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Workshop conclusions 11/13/2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop conclusions 11/13/2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop conclusions 11/13/2018

2 Expected workshop results
Increased awareness, cooperation & delineation of standards activities Scope of standards Confirmation; Reassessment New topics, areas for standardization Revised/new Questions; Work Plan Prioritization Market needs; Time lines Other action items 11/13/2018

3 Workshop conclusions Session 6 - WDM and DWDM M.Tomizawa (NTT)
Session 1 - IP over Optical, Business H. Schink (Siemens) and Market Aspects Session 2 - Switched Optical Networks S. Trowbridge (Lucent) Summary and Results Session 3 - Optics in Access and Metropolitan D. Faulkner (BtexaCT) Networks-Outcome Session 4 - Optical Interfaces A.Mattheus (Deut. T.) Session 5 - Optical/IP Network OAM & Protection and Restoration Y.Maeda (NTT) Session 6 - WDM and DWDM M.Tomizawa (NTT) 11/13/2018

4 Workshop conclusions Session 7 - Signalling and Routing A.Le Roux (France Telecom) Session 8 - Opt. Fibers, Cables & Components J.Matthews (Corning) Session 9 - Optical Network Management K.Lam (Lucent) Session 10 - Optical Switching Equipment M.Betts (Nortel Networks) Session 11 - Network Performance (IP/Optical) N.Seitz (NTIA) Session 12 - Opt. Network Clients & Services G.Joncour (FranceTelecom) Session 13 - Service and Network Evolution J-Y.Cochennec (France Telecom) 11/13/2018

5 Session 1 – IP over Optical, Business and Market Aspects
Market window for optical access starts to open (will vary by geography), standards need to be ready and unambiguous Requirements for standards: low cost, focussed on business aspects of operators, value add for end users needs to be understood IPv6 provides additional service to end users, network performance to be evaluated. Standards required for implementation Compatibility issues e.g. between FSAN(ATM) and EFM(Ethernet) on QoS to be solved Telephony needs to be supported, eitehr directly or via gateway 11/13/2018

6 Session 2 – Conclusions and Results
A strength of ITU-T over many other SDOs is the amount of carrier participation. ITU-T solutions have been driven by carrier requirements. We must continue to encourage continuing and increasing participation by carriers in the ITU-T. The work to standardize switched transport networks is proceeding apace, with many key Recommendations already approved. This has been facilitated by a sense of urgency on the part of participants, new procedures such as AAP to increase the speed of ITU-T, and concentrating the majority of this work within a single Study Group. 11/13/2018

7 Session 2 – Conclusions and Results (continued)
Work that had begun independently in different SDOs and fora has become more aligned as the technology and specifications mature. The situation has improved with better communications among the organizations and more cross participation between ITU-T, IETF, and OIF. Appropriate roles for each organization are becoming more clear. Participants must continue their work to improve alignment between these organizations. 11/13/2018

8 Session 2 – Conclusions and Results (continued)
As architecture and protocols are being developed for switched optical networks, new requirements have been identified. It is desirable to capture these new requirements in G.807, however care must be taken to avoid the need for numerous liaisons between SG15 and SG13, or the need for SG15 optical control plane experts to regularly attend SG13 to keep this work aligned. 11/13/2018

9 Session 3 Optics in Access and Metropolitan Networks-Outcome
Promote Broadband Passive Optical Networks G983.x series of standards to increase understanding of business opportunity emphasise full-services/triple play show application notes with key benefits/scenarios/timelines In Q.2/15 on optical systems for access networks maintain full-services emphasis for GPON to differentiate from IEEE802.3ah GEPON with Ethernet focus P2P started with emphasis on OAM and ODN for fibre Ethernet liaison sent to Q.3/13 and IEEE802.3ah to avoid duplication Future - increased service capability, more wavelengths and longer reach Increase awareness of outside plant issues to ensure fibre access systems can be realistically deployed 11/13/2018 1

