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CS-1004 — Introduction to Programming for Non-Majors

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Presentation on theme: "CS-1004 — Introduction to Programming for Non-Majors"— Presentation transcript:

1 CS-1004 — Introduction to Programming for Non-Majors
Professor Hugh C. Lauer CS-1004 — Introduction to Programming for Non-Majors (Slides include materials from Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science, 2nd edition, by John Zelle and copyright notes by Prof. George Heineman of Worcester Polytechnic Institute) CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

2 Welcome to CS-1004 Introduction … … to Computer Programming
No specific computing background assumed General High school education and basic math Familiarity with Word, Excel, computer games, keyboard, etc., helpful Need to do computing in your own field! … to Computer Programming How to instruct a computer to do something specific for your needs … … in your own field … for Non-Majors Not CS, IMGD Tech, most RBE, some BCB, etc. CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

3 CS-1004 vs. CS-1101/1102 How many … CS-1101/1102
Know how to drive a car? Use of Word and Excel Know how to drive a stick shift? Advanced features of Word Formulas in Excel Could change a tire if necessary? This course Could change the oil if necessary? Could break down and rebuild an automatic transmission? … or design a new one? CS-1101/1102 CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

4 CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

5 This Course Python programming language Doing things!
Specifically, Python 3.4 Doing things! Getting a program to work at all Building up your reflexes! Debugging Thinking computationally What you could do with your data … … if only you could compute on it! Preparation for next CS courses for non-majors CS-220X CS-2301 Also CS Minor CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

6 Courses for CS Minor Other courses for CS Majors
CS 3043 Social Impl. of Info. Processing CS 2102 Object Oriented Design CS 220X Non-Major Building SW Apps with OO OR CS 2022/ MA 2201 Discrete Mathematics CS 2223 Algorithms CS 2303 Sys. Prog. Concepts CS 2301 Sys. Prog. For Non-majors OR CS 3133 Foundations of Comp. Science CS 3431 Database Systems I CS 3041 Human Comp. Interaction CS 3733 Software Engineering CS 2011 Mach. Org. & Assem. Lang. Artificial Intelligence CS 4233 CS 3013 Operating Systems CS 3516 Computer Networks Other courses for CS Majors CS 4515 CS 4513 CS 4516 CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

7 Outline for Today Introduction Logistics
Discussion: What is Programming? Our first program CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

8 Logistics Lectures:– Quizzes:– No make-up quizzes!
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 8:00-9:00 AM Lower Fuller Auditorium Overflow:– Fuller 320 (live streaming) No class on Monday, September 1 (Labor Day) Quizzes:– Every Thursday from Sept 4  Oct 16 At start of class time. Approx 20 minutes (except last quiz) You may start as soon as you arrive! Stay in seat when you are finished Best five out of seven No make-up quizzes! See Professor if you have to be away e.g., interviews, projects, etc. Let me know ASAP if you are sick/need to be away We will figure something out CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

9 Logistics (continued)
Lab sections Goddard 012:– 8:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 4:00 PM Higgins 230:– 11:00 AM Attendance Counts! Must attend your own, registered session Space not guaranteed in later sections if you oversleep! Waitlist:– 12 students at time of this writing! Will operate an overflow room — Fuller 320 Seats in Lower Fuller Auditorium First-come, First-served CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

10 Course Survey Please complete ASAP Leave at front table
All students should complete this: Both Registered and Waitlisted Note: use your WPI ID! Not the nine-digit serial number on your ID card. Reason:– all of the tools and databases for administering the course are indexed by ID CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

11 Names and Faces It is in your own interest that I know who you are.
Class pictures Students who speak up in class usually get more favorable grades than those who don’t When speaking in class, please identify yourselves CS-2011, D-Term 2014 Introduction

12 Questions? CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

13 Teaching staff Ph. D. Carnegie-Mellon, 1972-73
Dissertation “Correctness in Operating Systems” Faculty at University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Approximately 30 years in industry in USA WPI since 2006 21 US patents issued 2 seminal contributions to Computer Science Hugh C. Lauer Adjunct Professor CS-2011, D-Term 2014 Introduction

14 TAs and SAs Zhongfang Zhuang Alex Chen Samantha Swartz Jonathan Wu
CS-2011, D-Term 2014 Introduction

15 MASH leader Tim DeFreitas CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

16 Textbook John Zelle, “Python Programming: an introduction to Computer Science, Second Edition”, Franklin, Beedle, & Associates, 2010 $22.48 from Amazon! Reading Assignment — §1.1 – 1.5 By tomorrow! CS-2011, D-Term 2014 Introduction

