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Team Decision Process Problem Situations (PS) and Opportunities HURTS

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Presentation on theme: "Team Decision Process Problem Situations (PS) and Opportunities HURTS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Decision Process Problem Situations (PS) and Opportunities HURTS
A Problem Situation is: When something HURTS FOCUS ON OUTCOMES -> WHAT IS WRONG   A Solution is not a PS (TOO EARLY FOR A SOLUTION)

2 Team Decision Process An Opportunity is:
A Chance to improve performance A Chance to make work more FUN FOCUS ON OUTCOME -> WHAT COULD BE DONE BETTER? FOCUS ON WORK -> WHAT WOULD MAKE IT MORE FUN?

3 Decision Process Defined as something that Hurts
Identify potential causes Establish measurable criteria To know when it has been solved Generate solutions (list all before discussion) Develop an Action Plan Develop follow up plan

4 Solutions Solution is action you take: Solution is NOT
That stops what’s wrong That reaches the goal (criterion) Solution is NOT Blame Something that just makes you feel better

5 To Find a Solution Think before you act Identify the Goal
Take time to analyze Identify the Goal What outcome do you want? Find the barriers What stands in the way? Brainstorm

6 Brainstrorm What are the positive outcomes for each?
What are the negative outcomes for each? Would it help to get a second opinion?

7 Deciding on a Solution Choose the best solution(s) to reach goal
Plan action (Practice how to do it) Take action Explain to all stakeholders What will be changed Why action is necessary How action will change outcome Anticipated results of change

8 Evaluate Team Process Outcomes (criteria) Measure when possible

9 Follow up What was good about the outcome?
What was bad about the outcome? What could have been done better?

10 Causes for Low Qual Decisions
Too few ideas generated Poor selection of solution Untrained groups: Confuse problems/facts/opinions/diagnosis Substitute opinion for fact Fail to distinguish goals from obstacles Pose solutions that don’t relate to causes

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