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New Zealand economic update

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1 New Zealand economic update
June 2018 New Zealand economic update Liz Kendall, Senior Economist For additional Cover slides see the templates folder on your local share drive Security Classification All title slides must be classified. If ‘Restricted’, each content slide must also be classified. To determine the classification and handling requirements of information we must consider the consequences resulting from inappropriate or unauthorised handling such as fines, fraud or damage to our reputation. More information is available on the Security and Fraud Hub on Max.  The following provides high level guidance: Types of Security Classification: Public information is widely available without consequence; Internal information like that found on max, would have insignificant consequence if inappropriately disclosed; Confidential information such as divisional business plans or commercial contracts would have minor or moderate consequence; and Restricted information such as global financial performance information would have major or severe consequence if disclosed. INSTRUCTIONS If the classification required is ‘Restricted’, ensure that the classification appears on all slides - follow the steps below: Go to the Header & Footer button in the ANZ Ribbon. Tick Date and time and type ‘Restricted’ in the Fixed box. Make sure you type the same in the Footer box. Click on Apply to All. This will show ‘Restricted’ in both the title and content slides. If the classification required is ‘Public’ / ‘Internal’ / ‘Confidential’: Tick Footer and edit accordingly.

2 Looking pretty good Real GDP growth J:\Chart Packs\GDP Graphs.xlsx
Source: ANZ, Statistics NZ

3 Real GDP growth: headline and per capita
But not rock-star material J:\Chart Packs\GDP Graphs.xlsx Source: ANZ, Statistics NZ

4 Annual permanent and long-term migration
Not falling fast Bazaar – statistics nz – LABOUR MARKET AND POPULATION – EXTERNAL MIGRATION … Graphs sheet, cell B500 Source: ANZ, Statistics NZ

5 Net core Crown capital spending
Not enough J:\Liz\April 2018\Fiscal strategy model.xlsx Source: ANZ, Statistics NZ

6 Residential building consents
Building houses at full speed… Residential building consents Bazaar – Stats NZ – industry & sectoral – building consents – CHARTS sheet Source: ANZ, Statistics NZ

7 Finding a floor House price inflation
j/Property Focus/Housing analysis .xlsx CHARTS sheet Source: REINZ

8 House price-to-income ratios
Pick the problem j/Property Focus/Housing analysis .xlsx CHARTS sheet Source: REINZ, Statistics NZ, ANZ

9 ANZ Business Confidence and Own Activity
Downbeat j/chart packs/confidence Source: ANZ, Roy Morgan

10 ANZ Expected Profits and Investment Intentions
Following through j/chart packs/confidence Source: ANZ, Roy Morgan

11 Tourism strong but upside
Total visitor spend Tourism strong but upside limited Arrivals.xls B575 or j/philip/tourism/Visitor spend contribution.xlsx Source: ANZ, Statistics NZ

12 Terms of trade and exchange rate
Record high Chart packs – Terms of trade vs NZDUSD Sources: Statistics NZ, ANZ Research

13 Real GDP growth and confidence composite
The cycle has legs yet J:\MarkS\Confidence Composite.xlsx Sources: Statistics NZ, ANZ, Roy Morgan

14 Employment growth and wage inflation
inflation muted J:/Sharon/Charts that Matter/Contributing material…/HLFS employment vs LCI wage inflation Sources: Statistics NZ, ANZ Research

15 Reserve Bank on holiday
Monetary policy on hold Inflation is low and downside risks problematic. Pencilling in a hike in August 2019. But lots can happen between now and then. Reserve Bank on holiday Shocks often come from offshore….

16 VIX index (US equity volatility)
Global situation the wild card CHARTS THAT MATTER – global equities.xls Source: Bloomberg, ANZ Research

17 Share of exports to China
The only thing constant is change Source: Bloomberg, ANZ Research

18 NZ economy performing well but low-hanging fruit has been picked.
Around-trend growth expected with gradual pick up in inflation. RBNZ is firmly on hold. Economy looks structurally sound – the more significant risks lie offshore. 1 2 3 4 18

19 Presented by Liz Kendall
Thank you Presented by Liz Kendall

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