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Counting Naming Balancing Activity Series Reactions

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2 Counting Naming Balancing Activity Series Reactions 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 This is the number of oxygen atoms in Ca3(PO4)2.
$100 This is the number of oxygen atoms in Ca3(PO4)2. 8

4 This is the number of oxygen atoms in 2Mg(OH)2.
$200 This is the number of oxygen atoms in 2Mg(OH)2. 4

5 This is the oxidation number for iron in FeO. A. +1 B. -1 C. +2 D. -2
$300 This is the oxidation number for iron in FeO. A B C D. -2 C

6 $400 This is the charge that forms when chlorine gains one electron. A B C D E. 8 F. 0 B

7 $500 This is the charge on an ionic compound. A. Zero B. Depends on the ions involved C. Depends on the polyatomic ion D. You need more information A

8 Al2S3 a. Aluminum(III) sulfide b. Dialuminum trisulfide
$100 Al2S3 a. Aluminum(III) sulfide b. Dialuminum trisulfide c. Aluminum sulfate d. Aluminum sulfide D

9 $200 CCl4 a. Carbon chloride b. Carbon chlorate c. Carbon tetrachloride d. tetracarbon chloride C

10 $300 Magnesium hydroxide MgO MgH2 MgOH2 Mg(OH)2 D

11 Cobalt(II) phosphate a. CoPO4 b. Co3(PO4)2 c. Co2(PO4)3 d. Co3P2
$400 Cobalt(II) phosphate a. CoPO4 b. Co3(PO4)2 c. Co2(PO4)3 d. Co3P2 B

12 Aluminum chloride a. Al2Cl3 b. AlCl3 c. AlCl2 d. AlCl
$500 Aluminum chloride a. Al2Cl3 b. AlCl3 c. AlCl2 d. AlCl B

13 $100 Chemical equations must be balanced because we cannot violate… a. Dalton’s Atomic Theory b. the Law of Multiple Proportions c. the Law of Conservation of Matter d. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle C

14 $200 This is the coefficient for oxygen when this equation is balanced. H2O2(aq)  H2(g) + O2(g) 1

15 $300 Potassium chloride reacts with fluorine to produce potassium fluoride and chlorine. This is the skeletal equation. a. KCl + F  KF + Cl b. KCl2 + F2  KF2 + Cl c. KCl + F2  KF + Cl2 d. K2Cl + F2  K2F + Cl e. K(Cl2)2 + F2  K(F2)2 + Cl2 C

16 $400 This is the ionic compound formed from Ag+ and SO42- a. Ag2SO4 b. AgSO4 c. Ag(SO4)2 d. Ag4(SO)2 A

17 $500 This does not belong to the group. A. chlorine B. fluorine C. sulfur D. oxygen E. hydrogen C

18 $100 This is one product formed when aluminum chloride and bromine react. A. ClBr B. BrCl C. AlBr D. AlBr3 D

19 $200 This is one product formed when zinc oxide and magnesium react. A. MgO B. MgO2 C. Mg2O D. ZnMg E. MgZn A

20 $300 This is the metal(s) that barium would be able to replace. A. Li, K B. Ca, Na, Mg C. Li, K, Ca, Na, Mg D. Nothing Lithium Potassium Barium Calcium Sodium Magnesium B

21 $400 This is the metal that would replace barium but not lithium. A. potassium B. calcium C. sodium D. magnesium Lithium Potassium Barium Calcium Sodium Magnesium A

22 $500 Zn + 2HCl  ZnCl2 + H2 This explains why the above reaction is able to take place. A. Hydrogen is more reactive than zinc B. Zinc is more reactive than hydrogen C. Chlorine is more reactive than zinc D. Chlorine is more reactive than hydrogen B

23 $100 2Na + Cl2  2NaCl a. Combination b. Decomposition c. Single Replacement d. Double Replacement e. Combustion A

24 $200 Ca(OH)2 + (NH4)3PO4 a. Combination b. Decomposition c. Single Replacement d. Double Replacement e. Combustion D

25 $500 A reaction with only 1 reactant a. Combination b. Decomposition c. Single Replacement d. Double Replacement e. Combustion B

26 $300 C4H10 + O2  a. Combination b. Decomposition c. Single Replacement d. Double Replacement e. Combustion E

27 $400  H2O + CO2 a. Combination b. Decomposition c. Single Replacement d. Double Replacement e. Combustion E

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