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eGovernment Program AgLearn Overview Phase 1 March 2004

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1 eGovernment Program AgLearn Overview Phase 1 March 2004

2 Agenda eLearning Initiative Overview What is an LMS?
LMS Benefits and Features Integration Approach Learning Management Future Phases Next Steps

3 Enterprise-Wide eLearning Benefits
An Enterprise-wide eLearning capability will provide financial benefits while at the same time improve the training opportunities available at USDA. Strategic Benefits Enhance the skill development of USDA employees by providing access to a wide array of training not previously available; and Coordinate management, and promote interagency collaboration, of Federal eLearning services. Utilize common soft skill content from Presidential eTraining initiative. Financial Benefits Eliminate redundancies among training offered within the enterprise; Allow for economies of scale in the enterprise-wide purchase of eLearning products and services; and Reduce travel expenses, training delivery costs, and training administration costs. Operational Benefits Transform the learning experience to include more online courses, in lieu of costly traditional training methods; Link competency requirements and individual development plans; Provide access to content from other government agencies; Agency trainers will be able to devote their time to what they do best--training--rather than administration of IT systems; and USDA LMS will become the official System of Record to store all training histories and training content.

4 Enterprise-Wide eLearning Solution
An Enterprise-wide solution will also provide many intangible benefits… Intangible Benefits Improving training effectiveness, resulting in a better-educated and more knowledgeable workforce characterized by improved judgment and decision-making Enabling a single, web-based access point for class registration and the training catalog eases administration processes associated with training provided by outside partner institutions Allowing employees access to training content, class registration, and course catalogs from any location at any time using a web browser Automating administrative tasks, which allows administrators to focus on value added functions like course preparation, course review, and performance review

5 Reduction of Duplicative Services and Systems
To realize economies of scale and reductions in cost requires a consolidation of existing USDA training systems. TRAI (Training Information System) - USDA training system maintained by NFC containing USDA employee training histories. TIPS (Training Integrated Personnel System) A training system used by Forest Service to manage the registration, approval process, and costs associated with training. VTA (Virtual Training Assistant) Training system used by Food Safety and Inspection Service and Forest Service to manage registration of classroom and other types of training. RMA Distance Learning - A training creation and delivery system used by RMA.

6 Migration & Integration of Training Systems
For some USDA training systems providing unique services and capabilities, they will operate cooperatively with the USDA LMS. I-CAMS Training Delivery and Management A component of the I-CAMS personnel system used Service Center agencies to track and manage instructor-led training. APHIS Agency Readiness Center A system developed for the APHIS Veterinary Services to train and deploy First Responders. RMA Distance Learning - A training creation and delivery system used by RMA.

7 AgLearn - Phase 1 Phase 1 of the LMS implementation will include the following: 10 USDA Agencies with 7,500 users Configuration of enterprise-based LMS settings including domains, organizations, student management, and security roles Integration of “off-the-shelf” and custom USDA e-learning courseware Migration of existing student data from the GoLearn (student data and training history) USDA Customized User Interface branding Operations Services and Tier 1 Help Desk Support System Environment Maintenance and Hosting, including Courseware hosting Configuration of online exams One-way batch interface from I-CAMS (PeopleSoft 8.0) for student profile and training history Migration of training history from GoLearn, I-CAMS, and TRAI

8 Agenda eLearning Initiative Overview What is an LMS?
LMS Benefits and Features Integration Approach Learning Management Future Phases Next Steps

9 What is an LMS? A Learning Management System (LMS) is a software application that enables the delivery and management of all facets of training. An LMS allows individuals and groups of users to: Manage classrooms, learning assets, instructors, schedules, learning paths, and all of the necessary components to deliver training View complete course listings and course information Register, schedule, and track all training activity Create, edit, manage and deliver content Track competency and certification progress Personalize training and development plans Manage payments

10 How will an LMS be used by USDA?
The AgLearn LMS will provide for the management and delivery of USDA’s training and career development, and other capabilities. Phase 1: Management and Delivery of Training Other Functions AgLearn Phase 1: Career Development Plans Reporting Future Phases: Competencies Skill Assessments Certification Programs Course Catalog Traditional Classroom Virtual Classroom Online Training

11 Agenda eLearning Initiative Overview What is an LMS?
LMS Benefits and Features Integration Approach Learning Management Future Phases Next Steps

12 AgLearn Users Users of AgLearn will include not only USDA employees, but also others who work closely with USDA. USDA employees, including: Agency Personnel First Responders (USDA Homeland Security) Domestic and Foreign Nationals Others working with USDA programs, such as: Federal State and Local such as Wild Land Fire Fighters USDA Contractors and Partners, such as: Farmers Rural Housing Loan Officers Others

13 User Features The new AgLearn LMS provides USDA employees and others with the ability to: Search available training courses by title, subject area, or agency catalog Register for courses – online, instructor-led, virtual, and other Launch and Track Course – Record Scores Access Reference Materials and Training Systems Training and Support (ICAMS, IAS) Desktop Application Support (Microsoft Office) Business Skills (Supervisory Materials, Leadership, Project Management) Manage Certification Requirements Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR) Training Build Skills According to Competencies Identify skill requirements for next job level, series, or position 2210 Series in progress; Others being planned Fulfill Mandatory Training Requirements IT Security, Civil Rights, Ethics Deliver and record completion

