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Quiz. The Biology of Personality: Genetics and Interpersonal Neurobiology in Human Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz. The Biology of Personality: Genetics and Interpersonal Neurobiology in Human Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Biology of Personality: Genetics and Interpersonal Neurobiology in Human Development

2 Quiz

3 Nature vs. Nurture: A study in Genetics

4 Structures in Physiology
Understand how biology is related to Have a patient, having fetal knowledge to help guide a patient. Teratogens (poisons, toxins), talking about Help patients normalize experience of Chronic pain in the nerves, fibromyalgia Understanding stress management

5 Cells
More than 20k genes Sit in different choices/ move from one chair to another chair PAIN IS WHAT THE CLIENT SAYS Validate, You have symptoms, and also strengths. Operate on the medical model, You are depressed versus you have symptoms of depression If excessive, find coping strategies.

6 Nucleus




10 Chromosome Replication Process (Mitosis)

11 Intergenerational Chromosome Transmission

12 Genes

13 Transcription

14 Intergenetic DNA

15 Chromosomes

16 Chromosomes

17 Genetic Expression

18 Punnett’s Squares – how you get your genes http://www. youtube

19 Dominant/Recessive Traits

20 Polygenetic Traits

21 New Disciplines in Genetic Studies

22 What are the Three Genetic Influences on Environment?

23 Epigenesis (Gottlieb model) What does it mean?

24 Influence of prenatal environment, peer groups, and culture

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