17 CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

18 What is Python? Created in 1989 by Guido van Rossum
Originally as a scripting language Since then, has grown to broad user base Many scientific and engineering applications Many 3rd-party packages — more than 45,000 Simple, easy to learn Extremely rich in concepts and capabilities Intelligent about numerical calculations CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

19 Grading 40% quizzes 40% Programming assignments
Final quiz is worth 2 times any other quiz 40% Programming assignments Roughly equal in weight (??) 20% Class and Lab participation Helping each other Contributing to discussion groups Asking questions & asking for help It is in your interest that the Professor and TAs know you by name Please don’t be embarrassed/annoyed if we ask you often CS-2011, D-Term 2014 Introduction

20 Grading Emphasis How much you grow during this term!
HOW you solve the programming problem — NOT the resulting program CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

21 Policies: Programming Assignments
Team work First programming assignment is individual Remaining assignments are 2-person teams Turnin Assignments due at 6:00 pm on due date Electronic turn-ins using web-based Turnin (unless otherwise specified) Late assignments 5% per hour for the first two hours 10% for each additional hour Based on timestamp in Turnin CS-2011, D-Term 2014 Introduction

22 Policies: Programming Assignments (continued)
Conflict exams, other irreducible conflicts Make PRIOR arrangements with Prof. Lauer Notifying us well ahead of time shows maturity and makes us like you more (and thus to work harder to help you out of your problem) Appealing grades Within 7 days of completion of grading Labs: to the staff mailing list Quizzes: Talk to Prof. Lauer CS-2011, D-Term 2014 Introduction

23 Link to be provided after first lecture!
Getting Help Class Web Page: Complete schedule of lectures, quizzes, and assignments Copies of lectures, assignments, exams, solutions Clarifications to assignments myWPI Repository for copyright materials (lecture notes) Lecture Capture Lectures will be recorded using WPI’s Echo Lecture Capturing system. Can be viewed at Link to be provided after first lecture! CS-2011, D-Term 2014 Introduction

24 Getting Help Course mailing list:
Use as discussion list Staff mailing list: Use this for ALL communication with the teaching staff Send to individual instructors or TAs only to schedule appointments Office hours (Prof. Lauer): Monday, 1:30 – 3:30 PM Also: see course web- site Tuesday, 12:00 – 1:00 PM Thursday, 10:00 – 11:00 AM Friday, 1:30 – 2:30 PM 1:1 Appointments You can schedule 1:1 appointments with Professor or any of the TAs at other times CS-2011, D-Term 2014 Introduction

25 Ground Rule #1 There are no “stupid” questions.
It is a waste of your time and the class’s time to proceed when you don’t understand the basic terms. If you don’t understand it, someone else probably doesn’t it, either. 25 CS-2011, D-Term 2014 Introduction

26 Ground Rule #2 Help each other!
Even when a project or assignment is specified as individual, ask your friends or classmates about stuff you don’t understand. It is a waste of your time try to figure out some obscure detail on your own when there are lots of resources around. When you have the answer, write it in your own words (or own coding style). 26 CS-2011, D-Term 2014 Introduction

27 WPI Honesty Policy What is cheating? What is NOT cheating? …
Sharing code: by copying and pasting, supplying a file Coaching: helping your friend to write a program, line by line Copying code from previous course or from elsewhere on WWW Only allowed to use code we supply What is NOT cheating? Explaining how to use systems or tools Helping others with abstract design issues Working out a problem together on a whiteboard, back of napkin, etc. Typing it in yourself Unless otherwise specified! CS-2011, D-Term 2014 Introduction

28 WPI Honesty Policy (continued)
It is a violation of the WPI Academic Honesty Policy to submit someone else’s work as your own. It is not a violation of WPI’s Academic Honesty Policy to ask for help! Classmates, TAs, friends, mentors, … Explanations of things you don’t understand CS-2011, D-Term 2014 Introduction

29 Special Rule for this Class
You may discuss problems with anyone Unless otherwise specified! You may jointly working out solutions on whiteboard, back of envelope, napkin, etc. You MUST write it down with pen, pencil, etc., and then TYPE IT YOURSELF into a program file You may not copy and paste from an electronic version. WHY? CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

30 Questions? Cheating Penalty First offense:– Subsequent offenses:–
Homework grade reduced by entire value of homework project I.e., a negative score! Letter to Dean of Students Office Subsequent offenses:– Campus Hearing Board Questions? CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

31 Note on Quizzes Open book, open notes
Many students have electronic textbooks Kindle Tablet Laptop Okay to consult electronic textbook May NOT connect to network, web, etc. CS-2011, D-Term 2014 Introduction

32 Work practices 1.5 – 2 hours per day Every day of the week
Including weekends Like learning a (spoken) language! CS-1004, A-Term 2014 Introduction

33 Welcome to CS-1004 Let’s get to work! CS-1004, A-Term 2014

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