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Chapter 11.1 recap questions

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1 Chapter 11.1 recap questions
Why is investing important for financial growth? How would our economy be different if there were limited investing? How do savers, borrowers, and financial intermediaries contribute to the financial system? Explain each role of a financial intermediary: Sharing risk Providing information Providing liquidity

2 Investment and Risk Chapter 11 section 1 Economics (Bolanos)
RISKY BUSINESS Investment and Risk Chapter 11 section 1 Economics (Bolanos)


4 You and risk What is the riskiest thing you have ever done?
How many of you would do any of the following?: Skydive Bungee jump Drive a car faster than 120mph Ride a bike down Grand with no hands Eat 5 day old sushi from 7-11

5 Risk vs. Reward “The Greater the Risk the Greater the Potential Reward” When investing, the more risk you are willing to take the greater potential return “No such thing as a free lunch in investing”

6 Types of Risk to consider
Credit Risk/Financial Risk Inflation Risk Liquidity Risk Market Price Risk Fraud Risk Do a quick read, first two pages of worksheet posted today on risk!!

7 Credit Risk/Financial Risk

8 Inflation Risk


10 Imagine you just won the Lotto…. $550 million bucks
Imagine you just won the Lotto….$550 million bucks!! You have two options on how to take your winnings, which one would you choose and why?: 1) Full cash payment 2) Payments spread out over 30 years

11 Liquidity Risk

12 Which one has more liquidity risk?

13 Market Price Risk

14 Market Price Have you ever collected anything?
When you buy something to sell later what is your hope for the future price?

15 Fraud Risk – “If it’s too good to be true……It probably is!”

16 The Biggest A-hole!!!!

17 How do we lower risk?........DIVERSIFY!!!!

18 “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket”

19 Return on Investment When we discuss Interest Rates, we are really talking about what your return will be on your investment. For every dollar you put in, how much over and above that initial investment will you make in return? ROI = %change (+ or -) ROI = (New – Old)/Old x 100

20 Financial Intermediary
Investment Description Financial Intermediary Savings Account Hold money in account, get $ back anytime, guaranteed interest rates: % Banks, Credit Unions CD (Certificate of Deposit) A long term savings account. Hold money with bank for 3-5 years, guaranteed interest rates: % Money Market Mutual Fund Put money into account with bank, pooled money with other customers, buy stocks, get $ back anytime. Flexible interest rate: % Government Bonds Issued by government, super safe! Hold $ for years. Guaranteed interest rate: 1.5-3% Banks, Government Stocks Issued by companies seeking cash. Get cash out anytime, highly volatile prices, volatile interest rate: -20% - 100% Stock Brokers Real Estate Homes/Land/apartments. Get $ back when you sell. Market price can go up or down. Return on investment: -20% - 100% Real Estate Agent/Broker

21 Investing When you want to buy groceries where do you go?
What would farmers/producers of food be likened to in the investment world? What might we (consumers) be likened to in the investment world? What might we be able to call a store like Ralph’s? (think of terms from section 1)

22 Markets Man!!!

23 Markets all around me! - Markets link people…stock markets do the same thing

24 Two Main Markets in USA

25 NYSE – Wall St

26 Bulls and Bears

27 Measuring Performance
How have you seen performance measured? In your daily life? Or at work? Give me some examples.

28 Measuring Stock Performance


30 Averages of the Street Dow is a 30 company average
Mainly “blue chip” stocks Mostly based on the NYSE S&P 500 is a larger index that does a better job of more accurately depicting how market is doing 500 companies All types of industries

31 Types of Stocks Pay you $ on top of market price Voting Rights
Income vs. Growth Voting Rights Preferred vs. Common

32 Quick question Trading on the margin is like credit card purchases of stocks If over 70% of the investors on wall street traded on the margin, what might be some pitfalls? THINK HISTORICALLY!!!!!

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