10 Session 4 – Optical Interfaces
Standardization activities with considerable market relevance: ITU-T SG15: Most important SDO for optical interfaces (OI):  Optical Interface Rec’s: G.691-G.693, G.959.1, G.capp, G.IaDI, etc.  Spectral grids (DWDM, CWDM): Basis of WDM interfaces worldwide  Other Rec’s used as basis/input for OI specifications and Rec’s, e.g. Opt. System Design (Sup.dsn) incl. new functionalities (e.g. dispersion compensation, various line coding, etc.), Fibre Rec’s (G.652-G.655, G.scl), Opt. Perform. Monitoring (G.optmon), Opt. Safety (G.644) IEC: Important input for OIs, e.g. physical parameter definitions and measurement techniques for fibres and opt. components, laser safety IEEE: Ethernet Interfaces (802.3): FE, GE, 10GE, (100GE) SG 15 on track with OI standards activities 11/13/2018

11 Session 4 – Optical Interfaces (continued)
Standardization activities (cont’d): OIF: Some physical interfaces (e.g. VSR), UNI, NNI IETF: Work on physical layer routing within IPO working group Multi Source Agreement (10Gig & 40Gig opto-electrical modules for common use in various optical interfaces) Other standardization bodies (T1X1, ETSI, etc.) Continued close cooperation with the various SDOs required 11/13/2018

12 Session 4 – Optical Interfaces (continued)
Interoperability tests different vendors’ NNIs/UNIs in OIF  Results relevant to ITU-T Recommendations Optical routing and interface requirements  IETF has started work on physical layer routing constraints within IPO working group. However, this work has slowed down in the IETF, and IETF is not in charge of the physical layer. On the other hand, physical layer constraints must be incorporated into routing protocols in all-optical networks.  How? Improve cooperation between ITU-T and IETF in this area! Plans and progress on standardization work in ITU-T can be found on the ITU-T SG 15 web page. Interoperability results should be communicated timely to ITU-T, e.g. via the Liaison officer between ITU-T and OIF. 11/13/2018

13 Session 4 – Optical Interfaces (continued)
How many details shall be standardized in Optical Interfaces: Fully standardized (transverse compatible) optical interfaces  are worldwide applicable (large volume  cost reduction, products available everywhere, uniform worldwide service and maintenance),  have not been defined for more advanced set-ups (e.g. for links with several optical amplification sections): This observation was the starting point for G.IaDI. Proprietary optical interfaces  have been installed extensively (e.g. multi-span WDM links),  benefit significantly from standards: Key features have been (and will be) standardized to enable a successful market introduction. Example: DWDM grid  basis of all operational WDM links. 11/13/2018

14 Session 4 – Optical Interfaces (continued)
Prioritization in Optical Interfaces standardization work: Rapid development of OI standards (e.g months) while regarding Harmonization of standardization work in various SDOs, i.e. avoid different standards for the same thing. Example: 10 Gbit/s specs at the physical layer for SDH/OTN versus IEEE standards (jitter, optical parameters, spacing of WDM channels) Technical specs (defined in the OI standards) shall enable to fabricate low cost OIs. Example: Recent (very) short reach OIs International standardization bodies (in particular ITU-TSG15) will continue to push the optical interface market 11/13/2018

15 Session 5 – Optical/IP Network OAM & Protection and Restoration
Presentations OTN Equipment and Deployment in Today’s Transport Networks (S. Trowbridge, Lucent), Network Protection and Restoration (M. Betts, Nortel) General Principles and Requirements for OAM Functions (H. Ohta, NTT) 11/13/2018

16 Important coordination between various Questions and other standards
Session 5 – Optical/IP Network OAM & Protection and Restoration (continued) Important coordination between various Questions and other standards To avoid duplication of work and for the development of consistent standard. With Q.3/13, Q.10/13, Q.2/15, Q.12/15, IEEE and Metro Ethernet Forum It was identified that SG13 studies general network principles whereas SG15 studies technology specific standards 11/13/2018

17 Session 5 – Optical/IP Network OAM & Protection and Restoration (continued)
New topics Ethernet; on-going study on Ethernet network architecture with draft Recommendation G.etna in Q12/15 and OAM functions such as defect detection and localization, and performance monitoring in Q3/13 11/13/2018

