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Celebrating the Century:

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1 Celebrating the Century: 1961-69
Name: Celebrating the Century: New Frontier Social reform and international leadership: Peace Corp is established Kennedy was president for 1000 days. A Thousand Days Fab 50s 1961 Kennedy takes office. They make a weary world smile. He a was youthful, dynamic leader and a loving father. His term in office is called Camelot CIA’s plan to invade Cuba with Cuban exiles (against Castro). Castro was alerted about the Bay of Pigs invasion because his intelligence/technology was greater than ours. Bay of Pigs was a slaughter. Castro restates his allegiance to the spread of communism. October 1962 USA photographed Soviet missile sites in Cuba (aimed at the US). Kennedy demanded their removal. We launched a blockade around Cuba. Khrushchev removed his missiles and Kennedy vows not to invade Cuba and to remove USA missiles from Turkey Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first manned space craft United States sends Alan Sheppard into space and next John Glenn (the first Americans to orbit the earth), Kennedy is determined to land a man on the moon Germany- Berlin Wall is built to divide East and West Berlin. Serves as a symbol of the Cold War. Kennedy makes an important statement that discrimination is a “moral issue as old as the scripture and as clear as the constitution” Kennedy increases the number of military advisors in Vietnam to 16,000 Kennedy Assassinated (November 22, 1963-Dallas, Texas) Lee Harvey Oswald determined to be the assassin, he is jailed Jackie Kennedy, “I should have guessed it would not last” Lyndon Johson sworn in as President on Air Force One Let Us Continue Lyndon Johnson’s Presidency War on poverty-Johnson was focused on the under privileged in America Medicare bill is signed Civil Rights legislation for no discrimination Johnson strives for a Great Society that does not include racism or poverty Escalates war in Vietnam after the hostile actions against the US in the Gulf of Tonkin (draft increases) The escalation of the war diverts federal funding away from the “Great Society” programs Protest increased after the invasion of Saigon (sit in and teach ins) LBJ declines the Democratic party nomination for a second term as president because his approval ratings were so low as a result of the Vietnam war

2 I Have A Dream August 28, 1963-Martin Luther led the 200,000 man march on Washington, D.C. I Have A Dream speech “children one day will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character” He used the TV to his advantage to spread his message of equality March 1965-March in Selma, Alabama leads to violence April 4, 1968-King was assassinated , he was 39 years old After the assassination riots break out in over 120 cities Robert Kennedy (advocate for the African Americans) is assassinated in June 1958 after winning the California presidential primary Make Love Not War Counter Culture of the 1960s motto-” Sex, Drugs & Rock & Roll“ Beatles become popular and London becomes the “hippest” city in the world. Miniskirts are introduced as the new popular fashion for women Super Stars Twiggy (model), Mick Jagger, Aretha Franklin (R.E.S.P.E.C.T), Andy Warhol (pop artist) Ali (Cassius Clay-boxer), James Bond (character) Riots in Chicago. Mayor Dailey is faced with the television spreading the police brutality on peaceful war protestors Nixon wins Presidential election Woodstock attendants, “Rock & Roll and protest come together” 3 days long, the youth prove to be defiant and self-indulgent (some of the musicians: Mick Jagger, Grateful Dead, The Who and Santana), no violence occurred. The Eagle Has Landed 1968-In Paris (30,000) threated to topple the government and de Gaulle In Russia Khrushchev is removed from power Israel: 6 Day war: Israel topples Egypt, Jordan and Syria, takes the Gaza Strip and Jerusalem. “We have returned the holiest of our places-never to leave again” July 20, 1969 Apollo 11 mission Kennedy’s pledge comes true, US lands on the moon before 1970 “The Eagle has Landed” and “One small step for man, one giant leap for manking” Astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong , and Michael Collins Most historic phone call of all time was between Nixon and the men on the moon The Astronauts leave a piece of the Wright Brother’s plane on the moon and an American Flag The Cold War accelerated our ability to reach the moon because it increased funding and technological advancements

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