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Connections AppDev: Building at the Speed of Pink

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1 Connections AppDev: Building at the Speed of Pink
Maureen Leland Martin Donnelly

2 Please note IBM’s statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice at IBM’s sole discretion. Information regarding potential future products is intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision. The information mentioned regarding potential future products is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality. Information about potential future products may not be incorporated into any contract. The development, release, and timing of any future features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion. Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon many factors, including considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user’s job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve results similar to those stated here. 11/13/2018

3 This is Us Maureen Leland
STSM Connections AppDev, Middleware, LiveGrid Martin Donnelly Software Architect – Connections & Domino Application Development 11/13/2018

4 Agenda Pink AppDev Vision Extending Connections
Deploying Extensions: App Registry & App Catalog Project LiveGrid Coding with New Connections APIs Summary 11/13/2018

5 Pink Primer Simple Accessible Modern Incremental
Starts with Connections 6 – A Vision not a Release Collaboration Platform Built for Today Made for Developers: Everything is an API Open Ecosystem; Customizable Containerized Deployment Micro-Service Based Architecture New Technology Stack Continuous, Simultaneous Delivery of New Features to on-Premises and Cloud Flexible Data Residency Modern Incremental

6 Pink App Dev Vision Next Gen IBM Connections has App Dev at its core !
Pink must be a customizable and extensible platform Organizations and users can modify IBM Connections in 3 critical ways UX Look & Feel Data Content Actions / Behaviors Pink must support ad-hoc situational apps Groups of users can create and share simple apps, e.g. A ToDo List You don’t need to be a developer to create a cool Pink app Pink must provide modern APIs to facilitate apps and extensions This means a complete set of REST APIs for each IBM Connections service 11/13/2018

7 Pink App Dev Vision Standardization vs Customization
Customization without Compromising the 4 S’s Scalability Security Stability Servicability Image Source: article on by Michael Cullen 11/13/2018

8 Pink App Dev Vision IBM Connections is for Collaboration
Connections does not need to be completely standardized and commoditized… IBM Connections is for Collaboration Can a “One-Size-Fits-All” solution be conducive to a collaborative environment ? What can we do to give users a work environment that promotes productivity ? App Dev Platform Customization & Extensibility (C&E) Ad-hoc Situational Apps Capability Modern JSON-based REST APIs 11/13/2018

9 Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext Service App Ext1
Introducing App Registry… A central app design repository with UI and API access Helps manage and deploy apps on a per-org basis Provides a hierarchical model for defining applications Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext In Connections Cloud you will find App Reg via Admin > Manage Organization > Organization Extensions Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext 11/13/2018

10 Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext Service App Ext1
How does App Registry work ? App Reg provides a design specification for Connections apps Apps are just JSON files stored in the App Reg database The JSON files are the design blueprint for applications Stores and serves up design metadata for various Connections services Does not run or execute applications – App Reg is a design repository Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext 11/13/2018

11 Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext Service App Ext1
The App Reg Model Services are top level components like Communities, Verse, Muse etc Services declare Extension Points that expose customizable features Apps are simply containers for one or more extensions An Extension is an implementation of an Extension Point Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext 11/13/2018

12 Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext Service App Ext1
Muse My App Flip Card Layout Watson Tone Analysis Homepage Customizations NewsRiverFeed ITM Top Employee Info Bubble Mail Bubble New Employee ITM Engage Info Bubble Mail Bubble Top Employee A Simplified Example { "services": ["ITM"], "name": "Engage", "extensions": [ { "type": "", "payload": { "img": "url": " }}]} Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext Service App Ext1 Ext2 Ext 11/13/2018

13 Sample ITM Customization
Important To Me (ITM) Bar – A New Pink Component Out-of-the-box ITM Bar is populated with entries (people and communities) Content is auto-populated for each user based on user’s own choices and ITM suggestions Extensibility empowers organizations and users by Enabling control over ITM Bar content and entry behavior Overriding the auto-population with what is known to be important to ourselves! ITM Bar Anatomy Suggested People Favourites Add Remove Community Home (Go to Activity Stream)

14 ITM Bar Extensions – How?
Extension Points can be used to define what features can be customized Info Bubble Mail Bubble Highlight Image Chat Bubble Person Entry

15 ITM Bar Extensions – Demo Time

16 ITM Bar Demo - Key Points Summary
ITM Bar can extend beyond its default content to include … Extensions defined in the App Registry Extensions defined locally in the browser Extension points give granular control over customizations Design properties can be computed at runtime Organization and User can have customized content Consistent extensibility model across IBM Connections Cloud App Registry Browser Extensions Pink Component

17 ITM Bar Demo - Key Points Summary
App Registry JSON markup for ITM Entry Extension

18 ITM Bar Demo - Key Points Summary
Simplicity is key @Function library to support common extension tasks Provide Visual Designer Tools where possible Browser extension model is already embraced by thousands of web developers

19 What if there is no Extension Point ?
Introducing MUSE An intelligent server that acts as an intermediary between and endpoint device and another server from which a user is requesting a service - a proxy

