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[Project Title] Presenter: [Presenter Name]

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Presentation on theme: "[Project Title] Presenter: [Presenter Name]"— Presentation transcript:

1 [Project Title] Presenter: [Presenter Name]
PD: [Project Director Name if not Presenter] [Organization] BFRDP Award # [201X XXXXX]

2 Project Overview [VERY brief project overview – recap key points from last year’s presentation but not in such detail: Audience (who & where they are, type of farming/ranching) Key approaches Overall target outcome: by the end of this project we will have helped XX BFRs start/improve their farms by … [what measurable outcomes?]

3 Project Accomplishments
What have you accomplished so far (key milestones)?

4 Impacts and Evaluation
[What are some overarching, measurable impacts of your project, so far?] [If you don’t yet know, what evaluation techniques are you employing/planning to employ?]

5 Lessons Learned & Best Practices
[What did you discover that other BFRDP grantees could benefit from knowing?] [Be sure to mention any curricula/resources/references that are useful]

6 Next Year & After [What is planned for the next year of the project?]
[Any plans for the organization beyond the third year of funding?]

7 Questions? [Presenter Contact Information] [Organization Website/Contact Info]

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