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Tools for Linked Geospatial Data Exploiting Open Data

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Presentation on theme: "Tools for Linked Geospatial Data Exploiting Open Data"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools for Linked Geospatial Data Exploiting Open Data
Manolis Koubarakis Brussels October 11-13, 2016

2 Motivation - Open EO Data
Lots of open Earth Observation data have been made available in the last few years too.

3 Motivation - Data Silos
All this data still exists in different data silos (e.g., different EO archives).

4 Main Objectives 1. Open up existing EO silos by moving them over to the linked data paradigm.

5 Main Objectives 2. Stay close to the real world: Develop services that heavily utilize linked data: Improving Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories Management of Urban Growth Challenges Providing Economic and Ecological Advice to Farmers Assess the Quality of European Seas Monitoring Desertification Hazard Information Services Marine Services based on AIS Data Groundwater modeling

6 Life Cycle of Linked Open EO Data

7 Our Linked Data Technologies
Strabon ontop Spatial GeoTriples Silk Sextant

8 A state-of-the-art spatiotemporal RDF store

9 Find more at:
Strabon Find more at: WKT GML stRDF graphs stSPARQL/ GeoSPARQL queries

10 Creating virtual RDF graphs on top of geospatial databases
S atial Creating virtual RDF graphs on top of geospatial databases

11 Find more at:
ontop Spatial Find more at: Ontology Application S atial Mappings Source

12 Publishing geospatial data
as RDF graphs

13 Find more at:

14 Discovering Spatial and Temporal Links among RDF Data

15 Find more at:
Silk Find more at: intersects close Natura Protected Areas - Field Boundaries Field Boundaries - OSM Water Bodies

16 Visualizing Time-Evolving Linked Geospatial Data

17 Find more at:
Sextant Find more at:

18 Thank you! Questions?

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