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Capitalism and Economic Goals

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Presentation on theme: "Capitalism and Economic Goals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Capitalism and Economic Goals

2 Economic Goals Freedom Efficiency: MOST important for growth
Growth: Higher GDP Equity: Fair chance to succeed Security: Protection Stability: Stable prices, full employment

Market economic system Free enterprise Entrepreneurship Economic freedom Voluntary exchange Private property rights Profit motive Competition Investment for growth

4 Path to Growth Productivity Investment Specialization
Efficient use of resources (land, labor, capital) Investment Capital goods Human capital Specialization Regional specialization Division of labor

5 Capital Investment Purchasing capital goods
Equipment that increase productivity Farmer  tractor, reaper, plow Mining  drill, dump truck Construction  digger, hammer, truck Investment in human capital Building schools Investment growth, productivity, advanced goods, labor-saving

6 Specialization Increases productivity Regional specialization
Georgia  peanuts Florida  oranges California  grapes Labor specialization Division of labor Assembly line production Dividing jobs up in small business

7 Entrepreneurship CRITICAL factor of production in capitalist market economy Encouraging entrepreneurship leads to new products, and new methods of production Bill Gates: entrepreneur, founder, Microsoft $42 Billion in personal wealth Over 95,000 jobs created Steve Jobs: entrepreneur, founder, Apple $5.5 Billion in personal wealth Over 35,000 jobs created Entrepreneurship creates jobs Entrepreneurs decide how to use labor

8 Role of Government in Capitalist Economy
Regulation (Rule-making) Provides benefits AND costs to BOTH consumers and businesses Examples Seat belts in all cars (effects?) No job discrimination based on race (effects?) Deregulation (Elimination of rules) Government stops controlling airline fares and routes (effects?)

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