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Lecture 3: Extending Classes Inheritance in Java

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1 Lecture 3: Extending Classes Inheritance in Java

2 Concept Inheritance: you can create new classes that are built on existing classes. Through the way of inheritance, you can reuse the existing class’s methods and fields, and you can also add new methods and fields to adapt the new classes to new situations Subclass and superclass Subclass and superclass have a IsA relationship: an object of a subclass IsA(n) object of its superclass

3 sample classes Superclass Subclass public class Person{
private String name; public Person ( ) { name = “no_name_yet”; } public Person ( String initialName ) { = initialName; public String getName ( ) { return name; public void setName ( String newName ) { name = newName; Subclass public class Student extends Person { private int studentNumber; public Student ( ) { super( ); studentNumber = 0; } public Student (String initialName, int initialStudentNumber) { super(initialName); studentNumber = initialStudentNumber; public int getStudentNumber ( ) { return studentNumber; public void setStudentNumber (int newStudentNumber ) { studentNumber = newStudentNumber;

4 Classes hierarchy Every class is an extended (inherited) class, whether or not it’s declared to be. If a class does not declared to explicitly extend any other class, then it implicitly extends the Object class Class hierarchy of previous example Object Person Student

5 Fields/Methods in Extended Classes
An object of an extended class contains two sets of variables and methods fields/methods which are defined locally in the extended class fields/methods which are inherited from the superclass What are the fields for a Student object in the previous example ?

6 Constructors in extended classes
A constructor of the extended class can invoke one of the superclass’s constructors by using the super method. If no superclass constructor is invoked explicitly, then the superclass’s no-arg constructor super( ) is invoked automatically as the first statement of the extended class’s constructor. Constructors are not methods and are NOT inherited.

7 Three phases of an object’s construction
When an object is created, memory is allocated for all its fields, which are initially set to be their default values. It is then followed by a three-phase construction: invoke a superclass’s constructor initialize the fields by using their initializers and initialization blocks execute the body of the constructor The invoked superclass’s constructor is executed using the same three-phase constructor. This process is executed recursively until the Object class is reached

8 To Illustrate the Construction Order. . .
class X { protected int xOri = 1; protected int whichOri; public X() { whichOri = xOri; } class Y extends X { protected int yOri = 2; public Y() { whichOri = yOri; } Y objectY = new Y(); Step what happens xOri yOri whichOri 0 fields set to default values Y constructor invoked X constructor invoked Object constructor invoked X field initialization X constructor executed Y field initialization Y constructor executed

9 Overloading and Overriding Methods
Overloading: providing more than one method with the same name but different parameter list overloading an inherited method means simply adding new method with the same name and different signature Overriding: replacing the superclass’s implementation of a method with your own design. both the parameter lists and the return types must be exactly the same if an overriding method is invoked on an object of the subclass, then it’s the subclass’s version of this method that gets implemented an overriding method can have different access specifier from its superclass’s version, but only wider accessibility is allowed the overriding method’s throws clause can have fewer types listed than the method in the superclass, or more specific types

10 Accessibility and Overriding
a method can be overridden only if it’s accessible in the subclass private methods in the superclass cannot be overridden if a subclass contains a method which has the same signature as one in its superclass, these methods are totally unrelated package methods in the superclass can be overridden if the subclass is in the same package as the superclass protected, public methods always will be Not as that simple as it seems!

11 Sample classes Base.pri() Base.pac()
package P1; public class Base { private void pri( ) { System.out.println(“Base.pri()”); } void pac( ) { System.out.println(“Base.pac()”); } protected void pro( ) { System.out.println(“”); } public void pub( ) { System.out.println(“”); } public final void show( ) { pri(); pac(); pro(); pub(); } } package P2; import P1.Base; public class Concrete1 extends Base { public void pri( ) { System.out.println(“Concrete1.pri()”); } public void pac( ) { System.out.println(“Concrete1.pac()”); } public void pro( ) { System.out.println(“”); } public void pub( ) { System.out.println(“”); } Concrete1 c1 = new Concrete1(); ); Output? Base.pri() Base.pac()

12 Sample classes (cont.) Output? Base.pri() Concrete2.pac()
package P1; import P2.Concrete1; public class Concrete2 extends Concrete1 { public void pri( ) { System.out.println(“Concrete2.pri()”); } public void pac( ) { System.out.println(“Concrete2.pac()”); } public void pro( ) { System.out.println(“”); } public void pub( ) { System.out.println(“”); } } Concrete2 c2 = new Concrete2(); ); Output? Base.pri() Concrete2.pac()

13 Sample classes (cont.) Output? Concrete3 c3 = new Concrete3();
package P3; import P1.Concrete2; public class Concrete3 extends Concrete2 { public void pri( ) { System.out.println(“Concrete3.pri()”); } public void pac( ) { System.out.println(“Concrete3.pac()”); } public void pro( ) { System.out.println(“”); } public void pub( ) { System.out.println(“”); } } Concrete3 c3 = new Concrete3(); ); Output? Base.pri() Concrete3.pac()

14 Hiding fields Fields cannot be overridden, they can only be hidden
If a field is declared in the subclass and it has the same name as one in the superclass, then the field belongs to the superclass cannot be accessed directly by its name any more

15 Polymorphism An object of a given class can have multiple forms: either as its declared class type, or as any subclass of it an object of an extended class can be used wherever the original class is used Question: given the fact that an object’s actual class type may be different from its declared type, then when a method accesses an object’s member which gets redefined in a subclass, then which member the method refers to (subclass’s or superclass’s)? when you invoke a method through an object reference, the actual class of the object decides which implementation is used when you access a field, the declared type of the reference decides which implementation is used

