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Whitewright High School Freshman Orientation

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1 Whitewright High School Freshman Orientation
May 14, 2018 Steve Morrow, Principal Felicia Carnes, Counselor

2 Welcome! General Information: Counselor Page:
The student handbook is found online under Parent/Student Resources. Counselor Page: The Course Guide is found online under High School/Counselor/Felicia Carnes/Course Guide

3 What’s New at HS? Terminology
Semester=1/2 year; 2 semesters per school year Some classes are one semester. Example: Teen Leadership Credit=passing semester grade earns .5 credits; 1 full year (2 semesters) earns 1 credit; 28 credits (the right 28 credits) required for graduation. GPA=Grade Point Average-points earned for final course grades; see Student Handbook pg. 36 and 56 Elective Course=a course that is not required, you choose to take it. CTE=Career & Technology Education Career Pathway=identified interest in a career area that directs course selection Graduation Plan=an individual plan that maps our your coursework over the next four years

4 Opportunities Pre-AP & AP Courses=rigorous courses; earn more grade points; college preparatory; exams to earn college credit with AP. There is a contract and summer assignment required Dual Credit Offerings=classes that earn college credit through Grayson College that are offered on our campus Extracurricular-sports, drill team, cheer, FFA, FCCLA, Beta Club, One- Act Play, UIL Academic teams, FCA, robotics Volunteer-volunteer through high school organizations, church, or community Keep track of your activities-will help build resume for colleges and scholarships!

5 Testing To be eligible for graduation, a student must meet the passing standard for the STAAR EOC English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology, and US History Exams. 9th Grade-English I, Algebra I, Biology 10th Grade-English II, US History If a passing score is not achieved the first time, the student will be expected to attend summer EOC Review and retake the test until passed. College Readiness and Admissions Tests: ACT Aspire-9th and 10th Grade PSAT-9th, 10th, and 11th Grade SAT/ACT-11th and 12th Grade TSI Exam 12th Grade (unless dual credit 11th Grade)

6 Graduation Plan Graduation Plan=each student has a 4 year plan showing planned coursework. This plan is updated yearly. Foundation Plan + Endorsement Plan Foundation=“Basics”-English, Math, Science, Social Studies, PE, Fine Art, Foreign Language Endorsement=“Major”-STEM, Business, Arts & Humanities, Public Service, Multidisciplinary

7 Foundation Plan + Endorsement
English (4) Science (3,4) Foreign Language (2) English I Biology Spanish English 2 Chemistry Computer Science (not going to college) English 3 Advanced Science (STEM requires Physics) Physical Education (1) Advanced English Advanced Science Mathematics (3,4) PE or Athletics Social Studies (3,4) Fine Arts (1) Algebra I World Geography Geometry Art US History Algebra 2 Theater Government/Economics or AP or DC Advanced Math Band Electives (9) 4 of 9 in endorsement area

8 Endorsement Options STEM Business & Industry
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math Algebra II Chemistry Physics + 3 additional advanced math and/or science courses Business & Industry Agriculture-4 courses Hospitality & Tourism-4 courses ** depending on demand, a full sequence may not be available Business-4 courses Journalism (Yearbook)-4 courses

9 Endorsement Options Public Service Arts & Humanities
Human Services-4 courses ** depending on demand, a full sequence may not be available Arts & Humanities 4 Courses in Fine Arts Band Art Theater 5 Social Studies Credits

10 Endorsement Options Multidisciplinary Studies
4 X 4-English, Math, Science, & Social Studies CTE Multidisciplinary allows students to try all elective options

11 Distinguished Achievement & Performance Acknowledgements
4 credits in math, including Algebra 2 4 credits in science Complete at least one endorsement Students may earn a performance acknowledgement for the following: 12 hours of college work with a grade of 80+ Meeting bilingual standards Outstanding performance on PSAT, ACT,SAT, or ACT Aspire Earning at least a 3 on an AP exam Business or industry certification

12 Freshman Courses English I/Pre-AP English I
Algebra I/Geometry/Pre-AP Geometry Biology/Pre-AP Biology World Geography/Pre-AP World Geography PE/Athletics/(Band) Art 1/Band 1/Theater 1 Teen Leadership(one semester course) Electives


14 Next Steps Bring Course Selection Sheet/4 Year Plan to Freshman Orientation Friday, May 18. We will enter course requests online in computer lab Will receive summer assignments for Pre-AP classes August-registration, pick up schedule, get locker, tour school

15 Contact Info Felicia Carnes, School Counselor ext. 302 Steve Morrow, Principal ext. 300

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