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HDV CO2 Editing Board Meeting

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1 HDV CO2 Editing Board Meeting
Presentations from TUG Brussels, 26th of April 2016

2 Content (1) Welcome and introduction (2) Adoption of the draft agenda
(3) Expert Groups – state of play, open points and the way forward (4) Outcomes of the pilot phase (5) CoP and ex-post verification procedures (a) Paper on the CoP and ex-post verification procedure (b) SiCo – results from the pilot phase (c) Ex-post verification – chassis dyno vs test track vs on-road testing (6) 2nd draft of the certification procedure (7) Presentation of the electronic sealing of the documents (8) Preliminary discussion on technologies not included currently by VECTO (9) AOB

3 Feedback from pilot phase
Feedback collected in table format. Review provided by:

4 Feedback from pilot phase
Feedback is analysed in expert groups (engine, air drag, transmission, axle,…). Corresponding amendments in technical annexes or software shall be documented Input from feedback 378 comments received: 162 on air drag test 69 on transmission 36 on engine 30 on axle 28 on General issues 18 software 5 on auxiliaries 1 tires Reaction from expert group

5 2) Status of Expert groups: Engine: Summary of feedback from pilot phase
Topic Feed Back Full load curve Definitions to be improved and differences transient / steady state to be considered Measurement More precise definitions of boundary conditions (T, H, p), limitation of auxiliary engagement, Fc frequency to be defined, adjust test sequence timing Evaluation tool More checks and flexibility demanded, display demanded points etc.; adjustment for new family concept (WHTC correction factor), better documentation, option to be embedded in different test bed systems Emissions Better link to EU6 criterion pollutant tests suggested, better definition of exhaust components to be measured and of evaluation rules needed. Close loopholes for test cycle specific optimisations. Family concept More precise description needed COP Description missing

6 2) Status of Expert groups: Engine: Recent developments in test procedure
Topic Update Emission compliance Full emission compliance checks in WHTC cold and hot Fuel map checked according to OCE NTE requirements Measurement procedure Revision of map grid definition and limitation of WHTC-CorF limited to ≥ 1 to be robust against unwanted “optimisations” Separate WHTC-CorF for each individual engine (covers variation in calibration + parts of CO2 cluster concept) Auxiliary configuration for both, FC mapping + WHTC, still under discussion in EEG Accuracy requirements for measurement devices still under investigation by OEMs Proposed stringent limits for ambient air conditions still under investigation by OEMs Ambiguous/Unprecise definitions in R49  need to be specified precisely Handling of diesel fuel properties (use of specific or default heating value and g-CO2/J open) Alternative fuels Definition of fuels open (e.g. which CNG quality) Specification of measurement systems open CO2-cluster concept Main concept agreed: HW and SW definition, other variations in engine calibration covered by WHTC-CorF and COP COP General concept still open: testing procedure, tolerances etc.

7 2) Status of Expert groups: Air drag: Summary of feedback from pilot phase
Topic Feed Back VECTO Air drag tool Suggestions for improvements (“declaration mode”, better diagnosis of invalid measurements, error handling, etc.) Validity criteria Validity criteria for ambient conditions and measurement data as defined for pilot phase are very strict  hard to gain a “valid test” Repeatability of test procedure Variations up to 12% in CdxA value observed Tolerances for measurement systems Requirements for accuracy of measurement systems (torque meters, anemometer) cannot be met or are not defined precisely Tyre specifications Review of definitions requested (tread depth, pressure) Definitions of norm bodies and trailers Definitions are very strict  review requested Special vehicle configurations Technical annex does not cover: Vehicles which cannot be operated with limiter at 15km/h Vehicles with controlable areodynamic devices Technical Annex Paragraphs containing not verifyable recommendations to be removed

8 2) Status of Expert groups: Air drag: Recent developments in test procedure
Topic Feed Back Validity criteria Validity criteria updated, further review in progress Tolerances for measurement systems Requirements for accuracy of measurement systems specified more precisely. Some items still open. Tyre specifications Tyre specification updated Definitions of norm bodies and trailers Definitions revised Technical Annex Paragraphs containing not verifyable recommendations removed Family concept Method mainly agreed. Elaboration of final wording open. COP Method clear (full retest). Still discussions on tolerance.

9 5) Ex-post verification test (“SiCo”) options and work planned
Nearly fixed is: The entire vehicle will be measured using a fuel flow meter and a torque meter at wheel rims The measured cycle (most likely torque and rpm at wheels) will be used as input for VECTO. Auxiliaries shall be considered by generic values. The measured and the simulated fuel consumption will be compared based on positive work at the wheels [g/kWh]  validation of VECTO input for engine, transmission and axle. Tolerances for the deviation shall be defined. Options under discussion: Run steady state on the chassis dyno (allows any loads at the wheels but not feasible for all HDV categories) Run steady state on test track: needs braking trailer to run at higher load points Run transient test on the chassis dyno (WHVC or CO2-VECTO cycle) Drive in real world traffic, e.g. with ISC trip boundary conditions

10 5) Ex-post verification test (“SiCo”) options and work planned
Basis for selection: Feasibility: any technical reason that an option cannot be tested Uncertainty and reproducibility: Verification testing needs a reasonable low uncertainty and a good reproducibility to be meaningful Robustness: the lower the chances for test specific optimisations, the better Costs and infrastructure availability Main open issue: Assessment of uncertainties related to the single options Work planned: Bottom up analysis of uncertainties from: *Measurement equipment *Auxiliary Engagement *Transient effects (engine, gear shifts) *Temperature effects on engine and transmission efficiencies *Spread in serial production engine, transmission, axle  average and maximum cumulated deviations to be expected Top down analysis of uncertainties from pilot phase and additional tests (differences VECTO vs. measurements)

