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Presentation on theme: "CHEMICAL QUANTITIES."— Presentation transcript:


2 You need to get…. Calculator Blank sheet of paper Periodic table
Polyatomic ion sheets Writing utensil

3 The Mole SI base unit for the amount of matter in an object (mol)
basic unit for chemistry reactions occur on the molecular level simplest way to relate reactants and products Matter is made up of different kinds of particles. The term representative particle refers to whether a substance commonly exists as atoms, formula units or molecules.

4 Representative Particles
smallest particle of a substance that still retains the properties of that substance 1. ATOM: element 2. MOLECULE: covalent compound 3. FORMULA UNIT: ionic compound

5 MOLAR MASS Unit of measurement = g/mol
mass, in grams, of 1 mole of any substance Unit of measurement = g/mol

6 MOLAR MASS Types 1. Gram Atomic Mass:
mass, in grams, for 1 mole of an element atomic mass – periodic table

7 MOLAR MASS Types 2. Gram Formula Mass: ionic compoud

8 MOLAR MASS Types 3. Gram Molecular Mass: covalent cmpd

9 Example 1 Calculate the molar mass of iron (II) fluoride.
(This is what you did for dominos and homework!) 93.84 g/mol FeF2

10 Example 2 Calculate the gram molecular mass of glucose, C6H12O6.
g/mol C6H12O6

11 Example 3 How many moles is 3.29 g of calcium? mol Ca

12 Example 4 What is the mass of mol Ni? 2.07 g Ni

13 Example 5 Calculate the mass of 2.189 moles of aluminum phosphate.
267.0 g AlPO4

14 Example 6 How many moles is 3.48 g of NaCN? mol NaCN


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