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Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism

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1 Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism
Definition, Causes & Ideology

2 Definition of Imperialism
When a country controls another country or region. Imperialism almost always hurts the controlled country. Control political leaders, the economy (what people make and how), the military and/or the culture (what language people speak, internalized racism, religion, etc.) How? : with military force, violence --- but, also with help of local leaders, and media (newspapers, schools, television, etc.)


4 Europe and the Rest of the World: 1780s-1950s

5 Reasons for Imperialism
Economic: want natural resources from around the world (land, coal, minerals) and consumers (to sell goods) Political: competition among imperialists; more colonies = more prestige (masculinity); distraction from population rebellion (think strikes!) Religious/Cultural: belief religion/culture is best; everybody should follow (ideological white supremacy). Military: control countries to set up military bases; exert power on regions

6 Justifications for Domination
Imperialists never say: yea, so I’m going to abuse you. Justifications: what is expressed publicly Humanitarian Mission: to help the colonized; under other dominion, or stupid Civilization: the colonized are stupid/backward; must civilize them for their own good! Self Defense: the colonized are a threat! Must destroy/control them before they destroy us Sounds familiar? 



9 The Frontier and Manifest Destiny
To most white Americans, the western territories represented a “frontier” – as in, the edge of civilization, where (of course) white people were in the minority. This Frontier was considered “closed” in the 1890s (white migration & Manifest Destiny complete) Manifest Destiny, Part II: US should own colonies and spread democracy/freedom Hawaii, Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Panama, China, Latin America

10 Native Americans and Imperialism
Shawnee and Sioux consistently pushed back; western land valuable; reservation = obstacle NA described as savage, stupid, useless – don’t have right to land; prevent civilization Walker: give only necessary land (take rest); reservation = control people and change them Dawes Act (1887): break up reservation and integrate NA into white society More IWS & Profit (17.4 Million acres in 1891)


12 Minerals and Invasions of Native American Land
1864 Sand Creek Massacre: Colorado Gov allows white invasion of Cheyenne reservation leads to massacre of 133 people Great Sioux War: Sioux fight Americans to standstill when miners/military leaders tried to take land (Dakota region) 1876 Custer’s Last Stand: CW veteran tries to take gold-ore land from Sioux; 2-4,000 Sioux, Cheyenne and Arapho warriors defeat him; all NA defeated Nez Perce, s: (Washington/Oregon) – friendly, helpful NA nation (fed Lewis/Clark Expedition); discovery of gold leads to settlers and miners Forced to sell land at 2 cents per acre; moved to a reservation Before move, they are attacked by US military, chased, made to surrender, sent to Oklahoma and then back to Oregon


14 Guided Practice Compare and Contrast U.S. expansionism in the early 1800s to the late 1800s and early 1900s.

15 1. How did the Industrial Revolution lead to American expansionism/imperialism. 2. How did the closing of the American frontier lead to American expansionism? Sentence starters: The Industrial Revolution led to American expansionism because___________. American expansionism is related to the Industrial Revolution _________ The closing of the American frontier led to American expansionism because______, ______ and _____________.

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