11 5) Ex-post verification test (“SiCo”) options and work planned
Actual work: Form for data collection for 1) and 2) distributed Data provided by ACEA and TUG for bottom up and top down. Analysis ongoing. Data collection for bottom up analysis: Maximum deviation per component and per measurement device Data collection for top down analysis: Total deviation measurement-VECTO per test Etc. for other SiCo options

12 5. List of new technologies/ fuels that are not covered by VECTO
Fuels: Current fuel mapping proposal is only valid for EN590 fuels and provides gfuel/h and gCO2/h is calculated by fuel factor “gCO2/gfuel” Options for alternative fuels: Define mass flow measurement (same test points as for EN590) and the fuel factor “gCO2/gfuel” which can be generic or fuel specific (measure mass fraction C). Relevant for CNG, LPG, Biofuel blends Not applicable for dual fuel engines without definition of test procedure when which fuel share is allowed. Next steps: wait for ACEA demands? ADAS: options elaborated, details and decisions open, implementation in VECTO open. Next steps: look for funding? Hybrids: options elaborated, details and decisions open. Implementation in VECTO open. Next steps: we suggest to make “VECTO demonstrator” to test different options check for artefacts, etc. “Eco Innovations”: how shall technology be handled, that cannot be simulated by VECTO? Exclude in first phase?

13 Backup slides

14 3) Status of VECTO software Updates available since V3.0.2 (March 2016)
Feature Comment Driver model Further improvements in driver strategy (handling of “special cases”) „Pwheel“ mode Mode for recalculations of “SiCo” (already available in VECTO2.2) „Measured speed“ mode Mode for recalculations of “Proof of concept” tests (already available in VECTO2.2) „Engine only“ mode Mode for simulation of engine dyno tests (already available in VECTO2.2) Bug fixing and model development 32 JIRA issues resolved + other 25 JIRA „support“ issues

15 3) Status of VECTO software API Definition and implementation
Work so far performed at TUG: Discussion of XML-structure for declaration input data Definition of XML-schema (XSD) for declaration input data Refactoring of input data handling to support API Implementation of VECTO API (separate DLL distributed with VECTO3.0.2) Support in testing at industry Efforts not covered by LOT4 budget, financing t.b.d. with industry Open issues Data integrity handling („sealing“ and „signing“ of input & output) Decision on reqiurements and methods necessary a.s.a.p.! Revision of input and output data according to final data and model structure Declaration output ( XML document for EEA monitoring db, other demands not clear yet) XML input data option also for „Engineering mode“ (t.b.d.)

16 3) Status of VECTO software Work in progress for 3
3) Status of VECTO software Work in progress for 3.1 release (June 2016) Feature Explanation Status Run time optimisation Identification and fixing of performance “bottle necks” (logging, search of operating point etc.) Test calculations shows performance increase by a factor of 4 to 5 (e.g. 2min  25sec) Limited potential for further improvements. Tbd.: Is simulation of “reference loading” only sufficient for customer information? 95% Integration of Ricardo code on bus auxiliaries Code as available from Ricardo in integrated into 2.2 and 3.1. Methods (and GUI) completely unchanged (only minor adaptions for compatibility) Extensive set of test cases analysed (3.1 vs. 2.2 vs ) Feature will be distributed to bus group in VECTO3.0.3 in May. 90% Update of gear shift strategy for MT and AMT Implementation of updated ACEA method 50% Update of coasting strategy 5%

17 3) Status of VECTO software Overall timeline

18 SiCo – State of play / 1 Issue Current status
Testing method a) Steady state vs. transient Elaborate steady state test procedure as basic option for first phase of legislation. Compare with possible on-road transient test procedure in parallel for effectiveness. b) Chassis dyno vs. on-track Elaborate testing method which can be executed using both options c) Limitations of on-track testing related to high power conditions Solution could be “braking trailers”. Systems at the moment only available in US. EU OEMs first have to gather practical experience with these systems  will be not ready in 2016! 2) Test points a) Definition b) Number of points c) Point selection gear and target values for engine speed and wheel power duration of test points (ca s) and number of repetitions (ca. 3) ± tolerances for average values, e.g. ± 10rpm, ± 5kW ± tolerances for 1Hz values e.g. ± 25rpm, ± 15kW (=steady state criterion) approx. 10 to 12 seems reasonable and practicable Options: a) all points calculated by VECTO according to relevance for specific vehicle + random offsets b) Define e.g. 12 areas, where test points have to be selected from (only meaningful if independent testing)

19 SiCo – State of play / 2 Issue Current status
3) Handling of auxiliaries Deactivate auxiliaries during meaurement as good as possible Record engine cooling fan speed + compressor activiation Discard data with active compressor Consider power consumption of engine cooling fan (SiCo specific generic function of fan speed + engine rated power) Other auxiliaries: Use default data for power consumption from HDV CO2 mission profiles 4) Handling of CdxA testing as part of SiCo Verification of CdxA value seems only reasonable with constant speed tests as defined in CdxA component testing. Similar method also foreseen for COP.  No additional benefit in SiCo 5) Test evaluation and calculation of VECTO reference result Calculations to be performed after physical testing by TAA or any party which has access to VECTO input data Measure for comparison: g fuel per wheels Pass fail criterion to be elaborated (per single point or weighted average?) Tolerance to be elaborated (further testing + error propagation law) 6) Others a) Selection of vehicles b) Number of vehicles b) Run- in provisions TA chooses vehicles to be tested and claims from customer?

20 6. Monitoring parameters (metrics etc)
Proposal for data to be reported by VECTO to Monitoring db see: Data_HDV_CO2_draft_ xlsx

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