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Session 1 Digital Skills

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1 Session 1 Digital Skills
What do we want to do online?

2 Session 1 Digital Skills
…create documents…browse the web…shop online…pay bills and complete online forms…banking…digital photography…social media…stream TV…download music…play games…apps…use the cloud….

3 Session 1 Digital Skills
Some of the Terminology we will be using… The Cloud Word Processing Package Application Programme Download Tool Bar Task Bar Minimise/Maximise Software Hardware You will not be tested or expected to remember all of this! If at any point I use a term you are unsure of just ask!

4 Session 1 Digital Skills
But mostly we want to work with confidence whilst being safe online

5 Session 1 Digital Skills
Lets get started… Find the windows button and press it, You will see a list of programmes. Find the calculator and open this programme. Most devices have a calculator it’s a simple programme. Minimise the calculator and notice it goes down to the bottom of the screen. Leave it there and find the programme called Paint.

6 Session 1 Digital Skills
Paint is a basic Graphic package. We will use it again to edit a digital photograph. Similar basic programmes or apps are often installed freely on tablets and smart phones. Open the programme called Paint Draw a shape Insert an arrow Change the outline colour Use the spray can to fill both shapes with colour Add some text

7 Session 1 Digital Skills
Minimise the Paint programme In “Pictures” create a folder called “Graphics” Maximise the Paint programme Save your Graphic using the “Save As” function into your folder. Close all open or minimised windows. Creating folders and storing your files in them saves time searching for them.

8 Session 1 Digital Skills
Wordpad is a basic word processing app or software. Click on the windows icon Next to the magnifying glass type “Wordpad” The programme “Wordpad” will be found in your search Open this programme by clicking on it Type into the page a brief notice advertising a forthcoming event for a local club or group Edit the: Heading font size and underline it

9 Session 1 Digital Skills
Create a visually attractive notice for printing out which catches the eye. Edit the: Heading font size and underline it Change the colour of the text Centre the notice Using the “File, Save As” function save your document into an appropriate folder (you will need to create the folder in “My Documents” Follow on activity: Insert the graphic you created earlier into the document you are creating.

10 Session 1 Digital Skills
You have completed session 1, well done! You have successfully : Created folders and saved work appropriately Created a graphic and saved it Created a document which could be ed, shared on social media, printed out or uploaded to a cloud to share with others Inserted your graphic into your document

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