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MAV Optical Navigation

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Presentation on theme: "MAV Optical Navigation"— Presentation transcript:

1 MAV Optical Navigation
Update October 5, 2011 Adrian Fletcher, Jacob Schreiver, Justin Clark, & Nathan Armentrout

2 Agenda Progress Goals Questions Refined High Level Algorithm Flowchart
Lots of Research Goals Questions

3 Progress – Refined High Level Algorithm
Scan for landmark candidates Define a landmark Make 3D map Plan a path Follow path

4 Progress – Lots of Research
Adrian is in the progress of reverse- engineering OpenTLD, Lucas-Kanade tracker Jacob has been working on the object recognition Involves SURF Both combined to make the full tracker Nathan began research on 3D mapping Justin researched JavaCV ObjectFinder

5 Goals Image Processing Documentation
Finish Lucas-Kanade portion of tracker Integrate tracker with object recognition Determine egomotion of camera Begin machine learning for tracking Documentation Improve SyRS Begin SDS

6 Questions for Dr. Lauf Do you have a particular static, closed environment in mind? Boxes? No boxes? Should someone be defining this?

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