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Presentation on theme: "ECOLOGY OF THE SEASHORE"— Presentation transcript:

lecture resources Bringing ecology to life ECOLOGY OF THE SEASHORE A complete seashore sampling and quantification course on CD-ROM. PowerPoint presentations showing the species you are likely to find and the techniques you need. LECTURE 8 METHODS FOR STUDYING THE ECOLOGY OF THE SEASHORE Part 2: PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS Photography, text & design by Dr James Merryweather

2 PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS TRANSECT Organisms of particulate shores are dependent upon a number of physical parameters which are relatively easily measured

3 3 TRANSECT First, dig a hole

4 4 Sulphide layer TRANSECT Measure its depth from the surface

5 5 TRANSECT Measure its depth from the surface

6 TRANSECT Particle size distribution & Porosity
6 Particle size distribution & Porosity TRANSECT By serial sieving and weighing output from different mesh sizes

7 By serial sieving and weighing output from different mesh sizes
7 Typical laboratory sieves TRANSECT By serial sieving and weighing output from different mesh sizes

8 8 Temperature TRANSECT Measured at known depths

9 9 at 10 cm TRANSECT Measured at known depths

10 10 TRANSECT Make use of water that flows into the hole

11 TRANSECT Salinity Hydrometer Refractometer
11 Salinity Hydrometer Refractometer TRANSECT Measure specific gravity with a hydrometer, refractive index with a refractometer or use an electronic salinometer

12 TRANSECT Measure specific gravity with a hydrometer, refractive
12 TRANSECT Measure specific gravity with a hydrometer, refractive index with a refractometer or use an electronic salinometer

13 TRANSECT Measure specific gravity with a hydrometer, refractive
13 TRANSECT Measure specific gravity with a hydrometer, refractive index with a refractometer or use an electronic salinometer

14 TRANSECT Measure specific gravity with a hydrometer, refractive
14 TRANSECT Measure specific gravity with a hydrometer, refractive index with a refractometer or use an electronic salinometer

15 15 pH TRANSECT Use narrow-range pH paper (7-9) or a pH meter

16 16 TRANSECT Use narrow-range pH paper (7-9) or a pH meter

17 17 Dissolved oxygen TRANSECT Using a field oxygen meter

18 Collecting samples for
18 Dissolved oxygen TRANSECT Collecting samples for the Winkler titration

19 Dissolved oxygen concentrations from the Winkler titration data
19 TRANSECT Dissolved oxygen concentrations from the Winkler titration data

20 Electronics and sea water are incompatible!
20 Electronics and sea water are incompatible! The field salinometer This slide is dedicated to the late Nikon Coolpix 885 Ser. No , which suffered this fate, here at Ardarrach shore, R.I.P. September 2003


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