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Atmospheric Impact of the Laki volcanic eruption

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1 Atmospheric Impact of the 1783-1784 Laki volcanic eruption
David Stevenson (University of Edinburgh) Thanks to: Ellie Highwood (Univ. Reading), Colin Johnson, Bill Collins, Dick Derwent (Met Office) Funding:

2 Talk Structure Motivations: volcanoes and the atmosphere Introduce:
The Laki eruption Atmospheric chemistry model Tropospheric sulphur cycle Model experiments & results Radiative forcing & climate impact Conclusions / problems

3 June 1991

4 June 1991

5 June 1991

6 Solar radiation Aerosol reflects Solar radiation – net cooling SO2 oxidises to H2SO4 aerosol: Residence time ~year (mid-stratosphere) weeks-months (UT/LS) days-weeks (troposphere) Ash falls out quickly (hours-days)

7 Pinatubo aerosol from the Space Shuttle
Aerosol layer ~20-25 km Tropopause ~15 km SO2 (gas) + OH → H2SO4 (aerosol)

8 Volcanoes and Climate Natural climate variability
How much of this is due to volcanoes? IPCC 2001

9 Volcanoes and Climate Test climate model sensitivity/response
Hansen et al IPCC, 2001 GISS GCM

10 Volcanoes and Climate Focus to date on large explosive eruptions, or those that leave a record in the Greenland or Antarctic ice. What about large effusive eruptions?

11 ‘Fires of the Earth – The Laki Eruption 1783-1784’
Eyewitness account of the eruption by the local vicar (Rev. Jon Steingrimsson) Recently reprinted by the University of Iceland, and translated into English 1/5 of Iceland’s population died (10,000 people) Much better than that cack by Tolkien


13 27 km long fissure 580 km2 of lava

14 1783-84 Laki eruption, Iceland
8 June 1783: 27 km long fissure opens 15 km3 of basalt erupted in 8 months 60 Tg(S) released 60% in first 6 weeks Fire-fountaining up to ~ m Eruption columns up to ~ km Tropopause at ~10 km ‘Dry fog’ or ‘blue haze’ recorded over Europe, Asia, N. Atlantic, Arctic, N. America This appears to have been a sulphuric acid aerosol layer in the troposphere and/or lower stratosphere

15 ~200m Fire-fountaining at Etna, 2002
Photos from Tom Pfeiffer’s web-site:


17 Environmental impacts
20% of the Icelandic population die Acid deposition destroys crops & grazing Similar impacts across Europe Cooling of NH (regionally extreme, e.g. Alaska) Cooling for several years (Franklin, 1785) Famine

18 Questions Using our best estimate of the Laki SO2 emissions, what is the modelled impact on the global atmospheric composition? Does it agree with observations? Can it generate a climate impact?

19 Atmospheric model: STOCHEM
Global 3-D chemistry-transport model Meteorology: HadAM3 GCM grid: 3.75° x 2.5° x 58 levels CTM: 50,000 air parcels, 1 hour timestep CTM output: 5° x 5° x 22 levels Detailed tropospheric chemistry CH4-CO-NOx-hydrocarbons detailed oxidant chemistry sulphur chemistry Normally used for air quality/climate studies This version has high resolution tropopause

20 STOCHEM framework Air parcel centres Eulerian grid from GCM provides
meteorology Interpolate met. data for each air parcel

21 For each air parcel Advection step
Interpolated winds, 4th order Runge-Kutta Plus small random walk component (=diffusion) Calculate emission and deposition fluxes Prescribe gridded emissions for NOx, CO, SO2, etc. Integrate chemistry Photochemistry (sunlight, clouds, etc.) Gas-phase chemistry (T, P, humidity, etc.) Aqueous-phase chemistry (cloud water, solubility, etc.) Mixing With surrounding parcels Convective mixing (using GCM convective clouds) Boundary layer mixing

22 Sulphur chemistry SO2 SO4
Oxidants normally determined by background photochemistry – but very high SO2 levels will deplete them SO2 gas emissions SO4 aerosol +OH +H2O2(aq) (in clouds) +O3(aq) Oxidation and deposition rates determine the SO2 lifetime dry(wet) deposition wet(dry) deposition Only deposition rates determine the SO4 lifetime

23 SO2 OH SO4 H2O2 O3 DMS MSA Present-day tropospheric sulphur cycle
0.29 Burden Tg(S) 1.1 Lifetime Days Fluxes in Tg(S)/yr OH SO4 6.3 0.81 5.3 Dry Wet Deposition 9.2 30 32 17 H2O2 O3 Wet Deposition 7.1 49 Dry Biomass burning 1.4 Anthro- pogenic 71 Volcanic 9 12 Oceanic DMS 15 4 MSA Soil 1

24 Laki sulphur emissions
Analysis of the S-content of undegassed magma suggests ~60 Tg(S) released by Laki (Thordarson et al., 1996) ~1990 global annual anthropogenic input Compare to Pinatubo: ~20 Tg(S) What was the vertical profile of emissions?