20 MUSE Muse sits between the request and response, so it can:
change behavior of the service its sitting in front of! rewrite requests rewrite responses inject ‘custom items’ do predictive caching do pretty much anything :-)

21 MUSE Simple Request Routing 11/13/2018

22 MUSE Simple Request Routing 11/13/2018

23 MUSE Simple Request Routing 11/13/2018

24 Muse with App Registry 11/13/2018

25 MUSE Process Flow 11/13/2018

26 MUSE - Demo Time ! Standard Rendering Custom Rendering
After Muse – Communities layout by flip card Before Muse – Communities layout by row 11/13/2018

27 Project LiveGrid Situational Apps in Connections 11/13/2018

28 Pink Means Apps: Project LiveGrid
Situational apps with a twist of API Embeddable in Connections, run standalone, or pull the data into your own application 11/13/2018

29 Project LiveGrid the Chameleon
As simple as a list builder for end users Or as powerful as a programmatically accessible application with persistence for developers 11/13/2018

30 Simple Does Not Mean Simplistic
Comes with a built in data store (Mongo) Simple programmability for your end users @Total, …) JavaScript for your developers 11/13/2018

31 Stencils and Styles as Building Blocks
Start from scratch, a sample grid, a spreadsheet, or from a REST API Weather data, Connections, Domino , … Visualize and style your application with stencils and stylesheets 11/13/2018

32 Demo Time!! A grid with an API in the blink of an eye… 11/13/2018

33 And (of course)… It’s Extensible
List of “starter grids” Stencils Styles Controls Programmability etc) Let us know how you want to contribute! 11/13/2018

34 Project LiveGrid Demo Summary
To end users, it is a simple list building tool To developers, it builds applications, with APIs to power extensions To business partners, it’s an opportunity 11/13/2018

35 Pink APIs Atom is good for chemists, not developers! 11/13/2018

36 Pink Means Usable APIs Modern APIs with consumable JSON payloads
Reimagined for ease of use GraphQL option to allow you to get just what you need All surfaced through a common middleware layer to ensure consistency across the Connections services Documentation (Swagger anyone?) 11/13/2018

37 Would you rather… 11/13/2018

38 Or… 11/13/2018

39 How do we transition without breaking customers and partners?
Green feature 11/13/2018

40 How do we transition without breaking customers and partners?
Green feature 11/13/2018

41 How do we transition without breaking customers and partners?
Green feature Pink feature 11/13/2018

42 How do we transition without breaking customers and partners?

43 Are you going to break my applications?
NO!!! 11/13/2018

44 Response modification
How do we transition without breaking customers and partners? Middleware layer Throttling Caching API gateway Mapping API assembler New-to-IC6 APIs IC6-to-New APIs GraphQL Authentication Response modification Proxy 11/13/2018

45 Response modification
How do we transition without breaking customers and partners? Green feature Middleware layer Throttling Caching API gateway Mapping API assembler New-to-IC6 APIs IC6-to-New APIs GraphQL Authentication Response modification Proxy 11/13/2018

46 Response modification
Pink Middleware How do we transition without breaking customers and partners? Green feature Middleware layer Throttling Caching API gateway Mapping API assembler New-to-IC6 APIs IC6-to-New APIs GraphQL Authentication Response modification Proxy 11/13/2018

47 Response modification
How do we transition without breaking customers and partners? Green feature Middleware layer Throttling Caching API gateway Mapping API assembler New-to-IC6 APIs IC6-to-New APIs GraphQL Authentication Response modification Proxy 11/13/2018

48 Response modification
How do we transition without breaking customers and partners? Green feature Middleware layer Throttling Caching API gateway Mapping API assembler New-to-IC6 APIs IC6-to-New APIs GraphQL Authentication Response modification Proxy 11/13/2018

49 Response modification
How do we transition without breaking customers and partners? Green feature Middleware layer Throttling Caching API gateway Mapping API assembler New-to-IC6 APIs IC6-to-New APIs GraphQL Authentication Response modification Proxy 11/13/2018

50 Response modification
How do we transition without breaking customers and partners? Green feature Middleware layer Throttling Caching API gateway Mapping API assembler New-to-IC6 APIs IC6-to-New APIs GraphQL Authentication Response modification Proxy 11/13/2018

51 Response modification
How do we transition without breaking customers and partners? Green feature Middleware layer Throttling Caching API gateway Mapping API assembler New-to-IC6 APIs IC6-to-New APIs GraphQL Authentication Response modification Proxy 11/13/2018

52 Response modification
How do we transition without breaking customers and partners? Pink feature Middleware layer Throttling Caching API gateway Mapping API assembler New-to-IC6 APIs IC6-to-New APIs GraphQL Authentication Response modification Proxy 11/13/2018

53 Response modification
How do we transition without breaking customers and partners? New feature Pink feature Micro service 1 Micro service 2 Micro service 3 Micro service 4 Middleware layer Throttling Caching API gateway Mapping API assembler New-to-IC6 APIs IC6-to-New APIs GraphQL Authentication Response modification Proxy 11/13/2018

