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Why did Ghana get its independence?

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Presentation on theme: "Why did Ghana get its independence?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why did Ghana get its independence?
C aim – to explain why Ghana got its independence B aim – to justify why you think Ghana got its independence using Anderson’s ideas and detailed facts Get your homework out and mark it. It should look something like this... 1950 – national strike against the British supported the growth of imagined communities and nationalism. Britain allows a new constitution to promote development. Allows Nkrumah out of prison as he is elected as leader. CPP becomes self-governing colony. 1949 – Nkrumah breaks way from the UGCC to form the CPP. Membership across the whole colony and infrastructure has improved. Put pressure on for independence. 1947 – Nkrumah returns from abroad and founds the UGCC. Calls for self-government. Boycotts and a riot. Nkrumah briefly imprisoned. 1954 – CPP overwhelms ‘opposition’ to form one party Togoland joins and Nkrumah elected as PM for third time granted independence. 1946 – The Gold Coast legislature managed to get African black majority. Protests against swollen shoot disease across the North. Pre-WWII Nationalist groups in the cities grew but struggled to get their message out due to poor infrastructure.

2 Was Ghana decolonised because of African nationalism?
On your diagram highlight where... Nationalism clearly caused decolonisation Other factors clearly caused decolonisation – annotate next to them what this is Write a list of what caused Ghana to get its independence Write next to it facts to support it What do you think are the most important reasons for Ghana gaining its independence? Make sure you justify your answer with detailed facts and Anderson’s ideas.

3 Gambia

4 Gambia

5 Homework – due Tuesday – answer questions briefly on the sheet using your handout.
What was Jawara’s role in the independence of Gambia? What were the main steps to the independence of the Gambia? What reasons were there for the Gambia’s independence? Write down the reasons with knowledge next to them. What similarities and differences were there to Ghana? What similarities and differences were there to Kenya? In what ways was Nkrumah the father of nationalism in Gambia? In what ways was Nkrumah not the father of nationalism in Gambia? Was Nkrumah the father of nationalism in Gambia?

6 Homework – finish the questions.

7 Warning – you will be doing a decolonisation question in timed conditions next Thursday.

8 Considering what you now know about Ghana and Gambia...
Do you agree with the title of this book? If you had to adjust it, how would you adjust it?

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