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Supporting ELL Students in Math, Social Studies, and Science

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1 Supporting ELL Students in Math, Social Studies, and Science
Kassie Burke September 2015

2 September 29, 2015 – So excited you are here!
Please come in and choose a seat! Take a seat at a desk and begin reading and annotating the text. Highlight all the words you do not know! If you finish early, please go to the link below using your phone or the Chrome book and answer this question. What are your wonderings or challenges in best supporting ELL students in the classroom?

3 ELL Students - Knowing our STudents
The most important piece to offering best instruction to ELL students is to take the time to get to know them and their backgrounds. Some important things to know about your ELL students are: How does their culture show respect to adults? Are they literate in their home language? What stage of language development are they in? Do their cultures emphasize independence or interdependence and are these opportunities given in your classroom?

4 Five Considerations Educators Must Make For ELL Learners
Educators must first reflect on their own personal ethnic identity, prejudices, and communicative practices. Educators must work with an undying determination to build positive relationships with the families of ELL students. Educators must intentionally plan for ELL students in instruction. 4) Educators must work to maintain a mindset that no two ELL students are alike.

5 Stages of Language Development
Preproduction Stage Visuals and hands on activities, group work, performance assessments Early Production Stage Tested only over basic facts, follow class discussion for a short time Low Intermediate Stage Able to complete modified projects more independently, pays attention to class discussions High Intermediate Stage Understand basic parts of the textbook, limited, growing participation in class discussion Advanced Stage Can read chunks of textbook, complete projects independently, active in class discussion

6 An Experienced ELL Teacher’s Perspective on Supporting ELL Students
Model what you expect, don’t just tell students. Don’t use idioms or slang. Practice wait time, speak slowly, and use gestures. Check often for understanding. Encourage students to build literacy in their native language. Do not correct all language errors at once. Use closed captions. Use sentence starters. Give students choice in extended response questions. Give students a work bank on activities or assessments.

7 General Suggestions for Supporting ELL Students in the Classroom
Seat ELL students in the middle of the classroom so they can see what others are doing. Assign a peer buddy to help explain classroom happenings. Use consistent vocabulary for daily routines. Use visuals. Use audio recordings of difficult readings. Plan hands-on learning activities. Speak with your hands

8 Assessment Guidelines for ELL students
ELL students should receive a grade for everything other students do. Teachers must know students’ level of English proficiency when grading. Accommodations should be made for students when necessary.

9 Work time Using your resources, let’s take this time to get into content groups and work on incorporating strategies into our lessons to support ELL students!

10 Strategies to support ELL students in Math
Use manipulatives. Elicit nonverbal responses (thumbs-up, thumbs down). Use sentence frames. Pre-teach vocabulary. Use technology wherever possible. Teach the literal meaning and mathematical meaning of words.

11 Strategies to support ELL students in Science
Videos with closed captions. Word walls. Picture glossaries. Pre-teach vocabulary using the Frayer model. Demonstrations and visuals. Hands-on-experiments. Collaborate with other colleagues.

12 Strategies to support Ell students in Social Studies
Pre-teach vocabulary. Use hands on learning activities instead of lectures. Build students’ background knowledge. Use project-based learning. Allow students to work in pairs. Use graphic organizers such as T-Charts or Concept Maps.

13 So in Conclusion... Basically, we are all teachers of English regardless of our content for ELL students! Together, we can make this happen for our ELL students. Thank you! Questions or comments?

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