18 Session 6 – WDM and DWDM Increased awareness, cooperation & delineation of standards activities Cooperation with IEC is very important in this area. Scope (new topics) of standards Anyone can propose to initiate discussions regarding, “Super”-DWDM (e.g., less than 12.5GHz spacing) Ultra high-speed channel (e.g.,160Gbit/s) Distributed/discrete Raman amplification Targets To provide industries with common terminologies and test-methods To realize multi-vendor configuration Further discussion is needed on compatibility issues. 11/13/2018

19 Session 6 – WDM and DWDM (continued)
Prioritization Raman amplification is categorized as one of urgent issues for standardization. Safety aspect System requirement by using existing fibres (splices, connectors, etc.) “Super”-DWDM can be categorized as far future issue, but possibly depending on new application area. Access or metro applications may accelerate the needs for this standardization. Ultra high-speed channel (160Gbit/s) is far future issue. Further studies are needed for Optical Time Division Multiplexing (OTDM). 11/13/2018

20 Session 6 – WDM and DWDM (continued)
Other action items Should we limit the variety of implementations in order to make the network performance predictable? 11/13/2018

21 Session 7 - 4 presentations
1. Overview on Optical Service and Network Architectural Requirements 2. Call & Connection control Signalling : the ITU-T SG11 status and perspectives for "New Network control Architectures and Protocols” 3. CR-LDP for ASON Signalling 4. GMPLS RSVP-TE for ASON DCM Signalling 11/13/2018

22 Session 7 - Presentation 1 Highlights (continued)
Expected benefits of IP/Optical integration in ASON 1. Large capacity and economical networks 2. Rapid and flexible path provisioning 3. New Optical network services: dynamic pt-pt connexion/BoD Various Protection/Restoration mechanisms Value-Added services: L1(optical)VPN 11/13/2018

23 Session 7 - Presentation 2 Highlights (continued)
SG11 status on Signalling: 1. Call and Bearer Control separation BICC for call control over ATM and IP networks 2. More and more separated sig. protocols Call, Connection, services & resource control 3. Start addressing “New Network Control Architectures and Protocols” more separated & distributed control 11/13/2018

24 Session 7 - Presentation 3 Highlights (continued)
CR-LDP for ASON signalling: 1. CR-LDP features CR-LDP is an extension to LDP, runs over TCP Employs the same signalling model as ATM PNNI and Q.2931 Recognized as a method of transporting IP over ATM (in Y.1310) 2. CR-LDP for ASON in G “Distributed call and connection management signalling using GMPLS CR-LDP” to include Packet-switch capable (PSC), Time-division multiplex capable (TDM), Lambda switch capable (LSC) and Fiber switch capable (FSC) interfaces 11/13/2018

25 Session 7 - questions/discussion Highlights (continued)
3 DCM Signalling solutions in G.7713-series competing to cover the same requirements? How to ensure interworking (especially at E-NNI) Ensure alignment with related OIF and IETF (GMPLS) efforts What means call-connection separation in ASON ASON call differs from the legacy definition of a call (in SG11) relationship between call and connection signalling protocols? New services In what sense is L1(optical)VPN a ‘true’ ‘Virtual’ private network Which U- and C-plane resources can be shared 11/13/2018

26 Session 7 - Future directions in the concerned ITU-T SGs (continued)
SG15 – G.7713 series on ASON DCM. Interoperability between DCM signalling solutions (part. E-NNI) Discovery and Routing protocols Separated Call and Connection control (purpose, requirements?) SG11 – Legacy & emerging signalling protocols BICC-SIP interworking for call control (over ATM or IP/Optical?) New network control architectures and protocols Clarify possible interactions with ASON UNI SG13 L1(optical)VPN service definition and requirements Shared vs Dedicated resources in C and C planes issues 11/13/2018

27 G.7713.2 GMPLS RSVP-TE signalling G.7713.3 GMPLS CR-LDP signalling
Session 7 - Specific Protocol Recommendations for ASON Distributed Call and Connection Management (cont’d) G.7713/Y.1704 (12/01) Distributed Call/connection Management (DCM) requirements and functional model (in conformance with G.8080 ASON architecture) G PNNI signalling G GMPLS RSVP-TE signalling G GMPLS CR-LDP signalling 11/13/2018

