reasons … why you marked the parts. 6. Is there more?

38 Given implies Congruent Parts
segments midpoint angles parallel segments segment bisector angles angle bisector angles perpendicular

39 Example Problem

40 … and what it implies Step 1: Mark the Given

41 Reflexive Sides Vertical Angles Step 2: Mark . . . … if they exist.

42 Step 3: Choose a Method SSS SAS ASA AAS HL

43 Step 4: List the Parts S A … in the order of the Method STATEMENTS
REASONS S A … in the order of the Method

44 Step 5: Fill in the Reasons
STATEMENTS REASONS S A S (Why did you mark those parts?)

45 Step 6: Is there more? STATEMENTS REASONS S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A S

46 Congruent Triangles Proofs
1. Mark the Given and what it implies. 2. Mark … Reflexive Sides / Vertical Angles 3. Choose a Method. (SSS , SAS, ASA) 4. List the Parts … in the order of the method. 5. Fill in the Reasons … why you marked the parts. 6. Is there more?

47 Using CPCTC in Proofs According to the definition of congruence, if two triangles are congruent, their corresponding parts (sides and angles) are also congruent. This means that two sides or angles that are not marked as congruent can be proven to be congruent if they are part of two congruent triangles. This reasoning, when used to prove congruence, is abbreviated CPCTC, which stands for Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent.

48 Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles
For example, can you prove that sides AD and BC are congruent in the figure at right? The sides will be congruent if triangle ADM is congruent to triangle BCM. Angles A and B are congruent because they are marked. Sides MA and MB are congruent because they are marked. Angles 1 and 2 are congruent because they are vertical angles. So triangle ADM is congruent to triangle BCM by ASA. This means sides AD and BC are congruent by CPCTC.

49 Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles
A two column proof that sides AD and BC are congruent in the figure at right is shown below: Statement Reason MB Given ÐB Ð2 Vertical angles DBCM ASA BC CPCTC

50 Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles
A two column proof that sides AD and BC are congruent in the figure at right is shown below: Statement Reason MB Given ÐB Ð2 Vertical angles DBCM ASA BC CPCTC

51 Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles
Sometimes it is necessary to add an auxiliary line in order to complete a proof For example, to prove ÐO in this picture Statement Reason FO Given OU UF reflexive prop. DFOU SSS ÐO CPCTC

52 Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles
Sometimes it is necessary to add an auxiliary line in order to complete a proof For example, to prove ÐO in this picture Statement Reason FO Given OU UF Same segment DFOU SSS ÐO CPCTC

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