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Introduction to William Shakespeare

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1 Introduction to William Shakespeare
“The Most Influential Writer In All Of English Literature”

2 Early Life He was baptized April 26, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England. The actual day is not recorded, but since it was customary to baptize infants within days of birth, and since Shakespeare died on April 23, (St. George's day, the patron saint of England), it has become traditional to assign the birthday of England's most famous poet to April 23.

3 Wars = Warwickshire


5 Early Life His father, John Shakespeare, was a prosperous middle-class glove-maker and a well known town official. His mother, Mary Shakespeare, was the daughter of a gentlemen farmer and a teacher.

6 Early Life Shakespeare attended grammar school where he studied Latin and classic (Greek and Roman) literature. The Warwickshire countryside was also an important part of his early education and a great influence. Shakespeare’s plays and poetry are full of images taken from nature, gardening, agricultural pursuits, and country folklore.


8 Marriage In 1582 he married Anne Hathaway.
She was eight years older than he. In 1583 their first daughter, Susanna, was born.  Two years later their twins, Hamnet and Judith, were born.

9 The Lost Years Between there is virtually no evidence concerning Shakespeare’s life. No one knows why Shakespeare left Stratford for London, or what he was doing before becoming a professional actor. There are various stories about the so-called 'lost years'. Poaching deer and went off to London to avoid prosecution. Schoolmaster His town was visited regularly by London-based companies of actors and Shakespeare may have joined one of them.

10 Career Shakespeare's reputation was established in London by 1592.
In 1593 the theaters in London were closed on account of the plague. 1n 1594, Shakespeare joined others in forming a new theatre company, under the patronage of the Lord Chamberlain (Lord Chamberlain's men).

11 Career Romeo and Juliet was among the early plays that Shakespeare wrote between 1594 and 1596 In the years Shakespeare…  Produced a steady stream of plays of the highest quality and verbal invention.  Continued as a principal actor and manager in the Chamberlain's men. Prospered financially and made investments in his native Stratford, assembling a comfortable life and a solid estate.  Became part owner of the most prestigious public playhouse in London, the Globe, in 1599.

12 The Globe

13 Shakespeare’s London At that that time, about 1600, London was a busy, bustling walled city. It was having a Renaissance (re-birth) of arts and sciences under two monarchs who loved the theatre. Queen Elizabeth, daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn reigned from King James, son of Mary Queen of Scots, reigned from

14 Career and Retirement In 1603, when James I (James VI of Scotland) came to the English throne he granted royal patronage to Shakespeare's acting company, which thus became the 'King's Men.' Around 1611 Shakespeare left the London theatre world and returned home to spend his time at his Stratford house, New Place.

15 New Place

16 Later Life Shakespeare continued to write until he died in Stratford, aged fifty-two, on 23 April 1616. During his life he wrote 154 sonnets which were published in 1609. He also wrote 37 plays, half of which were published in the First Folio in 1623.

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