25 1990 Anthropogenic SO2 emissions (annual total)
Laki value 61 Total 72 Peak value ~2 0.1 1 10 100 Tg(S)/yr/5x5

26 Model experiments 1990 atmosphere
Background ‘pre-industrial’ atmosphere Two Laki emissions cases ‘lo’: emissions evenly distributed 0-9 km ‘hi’: 75% emissions at 8-12 km, 25% at 0-3 km All runs had fixed (‘ ’) meteorology No attempt made to simulate 1783 weather Run for one year following start of eruption Generate aerosol distributions No feedback between aerosols  climate Calculate radiative forcings and climate effects later

27 Zonal mean JJA SO2 & sulphate
Pre-industrial background SO2 Laki Tropopause SO4

28 July SO2 (ppbv) Laki hi Surface 0.5 km 550 hPa 5 km 350 hPa 8 km
0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 350 hPa 8 km 200 hPa 12 km 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100

29 July SO4 (pptv) Laki hi Surface 0.5 km 550 hPa 5 km 350 hPa 8 km
100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 350 hPa 8 km 200 hPa 12 km 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000

30 Laki SO4 evolution Surface Upper Trop Lower Strat lo hi 90°N Eq 90°S
June 1783 May 1784 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 SO4 / pptv 90°N hi Eq 90°S

31 Laki sulphur budget SO2 SO4 Hi case 22 Tg(S) or 89 Tg (H2SO4.2H2O) gas
aerosol 16% Emissions 61 Tg(S) 16% +H2O2(aq) +O3(aq) 4% Dry dep 28% Wet dep 37% Dry dep 10% Wet dep 90%

32 Impact on oxidants (JJA)
H2O2 OH O3

33 Laki Sulphate budget (JJA)
LS tSO4 = 67 days (no transport: >7 yrs) UT tSO4 = 10 days (no transport: 32 days) LT tSO4 = 5.3 days

34 Acid deposition to Greenland

35 Greenland Ice-core data
H2SO4 deposition rates mg(S)/m2/yr Modelled Observed Background 5.0 Laki 63-65 18-107

36 Total atmospheric aerosol mass

37 Aerosol yield/peak loading
Total yield Peak load This work 51-66 Clausen & Hammer(1988) 280 - Zielinski (1995) ~40 Stothers (1996) 150 4.5 Clausen et al (1997) Thordarson and Self (2002) 200 (~150?) Tg(H2SO4)

38 Radiative forcing & Climate impact Ellie Highwood (Reading Univ)
Aerosol fields inserted into Reading IGCM 3 experiments: 1. Hi/long decay (10 month e-fold) 2. Hi/short decay (3.6 month e-fold) 3. Lo Each has a 10 member ensemble of 3 yr runs Compare to control run with no forcing Only direct aerosol effect

39 Radiative forcings

40 Climate Impact lo hi

41 Climate impact Hi runs have NH cooling of –0.21K, in good agreement with observations (-0.14 to –0.27K) Lo runs show no significant cooling BUT: runs neglect indirect aerosol effects Hi runs also have cooling persisting for 3 years, due to feedbacks (ice/snow albedo)

42 Conclusions(1) 1st attempt at chemistry-climate modelling of the Laki eruption Simulated a sulphate aerosol cloud across much of the NH during the 8-month eruption Deposition to Greenland similar to ice-core record 60-70% of emitted SO2 is deposited before forming aerosol (previous studies assumed it all formed aerosol) Mean lifetime ~week Atmospheric loading less than previous estimates

43 Conclusions(2) Oxidants H2O2 & OH strongly depleted
lengthens the SO2 lifetime more likely to be deposited as SO2 Climate modelling suggests Hi scenario gives ~0.2K cooling, and persists for >2 years; this matches observations But: many processes missing For more info: 2 papers in ACP:

44 Problems(1) Volcanology: Emissions uncertain
Magnitude Vertical profile Temporal distribution – episodic Plume processes, e.g. scavenging of SO2/SO4 by ash in the eruption column

45 Problems(2) Chemistry modelling Not fully coupled
No aerosol microphysics No coupling of aerosol to photolysis rates Only 1 heterogeneous reaction (N2O5 loss)

46 Problems(3) Climate model
Simplified radiation scheme – more bands suggest forcing is smaller by factor 0.6 Humidity assumptions – 80% RH increases forcing by factor 2.6 No aerosol indirect effects Climate sensitivity low compared to other models: suggests duration of forcing may be underestimated

47 2 Papers in Atmospheric Physics & Chemistry:

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