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New France - Exploration

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1 New France - Exploration
Lesson #2 New France - Exploration

2 Star Trek – Space: The Final Frontier

3 Early Contact in North America (handout)
Exploration Why do countries spend a lot of money exploring space? Why would Europeans want to explore Canada in the 16th and 17th centuries? Summarize the information from the following reading (approx. 1 paragraph): Early Contact in North America (handout) *As you read highlight key words, and phrases to add to your paragraph summary.

4 Early Contact in North America
Three Motives for Exploration: Curiosity: Opportunity to learn about the world Commerce: Quick trade route to the Orient (route blocked initially) Make money through trade Christianity: Opportunity to spread Christian faith to Aboriginals

5 Historians Part of being a good historian is being able to make inferences (guesses) about the past based on pictures. On the following slide you will see a picture: It is one of a large collection of over 1000 historical works about Canada done by Dr. Charles W. Jefferys (1869­-1951). Jefferys has a reputation for accuracy in presenting the historical costumes, equipment and buildings of the time.


7 Historical Detectives
We do not have the details of the drawing, so we are going to have to act as detectives to interpret what is being depicted in the picture. We will use the “5W questions” that reporters use to investigate an event. Who are the people in the drawing? What are they doing? Where does the drawing take place? When did it take place? Why is the action happening Inference Evidence Who What Where When Why Let’s do one together first…

8 Inference Evidence Who What Why
Missionary Natives Has a cross Is wearing a black robe bible in belt peace pipes head gear loin cloth What The missionary is trying to convince the natives about his religion/ convert them to Christianity natives not talking missionary holding up a cross unarmed all male chief and regular members Where Canada/North America scenery in background When First contact of missionaries with natives (1600’s) missionary wearing old style robes natives wearing original costumes Why Convert natives to Christianity and civilize native peoples missionary talking and holding up a cross natives listening to what missionary has to say

9 Inference Chart – Your Turn!
In partners or small groups, you will be creating your own Inference Picture Study Chart. Each group will get 1 picture and 1 “Deciphering the Explicit Message” worksheets. Perform the same activity we did as a class, answering the 5 W’s, about your picture. Who are the people in the drawing? What are they doing? Where does the drawing take place? When did it take place? Why is the action happening Be sure to include sound inferences, which have evidence from the drawing and other sources to back it up. It should be specific and detailed. Once you’re finished, you will present your picture to the rest of the class

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