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Chapter 8 Major Histocompatibility Complex Dr. Capers

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1 Chapter 8 Major Histocompatibility Complex Dr. Capers

2 Antibodies can recognize antigen alone
T-cell receptors can only recognize antigen that has been processed and presented by Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Involves: Antigen processing Antigen presentation



5 Inheritance of MHC MHC coded by cluster of genes
Rejection of foreign tissue is due to immune response against cell surface molecules, histocompatibility antigens

6 Inheritance of MHC Collection of genes on chromosome 6 in humans (HLA complex) and chromosome 17 in mice (H-2 complex) Class I MHC genes Encode glycoproteins expressed on all nucleated cells Class II MHC genes Encode glycoproteins expressed on antigen-presenting cells (macrophages, B cells, dendritic cells) Class III MHC genes Encode various products involved in complement and inflammation

7 Inheritance of MHC

8 Inheritance of MHC Many different alleles exist at each locus among the population Each set of alleles is called a haplotype Genes of MHC lie close together so crossing over during meiosis occurs infrequently Individual inherits one haplotype from mom, one from dad Many in the population are heterozygous Alleles are codominant so expressed simultaneously

9 Inheritance of MHC Inbred strains will express identical haplotypes – homozygous Inbred mice are solid colors


11 Inheritance of MHC

12 MHC molecules Both Class I and Class II are membrane-bound glycoproteins Antigen-presenting molecules

13 Class I MHC Alpha α chain Beta β2-microglobulin Transmembrane
Encoded by A, B, and C regions in human MHC complex Beta β2-microglobulin Encoded by highly conserved gene on different chromosome

14 Class II Molecule α1 and α2 chain β1 and β2 chain Transmembrane

15 Figure b shows top View of peptide cleft

16 Every individual expresses small number of different Class I and Class II
Limited number of MHC must be able to present enormous array of different antigens MHC does not display specificity of Antibodies MHC is “promiscuous” 

17 In contrast, MHC molecules are fixed in the genes
Generation of B-cell receptors (antibodies) and T-cell receptors is dynamic, changing over-time Gene rearrangement In contrast, MHC molecules are fixed in the genes Differences in population due to large number of alleles In humans, ~370 A alleles, 660 B alleles, 190 C alleles

18 Location of genes Human Class I MHC are red Class II MHC are blue
Telomeric end of HLA complex Class II MHC are blue Centromeric end of HLA complex

19 Cellular Expression of MHC

20 MHC Restriction CD8+ Tc cells are MHC Class I restricted
Can only recognize antigen presented by MHC Class I molecules Therefore, cells with MHC Class I are called “taget cells”, killed by cytotoxic T cells CD4+ TH cells are MHC Class II restricted Cells with MHC Class II are called antigen-presenting cells (APCs)

21 MHC Restriction Mice immunized with lymphocytic choriomenigitis virus (LCM) Animal’s spleen cells were extracted (containing Tc cells) Cells were labeled with radioactive chromium, if lysed the chromium is released

22 Antigen Presenting Pathways
Cystolic Pathway Endogeneous antigens – produced in cell, in infected cell Antigens presented on MHC Class I to Tc cells Endocytic Pathway Exogeneous antigen – taken in by endocytosis by antigen-presenting cells and presented to TH cells by MHC Class II

23 Ubiquitin – targets protein for proteolysis
TAP – transporter protein that takes the target molecule into the RER to join with forming MHC

24 Figure below: (a) shows degradation of misfolded protein in infected cell (b) shows intact proteins linked to ubiquitin to be degraded in antigen presenting cells


26 Endocytic Pathway Exogenous

27 Invariant chain – since APCs have both MHC I and II, there
Must be way to prevent antigen meant for MHC I from binding To MHC II



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