16 Output? Example Classes ExtendStr sup.str = SuperStr
class SuperShow { public String str = “SuperStr”; public void show( ) { System.out.println(“” + str); } class ExtendShow extends SuperShow { public String str = “ExtendedStr”; System.out.println(“” + str); public static void main (String[] args) { ExtendShow ext = new ExtendShow( ); SuperShow sup = ext; ); //1 ); //2 methods invoked through object reference System.out.println(“sup.str = “ + sup.str); //3 System.out.println(“ext.str = “ + ext.str); //4 field access Output? ExtendStr sup.str = SuperStr ext.str = ExtendStr

17 Type compatibility Java is a strongly typed language. Compatibility
when you assign the value of an expression to a variable, the type of the expression must be compatible with the declared type of the variable: it must be the same type as, or a subtype of, the declared type null object reference is compatible with all reference types.

18 Type conversion (1) The types higher up the type hierarchy are said to be wider, or less specific than the types lower down the hierarchy. Similarly, lower types are said to be narrower, or more specific. Widening conversion: assign a subtype to a supertype can be checked at compile time. No action needed Narrowing conversion: convert a reference of a supertype into a reference of a subtype must be explicitly converted by using the cast operator

19 Type conversion (1) The types higher up the type hierarchy are said to be wider, or less specific than the types lower down the hierarchy. Similarly, lower types are said to be narrower, or more specific. Two kinds of type conversions: Widening conversion: assign a subtype to a supertype Narrowing conversion: convert a reference of a supertype into a reference of a subtype

20 Type conversion (2) Explicit type casting: a type name within parentheses, before an expression for widening conversion: not necessary and it’s a safe cast e.g. String str = “test”; Object obj1 = (Object)str; Object obj2 = str; for narrowing cast: must be provided and it’s an unsafe cast e.g. String str1 = “test”; Object obj = str1; String str2 = (String)obj; Double num = (Double)obj; If the compiler can tell that a narrowing cast is incorrect, then a compile time error will occur If the compiler cannot tell, then the run time system will check it. If the cast is incorrect, then a ClassCastException will be thrown

21 E.g. Student is subclass of Person public class typeTest {
static Person[] p = new Person[10]; static { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if(i<5) p[i] = new Student(); else p[i] = new Person(); } public static void main (String args[]) { Person o1 = (Person)p[0]; Person o2 = p[0]; Student o3 = p[0]; Student o4 = (Student)p[0]; Student o5 = p[9]; Student o6 = (Student)p[9]; int x = p[0].getStudentNumber(); %> javac incompatible types found : Person required : Student Student o3 = p[0]; ^ incompatible types Student o5 = p[9]; cannot resolve symbol symbol : method getStudentNumber () location: class Person int x = p[0].getStudentNumber(); 3 errors After commenting out these three ill lines: %> java typeTest Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ClassCastException: Person at typeTest.main(

22 Type conversion (3) Type testing: you can test an object’s actual class by using the instanceof operactor e.g. if ( obj instanceof String) { String str2 = (String)obj; }

23 Abstract classes and methods (1)
abstract classes: some methods are only declared, but no concrete implementations are provided. They need to be implemented by the extending classes. abstract class Person { protected String name; . . . public abstract String getDescription(); } Class Student extends Person { private String major; pulic String getDescription() { return “a student major in “ + major; Class Employee extends Person { private float salary; return “an employee with a salary of $ “ + salary; Person Employee Student

24 Abstract classes and methods (2)
each method which has no implementation in the abstract class must be declared abstract any class with any abstract methods must be declared abstract when you extend an abstract class, two situations leave some or all of the abstract methods be still undefined. Then the subclass must be declared as abstract as well define concrete implementation of all the inherited abstract methods. Then the subclass is no longer abstract an object of an abstract class can NOT be created note that declaring object variables of an abstract class is still allowed, but such a variable can only refer to an object of a nonabstract subclass E.g. Person p = new Student( );

25 protected members To allow subclass methods to access a superclass field, define it protected. But be cautious! Making methods protected makes more sense, if the subclasses can be trusted to use the method correctly, but other classes cannot.

26 What protected really means
Precisely, a protected member is accessible within the class itself, within code in the same package, and it can also be accessed from a class through object references that are of at least the same type as the class – that is , references of the class’s type or one of its subtypes public class Employee { protected Date hireDay; . . . } public class Manager extends Employee { public void printHireDay (Manager p) { System.out.println(“mHireDay: “ + (p.hireDay).toString()); // ok! The class is Manager, and the object reference type is also Manager public void printHireDay (Employee p) { System.out.println(“eHireDay: “ + (p.hireDay).toString()); // wrong! The class is Manager, but the object reference type is Employee // which is a supertype of Manager

27 Object: the ultimate superclass
The object class is the ultimate ancestor: every class in Java extends Object without mention Utility methods of Object class equals: returns whether two object references have the same value hashCode: return a hash code for the object, which is derived from the object’s memory address. Equal objects should return identical hash codes clone: returns a clone of the object getClass: return the run expression of the object’s class, which is a Class object finalize: finalize the object during garbage collection toString: return a string representation of the object

28 Design hints for inheritance
Place common operations and fields in the superclass Try not to use protected fields Use inheritance to model a IsA relationship Don’t use inheritance unless all inherited methods make sense Don’t change the expected behavior when you override a method Use polymorphism, not type information if (x is of type1) action1(x); else if (x is of type2) action2(x); Do action1 and action2 represent a common concept? If it is, make the concept a method of a common superclass or interface of both types, and then you can simply call x.action().

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