14 USDA Supervisor/Manager Features
In addition to regular user features, USDA supervisors and managers will also be able to oversee the training activities of their employees, by the following: Assign specific training to employees through AgLearn Receive and Approve employee requests for USDA training Track employee training activity Receive Training Reports

15 Training Staff Features
Training Staff will be able to manage training more efficiently by using AgLearn to: Centrally manage and track learning for entire assigned organization, group, or individual Ability to leverage training across and within USDA agencies Access reports containing agency training activity Deliver online training materials, surveys, and exams Schedule and manage instructor-led classes, online training, and virtual meetings Manage facilities, assets, and courses (e.g., instructor, classroom, equipment) Create certification and specialized training programs such as new employee orientation, COTR training, and others

16 Agenda eLearning Initiative Overview What is an LMS?
LMS Benefits and Features Integration Approach Learning Management Future Phases Next Steps

17 eLearning Migration & Integration Strategy
Current Environment Future USDA LMS Citizens Business Partners Presidential Initiative: Improve education and training services through e-Training Isolated Systems and Agency Coordination Manual Process Employees Enterprise eLearning Solution and Integration Agency Training Systems Departmental I-CAMS VTA TIPS HR Finance AgLearn LMS Online Courseware Collaboration Traditional Classroom TRAI APHIS & RMA LMS Other Data bases Procurement (IAS) Skills Assessment Content Management USDA Initiative: build enterprise-wide capabilities for managing training Training Admin Duplication of Activities and Services Limited System and Business Capabilities Lack of Enterprise-wide Coordination Manual, non-Standardized Processes Cost Prohibitive HR Finance / Procurement

18 Integrated Approach and Platform
The eLearning solution is built upon an integrated approach and platform for delivering new capabilities to USDA. Centralized Hosting of Learning Solutions GoLearn hosting facility at GP-eLearning (GPE) will include the following components: Learning Management System – AgLearn Delivery and management of training and career development Learning Content and Courseware GoLearn COTS Courseware (e.g., NETg, SkillSoft, Karta) Custom Courseware, CBT, WBT Reference Materials, Job Aides, Procedures Web Meeting Services Internally hosted within USDA

19 Data Migration and Management
Starting from existing LMS’s and other USDA training systems, the new LMS will be a single repository for all USDA training activity. All USDA employees will have access to the AgLearn system by end of FY2004. GoLearn LMS (GeoLearning) COTS Courseware AgLearn hosted by GP-eLearning (GPE) Student Profile Data Training History USDA Courseware Student Profile Data COTS Courseware Other Internal USDA Training Systems Training History USDA Courseware Student Profile Data Training History

20 Transition of Sensitive Data
Current Employee Data Management Scheme Future Employee Data Management Scheme GoLearn Service Provider: Geo Learning GoLearn Service Provider: GPE Learning Hosts COTS Courseware and Employee Data in Canada Hosts USDA-specific Courseware and Employee Data in Pennsylvania COTS Courseware Employee Data COTS Courseware USDA Courseware Employee Data COTS courseware available through GoLearn.Gov is hosted by Geo Learning. Employee access and utilization uses the Geo Learning LMS services. COTS courseware and USDA-developed courseware is hosted by GPE Learning in Pennsylvania USDA employee data is hosted by GPE-Learning

21 Agenda eLearning Initiative Overview What is an LMS?
LMS Benefits and Features Integration Approach Learning Management Future Phases Next Steps

22 Approach to Learning Management
The AgLearn system is a role based system which provides for a secure environment to manage user permissions efficiently. Role Based System Student, Manager, Administrator Roles define learning management functionality, system authority, and available views Administrator Manager Manager Manager Student Student Student

23 Learning Management – Tailored Delivery
The enterprise LMS is customized to fit each agency’s training requirements. Through a student login, courseware can be assigned to specific groups (ie. Agencies) or made available to the “public” for all to view. AgLearn Public Catalog Agency 1 Agency 2 Student Student Catalog Catalog

24 Learning Management - Domains
The AgLearn system maps to USDA’s organization in a hierarchical structure using Domains. Following is a part of the Domain structure to be used in AgLearn. USDA Public Level Mission Area FNCS FSIS FFAS MRP NREE RD OCFO REE OHRM To be determined by each agency Agency Agency Locations and Other Sub-Domains Sub-Domain Sub-Domain

25 Agenda eLearning Initiative Overview What is an LMS?
LMS Benefits and Features Integration Approach Learning Management Future Phases Next Steps

26 Future Phases Following Phase 1 will be additional system rollouts to the remainder of USDA and other system enhancements as determined by agencies. Next Phases will include: Phased rollout to all USDA employees and agencies (FY2004) Competency and Skills Assessment Financial and Procurement System Integration (IAS) Multi-level supervisor approval process for training requests SF-182 Training Approval Process Entry of non-component items on development plan Agency specific customizations

27 Agenda eLearning Initiative Overview What is an LMS?
LMS Benefits and Features Integration Approach Learning Management Future Phases Next Steps

28 Phase 1 Launch of AgLearn
Next Steps Phase 1 Launch of AgLearn FY04 – Q2 10 Agencies with 7,500 users Phase 2 FY04 – Q3 Integration with eAuthentication solution Add additional estimated 60,000 users from APHIS FS FSA FSIS RMA Phase 3 FY04 – Q4 Remaining USDA Employees

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