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Virtual Electric Charge

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Presentation on theme: "Virtual Electric Charge"— Presentation transcript:

1 Virtual Electric Charge

2 Do it! (Virtually) Step 1 – go to the pHet site / balloons and static virtual lab by clicking here: pHet Balloons and Static Step 3 – Open the sim and begin exploring Step 2- Choose the download option to install the simulation on the desktop

3 Still Stayin’ Alive… Step 4 – go to the pHet site / John Travoltage virtual lab by clicking here: Step 6 – Open the sim and begin exploring Step 5- Choose the download option to install the simulation on the desktop

4 Step 7- Click on the picture to launch video
Step 8- In your notes, draw a model which explains why the cereal jumps to the record, then back down. Make a 3-pane cartoon. first next finally

5 How do we know? You can shock someone with electric force by touching them after building up charge by shuffling. Socks stick to shirts after tumbling in the dryer. Electric force between opposite charges holds them together. What evidence can you observe which proves that an electric force is there, even if you can’t see it? Think for a minute, then write an answer on your mini-white board or in your notes. Write a complete sentence.

6 If you were absent: A video explanation of Electric Charge
Click on the picture to launch the video

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