28 Session 8 – Optical Fibers, Cables & Components Linkage of Standards Activities
Reaffirm strong linkage to IEC TC86 - (Working Well) Emerging linkage to Laser Safety Issues (IEC) and high optical power applications Continued challenge of balancing architecture and physical layer limitations New technologies continue to offer new challenges and possibilities Integrated and “smart” components, Raman Amplification, Broad : G.scl Fibre 11/13/2018

29 >40 GB/s implications
Session 8 – Optical Fibers, Cables & Components New Topics, areas for standardization (cont’d) >40 GB/s implications Physical media parameters chromatic disp. and PMD New methodologies different from worst case Integration, Hybridization of Functions & Components Reconfigurable, smart, modular, and low cost Packaging and functional integtation May need to specify additional parameters beyond minimal set to allow integration 11/13/2018

30 Enhanced Capabilities with new amplifier technologies
Session 8 – Optical Fibers, Cables & Components New Topics, areas for standardization (cont’d) Enhanced Capabilities with new amplifier technologies Raman, Extended band for rare earth amplifiers, and Semiconductor amplifiers Operational signal bands and optical power levels continue to expand with new amplification technologies 11/13/2018

31 Session 8 – Optical Fibers, Cables & Components Scope of Current Work & New Topics (cont’d)
Synergistic relationship to IEC for ITU-T applications and associated test methods Data / telephony trend - may need better communication beyond ITU-T and IEC on Physical Layer needs New components and technologies may cause revisions to Physical Layer Standards to allow lower cost implementations 11/13/2018

32 Session 8 – Optical Fibers, Cables & Components Prioritization of Current Work (cont’d)
New Lower cost implementations versus high cost / capacity long haul applications Operation aspects of systems with high optical power levels New Components with shorter lifetime, quicker to market, more highly integrated Need to move beyond worst case system design Possible flexibility needed between transverse vs longitudinal compatible standardization Cost / Value of installation and environmental barriers also important for deployment of new technologies (IEC SC86A, ITU-T SG6) Continued value for definition, terminology 11/13/2018

33 Session 9 – Optical Network Management
Discussed the management aspects of OTN equipment, in particular on fault management, including alarm report control. Several issues were noted. Also discussed some practical ONM issues from a network operator & service provider perspective, and covered the transport architecture and deployment of ON services; in particular is the concern of migration and integration strategy for interworking with the existing management environments. Presented an overview of service and network configuration for Ethernet over WDM. The operation architecture and management information model from the NE view, Network view, and Service view were discussed. 11/13/2018

34 Session 9 – Optical Network Management (cont’d)
Suggested Study Items: Emergency Telecom Service (ETS) issues: Need to provide support for Emergency Service per E.106, F.706, and Y.roec; Special consideration should be given to the assignment of alarm severity levels; Enhanced OTN services such as emergency service could be best provided via Service Level Agreements. New services maintenance issues: Need to monitor & fault isolate concatenated services and ASON services; Bridge-n-Roll for unprotected & restored connections in ASON; (Re)Grooming in ASON (see next slide) 11/13/2018

35 Session 9 – Optical Network Management (cont’d)
Proposed Study Items (cont.): Management System Integration issues: New services policy issues: Coordinating ASON service requests from multiple sources, Use of TCM levels with agreed-level enforcement Data replication between Management Plane (MP) and CP; Resolution/correlation of multiple Names for a resource; Function allocation between CP and MP; Partitioning of resource control among CP and MP instances; Interfaces between MP and CP entities; Harmonization of demands and capacity at each transport layer. Management information model issues: Validate the information model with input from independently developed implementation and with others, e.g., SG4, IETF. 11/13/2018

36 Session 9 – Optical Network Management (cont’d)
Action Items Maintain coordination with SG13 on its work on OTN performance recommendations. Result will be input to the next version of G.874, which is target for consent in 2003. Develop work plan on ASON management. Coordinate between SG15 & SG4 for input. Coordination between Q12/15 and Q14/15 on the management system integration issues. Maintain coordination among SG15, SG4 and IETF on transport NE information models. Give report to SG4 in its next meeting on the SG15 progress. Develop work plan on management aspect of Ethernet over transport network based on G.etna. 11/13/2018

37 Session 10 – Optical Switching Equipment
Presentations on: Optical Network Architecture/ASON Optical Network control protocols Optical crossconnect equipment Optical sub systems Optical components 11/13/2018

