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Title: Biology 2/20/07 Objectives: Class Topics

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1 Title: Biology 2/20/07 Objectives: Class Topics
11/13/2018 Title: Biology 2/20/07 Objectives: To assess learning about some of the aberrations to Mendelian genetics and dihybrid crosses and continue to learn about pedigree analysis Class Topics Hand in Investigating Inherited Traits before the bell rings please Human traits “We can never discover new continents until we have the courage to lose sight of all coasts.” Andre Gide Tuesday, November 13, :22 PM

2 Class Assignments Investigating Inherited Traits 2/20/07
11/13/2018 Class Assignments What By When Investigating Inherited Traits 2/20/07 W.S. “X marks the spot” 2/22/07 Chapter 8 Quiz 3 2/26/07 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future

3 11/13/2018 Grade Sheet 2A – p. 157 (5 pts.)

4 11/13/2018

5 More about polygenic traits
11/13/2018 More about polygenic traits Inheritance is complicated Phenotypes vary greatly Ex. Human skin color Ex. Human height

6 11/13/2018 From:

7 11/13/2018 From:

8 11/13/2018 From:

9 Traits influenced by environment
11/13/2018 Traits influenced by environment Traits determined by nutrition Ex. Osteoporosis! Malaria Studied by scientists using identical twins

10 11/13/2018

11 Twins 2 eggs + 2 sperm - fraternal 1 egg + 1 sperm - identical
11/13/2018 2 eggs + 2 sperm - fraternal siblings - no closer genetically 1 egg + 1 sperm - identical same exact genome used in genetic studies conjoined or Siamese twins aren’t separated Twins

12 From:
11/13/2018 From: X inactivation Lyon hypothesis In females one X chromosome becomes inactive (randomly) Barr Body Allows for different phenotypes with similar genotypes Calico cats Ectodermal dysplasia

13 11/13/2018 From:

14 Calico cat: State cat of Maryland!
11/13/2018 Calico cat: State cat of Maryland! From:

15 11/13/2018 Links Sex-linked Inheritance quiz Blue People of Kentucky

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