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Welcome to PRIME+ Year 4 :: Day 1 October 21, 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to PRIME+ Year 4 :: Day 1 October 21, 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to PRIME+ Year 4 :: Day 1 October 21, 2014
Upon entry, teachers should have received their focus book, “5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematical Discussions”. Year 4 :: Day 1 October 21, 2014

2 Welcome to DAY 1! Facilitators: Nicole Crockett, Lisa Handyside, Brandy King, and David Sword Wayne RESA M/S Center Director: Libby Pizzo Program Coordinators: Carolyn Siebers, Roger Verhey Project Evaluator: Fredi Frost Welcome to Day 1! This is the time to introduce facilitators, site directors, etc., and to give a brief overview of the year’s focus. In this final year of the Statewide Algebra Initiative, Algebra for All PRIME Plus, we will be focusing on supporting teachers in a critical aspect of developing problem solvers – productive Mathematical Discourse. We have, for many years now, come to the understanding that effective problem solving in many cases is facilitated by learning and sharing with others. Hence the shift over the last 20 years toward Collaborative Learning and the like. Though in Algebra for All and Algebra for All PRIME, we have presented activities which encourage a more collaborative environment, we realize that using these activities in isolation is only a portion of the learning and sharing opportunities that can be present in a classroom setting. Our goal for this year is to support teachers in creative overall collaborative learning and sharing environments in their day-to-day practice. Housekeeping:

3 HOUSEKEEPING Housekeeping: Address any SCECH issues,
Discuss materials to be given (to new people) Discuss necessary evaluations

4 MAKING CONNECTIONS Overview/Making Connections
Making the Connection between what has been done and what we will be doing this year. Focus will be on grade level groups developing “research” lessons… This is a culmination of everything we’ve been working toward. – Libby will do… Participants may receive ?? SCECHs (formerly SB-CEUs) for each session. Please contact Libby for more information. Note: Amy is our SCECH representative: MAKING CONNECTIONS

5 ICE BREAKER Ice Breaker: Index Card Mix Up 15 min.
Each participant answers the following five questions on a note card without writing his/her name on the note card. Questions: What is one of your school colors? What grade(s) do you teach? What is one thing you could not live without? What is something you have to do regularly that you would love to eliminate? If you were in the Miss (Mr) America pageant, what would be your talent? Collect the note cards and redistribute one card to each participant. Each participant needs to find the author of the note card before he/she is found. You may not ask the exact questions from the notecard. Once a participant finds the author or is found, the participant returns to his/her seat. Discussion: What was your strategy in locating the author?

6 DO NOT write your name on the card!
Ice Breaker: Index Card Mix Up 15 min. Each participant answers the following five questions on a note card without writing his/her name on the note card. Questions: What is one of your school colors? What grade(s) do you teach? What is one thing you could not live without? What is something you have to do regularly that you would love to eliminate? If you were in the Miss (Mr) America pageant, what would be your talent? Collect the note cards and redistribute one card to each participant. Each participant needs to find the author of the note card before he/she is found. You may not ask the exact questions from the notecard. Once a participant finds the author or is found, the participant returns to his/her seat. Discussion: What was your strategy in locating the author?

7 What is ONE of your school colors?

8 What grade(s) do you teach?

9 What is something you could not live without?

10 What is something you have to do regularly that you would love to eliminate?

11 If you were in the Miss (Mr
If you were in the Miss (Mr.) America pageant, what would be your talent?

12 What was your strategy?

13 Mathematically Powerful? What are we doing differently?
What does it mean to be a Mathematically Powerful person? We did this last year, so allow a few repeat participants share. The question of the day is: “What changes have you made in your practice since PRIME, to make yourself a more powerful teacher?”

14 5 PRACTICE SCRAMBLE (please count off by…)
Put the 5 Practices Header Cards in order, then place each teacher statement under the correct heading. If you like, allow “PRIME Veterans” to share their experiences with using the Practices. Have teachers count off so there is a mixture between districts. Next, cut up the Header Sheets. Then, cut up the statements and sort them. Summarize each statement, then Write one of your own (each table).

15 5 PRACTICE SCRAMBLE In your groups:
Cut out the title cards first and place them in order. Summarize each practice. Cut out and sort the statement cards by practice. As a group, create an additional statement for each Practice. Put the 5 Practices Header Cards in order, then place each teacher statement under the correct heading. If you like, allow “PRIME Veterans” to share their experiences with using the Practices. Have teachers count off so there are a mixture between districts. Next, cut up the Header Sheets Then, cut up the statements and sort them. Summarize each statement, then Write one of your own (each table).