38 Session 10 – Optical Switching Equipment (cont’d)
Evolution of component technology will continue to enable new network capabilities e.g. Increased optical system reach Flexibility at the wavelength and band of wavelength level New challenges in the areas of Performance and fault management Connection management 11/13/2018

39 Session 10 – Optical Switching Equipment (cont’d)
Potential need to draw on the experience of SG 11 on signaling Global addressing schemes need to be developed in concert with ITU-T SG 2 Some concern expressed over the potential of overlapping activities on components between IEC and SG 15 11/13/2018

40 Session 11 – Network Performance (IP/Optical)
IP/Optical networks will need to implement QoS control mechanisms – and coordinate them between domains. Y.1540/Y.1541 define IP packet transfer QoS objectives for a wide range of end user applications (including VoIP). Needed – means of signaling QoS requests/responses among networks – and relating them to QoS mechanisms. It will be important to provide flexibility in QoS signaling standards and QoS mechanisms – but not too much! Ongoing IP QoS standards work: IP network availability, packet reordering, priority setup for emergency services. 11/13/2018

41 Session 11 – Network Performance (IP/Optical) (cont’d)
SG13/SG15 should define a performance model for OTN/IP client interactions SG15 should advise on optical parameters and fibre degradation impact on performance -- recommend values SG4 should define allocation of OTN performance limits among providers (M.24otn) SG11/SG13/SG15 should develop mechanisms for dynamically providing assured-quality OTN services SG4/SG15 should develop procedures for restoration and localization of optical network failures 11/13/2018

42 Session 11 – Network Performance (IP/Optical) (cont’d)
ASON based capabilities can influence delivered IP performance ASON should support service performance levels that translate into distinguishable performance levels for IP (as well as other clients) The ASON signaling protocol policy attributes, especially GoS and CoS, should be capable of carrying IP performance requirements Coordination between SG13 and SG15 is needed to: Insure ASON performance classes met IP needs Establish GoS/CoS component definitions that are meaningful for IP Determine which performance factors are signaled across the UNI and which are in SLAs, e.g., blocking probabilities, dropped call probabilities, call priority level, bandwidth supported, call set-up time etc. 11/13/2018

43 Session 12 – Optical Network Clients and Services
SDH and, more recently, WDM (pre-OTN) transport networks are intensively used for carrying services from 1.5 Mbit/s to 2.5 (or 10) Gbit/s: SDH:  carrier class transport (monitoring, protection)  path capacity not always right sized (for data) WDM:  higher bit-rates  variety of tributary flows (transparency)  poor performance monitoring (transparency) 11/13/2018

44 Session 12 – Optical Network Clients and Services (cont’d)
Recently standardized capabilites OTN: more functionalities for WDM-based networks VCAT: better granularity of the path GFP: generic encapsulation for various flows LCAS: flexible bandwidth allocation (+ survivability/recovery mechanism) ASTN: automatic path set-up, protection/restoration… These newly standardized features open the door to the delivery of enhanced or new services:  new business opportunities 11/13/2018

45 Session 13 - Service and network evolution
Creation and deployment of new services on a large scale is a clear demand from market, it is a major objective of Next Generation Networks (NGN), thus NGN standardisation is urgent. (SG 13 on the way to formalise a ITU-T Project) Networks operators and service providers expect much from NGN in terms of profit, but NGN standardisation may be complicated, because regulatory issues come in addition to technical issues. Definition of open interfaces and interconnection capabilities in NGN will be critical issues, interoperability with legacy systems is a blocking factor for incumbent operators 11/13/2018

46 Session 13 - Service and network evolution (cont’d)
The deployment of new broadband services has been undertaken by Japan through the ambitious project Hikari; Hikari is based on a service approach (i.e.generalized broadband multimedia communication), taking advantage from current state of standardisation The future growth of multimedia communication has motivated Mediacom 2004 ITU-T Project, which has already reached maturity, coordination and harmonisation of convergence of services is under way. However IP transport has not the favor of the broadcast community due to its inherent limitations (connectionless). How (and where) to convince them to adopt generalized IP transport ? 11/13/2018

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