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M ISSOURI T RANSPORTATION A LLIANCE (M O TA) The Missouri Transportation Alliance (MoTA) is a nonpartisan, citizen-led group of transportation stakeholders,

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Presentation on theme: "M ISSOURI T RANSPORTATION A LLIANCE (M O TA) The Missouri Transportation Alliance (MoTA) is a nonpartisan, citizen-led group of transportation stakeholders,"— Presentation transcript:


2 M ISSOURI T RANSPORTATION A LLIANCE (M O TA) The Missouri Transportation Alliance (MoTA) is a nonpartisan, citizen-led group of transportation stakeholders, first responders, small businesses, cities, counties and community leaders committed to delivering a smart, sustainable long-term statewide transportation plan that will provide greater safety to Missouris families and spur the economy.

3 T HE R OAD W E VE T RAVELED MoTA is committed to delivering a smart, sustainable long-term statewide transportation plan. Over the past 18 months, MoTA has: Conducted more than 200 public meetings Gathered input from all over the state Begun creating a comprehensive transportation funding plan

4 W HAT W E L EARNED When it comes to roads and bridges, safety is non-negotiable.

5 W HAT W E L EARNED Missourians are interested in attracting new businesses and jobs throughout the state. Missourians trust MoDOT more than other state agencies, and recognize its unique record in delivering projects on time and on budget.

6 T HE P ATH F ORWARD The future of Missouri depends on a transportation system that delivers safety and creates jobs. Otherwise, Missouri will face disastrous consequences to the security of citizens and to the economy of our state.

7 T HE P ATH F ORWARD The number of cars and trucks on Missouris roads has doubled over the past 30 years.

8 S AFETY IS N ON - NEGOTIABLE Funding transportation will result in fewer accidents and save lives. MoTAs plan focuses on reducing high accident rates and demanding safety. MoTA is focused on protecting Missouris families by rapidly reducing the number of unsafe and deficient bridges around the state.

9 S AFETY IS N ON - NEGOTIABLE There are currently nearly 3,000 deficient bridges in Missouri. Funding does not exist to adequately maintain or repair them.


11 J OBS ARE E SSENTIAL Investing in Missouris transportation infrastructure will create thousands of immediate construction jobs and thousands more good paying jobs.

12 J OBS ARE E SSENTIAL Better infrastructure will attract new businesses, new jobs and new opportunities. Maintaining infrastructure will meet the needs small businesses and communities need to grow.

13 F INDING A S OLUTION Missouri URGENTLY needs a transportation infrastructure solution that spurs our economy and provides greater safety if it wants to avoid a state transportation system marred with increasing detours, delays and more traffic deaths.

14 F INDING A S OLUTION Amendment 3 funding has run out, federal funding is dwindling and federal construction match money is deficient. MoDOTs Construction Budget

15 F INDING A S OLUTION MoDOT has made difficult decisions to cut its work force and service delivery. These choices will make it impossible to fully maintain the states current road and bridge system and will have serious long-term implications.

16 A CCOUNTABILITY IS K EY MoTA is committed to working closely with taxpayers to make sure that every transportation dollar is spent on improving our transportation system.

17 A CCOUNTABILITY IS K EY MoDOT is reliable, and delivers projects on time and on budget. MoDOT also uses taxpayer money as it says it will.

18 A LLIANCE W ILL T AKE O N T HE C HALLENGE The Missouri Transportation Alliance will continue its effort to provide a clear path that solves our transportation problem, saves lives and creates jobs.

19 A LLIANCE W ILL T AKE O N T HE C HALLENGE By working with small business leaders and first responders, MoTA can overcome the urgent safety and economic challenges of our state.

20 F IVE W AYS TO H ELP M O TA Connect with MoTAs social media tools Publish MoTAs articles in your newsletter Send a letter to the editor to your local paper Engage your members and actively encourage them to join Enlist Five other stakeholders from your region



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