54 Response modification
How do we transition without breaking customers and partners? Green feature Pink feature Middleware layer Throttling Caching API gateway Mapping API assembler New-to-IC6 APIs IC6-to-New APIs GraphQL Authentication Response modification Proxy 11/13/2018

55 11/13/2018

56 Demo Time!! Pink APIs for apps that can fly! 11/13/2018

57 APIs for Existing Connections Services
Will continue to work, as is, no fear! Translation layer ensures compatibility even if we replace the service But now you will have an alternative JSON payloads/responses Consumable payloads Redefining APIs around what people actually need to do Leverages Loopback to translate the APIs Swagger interface for documentation and experimentation 11/13/2018

58 Summary Connections Pink provides multiple ways to customize your Connections Experience from the inside out Store and share your customizations through the App Registry and the App Catalog More consumable APIs for both new and existing Connections services Grow your own programmable applications at the speed of Pink Join us on the journey! 11/13/2018

59 Related Sessions Dev 08: Make your application seamlessly integrated in IBM Connections Tuesday, 14:45-15:30 | Gorilla 4 (right here!!) And we hope you saw…. IBM Connections 6 and beyond - What's New and what comes next? GraphQL 101 11/13/2018

60 Thank you!! 11/13/2018

61 Notices and disclaimers
Copyright © 2017 by International Business Machines Corporation (IBM). No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from IBM. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights — Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM. Information in these presentations (including information relating to products that have not yet been announced by IBM) has been reviewed for accuracy as of the date of initial publication and could include unintentional technical or typographical errors. IBM shall have no responsibility to update this information. THIS DOCUMENT IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. IN NO EVENT SHALL IBM BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE ARISING FROM THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF DATA, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF PROFIT OR LOSS OF OPPORTUNITY. IBM products and services are warranted according to the terms and conditions of the agreements under which they are provided. IBM products are manufactured from new parts or new and used parts. In some cases, a product may not be new and may have been previously installed. Regardless, our warranty terms apply.” Any statements regarding IBM's future direction, intent or product plans are subject to change or withdrawal without notice. Performance data contained herein was generally obtained in a controlled, isolated environments. Customer examples are presented as illustrations of how those customers have used IBM products and the results they may have achieved. Actual performance, cost, savings or other results in other operating environments may vary. References in this document to IBM products, programs, or services does not imply that IBM intends to make such products, programs or services available in all countries in which IBM operates or does business. Workshops, sessions and associated materials may have been prepared by independent session speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views of IBM. All materials and discussions are provided for informational purposes only, and are neither intended to, nor shall constitute legal or other guidance or advice to any individual participant or their specific situation. It is the customer’s responsibility to insure its own compliance with legal requirements and to obtain advice of competent legal counsel as to the identification and interpretation of any relevant laws and regulatory requirements that may affect the customer’s business and any actions the customer may need to take to comply with such laws. IBM does not provide legal advice or represent or warrant that its services or products will ensure that the customer is in compliance with any law 11/13/2018

62 Notices and disclaimers continued
Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products in connection with this publication and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. IBM does not warrant the quality of any third-party products, or the ability of any such third- party products to interoperate with IBM’s products. IBM EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The provision of the information contained herein is not intended to, and does not, grant any right or license under any IBM patents, copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property right. IBM, the IBM logo,, Aspera®, Bluemix, Blueworks Live, CICS, Clearcase, Cognos®, DOORS®, Emptoris®, Enterprise Document Management System™, FASP®, FileNet®, Global Business Services ®, Global Technology Services ®, IBM ExperienceOne™, IBM SmartCloud®, IBM Social Business®, Information on Demand, ILOG, Maximo®, MQIntegrator®, MQSeries®, Netcool®, OMEGAMON, OpenPower, PureAnalytics™, PureApplication®, pureCluster™, PureCoverage®, PureData®, PureExperience®, PureFlex®, pureQuery®, pureScale®, PureSystems®, QRadar®, Rational®, Rhapsody®, Smarter Commerce®, SoDA, SPSS, Sterling Commerce®, StoredIQ, Tealeaf®, Tivoli®, Trusteer®, Unica®, urban{code}®, Watson, WebSphere®, Worklight®, X-Force® and System z® Z/OS, are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at: 11/13/2018

63 BACKUP 11/13/2018

64 Pink Customization New Application Catalog Self-Service User Model
App Catalog Pink Customization New Application Catalog Self-Service User Model Apps from IBM, BPs, 3rd Parties App Registry Integration Marketplace support Independent Micro Service Single point of entry for end-user, org admin and app developer Facilitates … Searching Browsing Deploying Liking/Rating Publishing 11/13/2018

65 ITM Bar Demo - Key Points Summary
Extensibility UX can adapt depending on user’s role, e.g. Expose design capabilities only to users with AppDeveloper role … or based on other policies or preference settings

66 ITM Bar Extensions – Why?
An org should be able to control content by inserting its own entries, e.g. Person Entry On-Boarding Extension to add a new hire to ITM for a given team Employee Recognition Extension to add an outstanding contributor to ITM App Entry Checkpoint extension (HR Reviews) may need to be on ITM at a certain time of year Important new community for a selected audience of users when a new project starts up

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