17 This data is used to support our project…
LMT ASSESSMENT For some, this is the 5th or 6th time they've taken the assessment and survey. While it may be lengthy, they can consider the questions on the test and where their students may be in their understanding. Additionally, PRIME funding is dependent on data, so the benefits far outweigh the cost of taking a test. This data is used to support our project…


Before lunch, survey participants to see what subject they want to focus on for the year (grade 6, 7, 8, Alg1, Alg2, Geo, other…). They will put their selection on a Post It, along with their name, on the appropriate Grade Level poster, (3 – 5 participants per group). THE GOAL IS to have more than one district at each table.

20 MATH CHALLENGE .999 1 > < =
> < = Just have fun with the one. The livelier the discussion, the better !

21 Proportional? …or Not? Buying Cheese
10 ounces of cheese costs $2.40 Ross wants to buy ……… ounces of cheese. Ross will have to pay $ Proportional? …or Not? This is another scissor task! Directions:  THINK-PAIR-SHARE Teachers first cut out and sort graphs by proportional and not proportional At their tables, teachers identify the “cards” they have in common (in each set) For the ones that cause disagreement, teachers must prove their case using number examples ON THEIR OWN CARDS. Note: multiple representations could begin coming out at this point. The cards that create “issues” (the cards with proofs) will be collected for whole group discussion.

22 Proportional? …or Not? First, INDEPENDENTLY cut and sort the “cards” according to whether or not they represent proportional situations. 7 mins. On the back of each card (or on scrap paper), present a mathematical/numerical explanation that “proves” your selection: proportional or not. 15mins. Then, share out with your table. If you disagree on any cards, present your numerical “proof”. This is another scissor task! Directions:  THINK-PAIR-SHARE Teachers first cut out and sort graphs by whether they proportional or not proportional. Next, they provide numerical “proof” for their answers (use simple numbers to fill in the blanks). At their tables, teachers identify the “cards” they have in common (in each set) For the ones that cause disagreement, teachers must prove their case using number examples ON THEIR OWN CARDS. Note: multiple representations could begin coming out at this point. The cards that create “issues” (the cards with proofs) will be collected for whole group discussion.

23 If you double one quantity, you double the other.
For each question, decide which statements are TRUE. Explain your answers. If you double one quantity, you double the other. The ratio First qty : second qty is always the same Speed, Time Speed : Time Another strategy to determine proportionality…

24 Some Questions Give reasons why it is important for students to recognize proportional relationships – versus those that are not. What are key features of direct proportionality? What are hindrances students face when they are unaware of proportional relationships. What are common mistakes students make when solving proportions? Table Questions

25 More Proportional Reasoning!

26 More Proportional Reasoning!
1. Independently: Select one problem Solve your problem as many ways as you can without using the cross product. Independently: Select one problem. Solve in as many ways without using the cross product. Designate 6 tables in the room. Those who worked on problem #1 will go to table #1 to discuss their strategies as a group. Each table will make a poster of the strategies used. Gallery walk the possible strategies. Compare and contrast: What strategies were used to solve more than one problem? Could the strategy used to solve problem #1 also work for another problem?

27 More Proportional Reasoning!
3. Find your “station” group and discuss the strategies used. 4. Make a poster displaying the strategies your station used to solve the problem. Independently: Select one problem. Solve in as many ways without using the cross product. Designate 6 tables in the room. Those who worked on problem #1 will go to table #1 to discuss their strategies as a group. Each table will make a poster of the strategies used. Gallery walk the possible strategies. Compare and contrast: What strategies were used to solve more than one problem? Could the strategy used to solve problem #1 also work for another problem?

Which strategies were used to solve more than one problem? Could strategies used for #1 (for example) also work for another problem? Homework is teaching the lesson to your students and reflecting on the strengths and weaknesses lessons response by students. Come to session #2 prepared to share/reflect with the group.



31 GOAL SETTING What is one goal you would like to set for yourself from now to the next session? Set a Goal What is one goal you would like to set for yourself from now to the next session? Share at tables. Discuss as a group.

32 Assessment/Evaluations
PRIME+ Assessment/Evaluations Re Thank you for your participation! Next Session (#2) November 17th – CADRE 1 November 21st – CADRE 2

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