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Chemical Reactions Grade 8 Week 11, 2016.

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1 Chemical Reactions Grade 8 Week 11, 2016

2 Learning Objectives Recall the names of common elements (Level 4)
Create balanced chemical equations (Level 6) Describe what happens to particles during a chemical reaction (Level 5) Recall the names of common elements (Level 4)

3 Starter Activity Argon Sulfur Boron Carbon Magnesium Copper Zinc
Lead Sulfur Hydrogen Mercury Boron Carbon Magnesium Calcium Iron Phosphorus Iodine Copper Gold Arsenic Zinc Nitrogen Helium Oxygen Potassium

4 Extension Task Which of the elements are gases? Hydrogen H Oxygen O
Nitrogen N Helium He Argon Ar

5 How did you do? Count up out of 20 Come and collect a post it note
Put you name and your score on the post it note and put it on the board

6 Can you….? Recall the names of common elements (Level 4) Yes No

7 Reactants and Products
The chemicals we have at the start of a reaction are called reactants. When a chemical reaction takes place the atoms in these substances are rearranged to form new chemicals. The substances formed in a reaction are called products. Example: If copper oxide is heated with magnesium it will react to form magnesium oxide and copper. We can write this as a simple word equation: Copper oxide + Magnesium Magnesium Copper Reactants (substances we started the reaction with), always go on the left. Products (substances formed during a reaction), always go to the right of the arrow. Word Equation

8 You need to… For each of the chemical reactions you need to:
Highlight or circle the reactants in one colour and the products in another colour (don’t forget to colour in the key) Complete the word equation for each reaction

9 Reaction One Sam mixed together some eggs, milk and flour. When he heated them in a large pan they reacted to form a big pancake! Eggs + Milk + Flour Pancake Eggs + Milk + Flour Pancake

10 Reaction Two When Katrina dropped a lump of magnesium into a test tube of hydrochloric acid, the chemical magnesium chloride was formed. Katrina also noticed a gas being formed. When a lit splint was placed in the gas it made a squeaky ‘pop’ sound. Hydrochloric Acid + Magnesium Magnesium chloride + Hydrogen

11 Reaction Three Luke reacted a lump of calcium carbonate with some sulphuric acid. Two of the products formed were water and calcium sulphate. The other product formed was a gas that turned lime water milky. Sulphuric Acid + Calcium carbonate Water + Calcium Sulphate Carbon dioxide

12 Reaction Four Bradley heated some copper turnings with some sulphur powder very strongly in a test tube. He noticed that at the end of the experiment, there was a bluish colour left on the surface of the copper. Copper Turnings + Sulphur Copper sulphide

13 Reaction Five Chelsea was given some nitric acid and some iron oxide. She reacts these together and finds that she makes a solution of iron nitrate and iron water. Nitric Acid + Iron Oxide Iron nitrate + Iron Water

14 Reaction Six Milos put a brand new iron nail outside and studied it for several weeks. He noticed that gradually the surface of the nail became coated with rust. He read in a science book that the chemical name for rust is “iron oxide”. Iron + Oxygen Iron Oxide

15 Reaction Seven Shona was learning about photosynthesis. She looked on the internet and found that in this process, plants take in carbon dioxide gas from the air and water from the ground. Using energy from the sun they can turn these chemicals into a kind of sugar called glucose and the gas oxygen. LIGHT Carbon Dioxide + Water + Glucose + Oxygen

16 Reaction Eight Jourdan told Shona that plants and animals respire. In this reaction they use up glucose and oxygen and make carbon dioxide and water and release energy that they can use to stay alive. Glucose + Oxygen + Carbon Dioxide + Water + ENERGY

17 How did you do? Count up how many you got right out of 35
Write your name and your score on a post it note And stick it on the board

18 Can you….? Describe what happens to particles during a chemical reaction (Level 5) Yes No

19 Balancing equations When we talk about chemical reactions we always refer to the reactants and the products. When we write these chemical reactions we can sometimes use the formula Oxygen = O

20 Balancing Equations BUT, we must make sure that what goes into a chemical reaction also comes out WE MUST BALANCE THE EQUATION Lets have a go…

21 Balancing equations What do you notice about this balanced equation?
Methane Oxygen Carbon Dioxide + Water CH O CO H2O H H H O O O H C H O O C H O O H H O What do you notice about this balanced equation?

22 Balancing equations Time for you to have a go… What do you notice??
H O H2O Hydrogen Oxygen Water H H O O ??????? Remember we need to balance it! What do you notice??

23 Balancing equations Time for you to have a go… H2 + O2 H2O
Hydrogen Oxygen Water H H O O H H O Remember we need to balance it! Why is this wrong?? Because we haven't used both of the oxygen molecules

24 Balancing equations Time for you to have a go… H2 + O2 2H2O
Hydrogen Oxygen Water H H O O H H H H H H O O O O O Remember we need to balance it, BOTH SIDES Is this correct??

25 Balancing equations Time for you to have a go… 2H2 + O2 2H2O
Hydrogen Oxygen Water H H H H O O H H H H H H O O O O O H H Remember we need to balance it, BOTH SIDES Is this correct?? YES, There are now 4 hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms on the left AND the same amount on the right 

26 Can you….? Create balanced chemical equations (Level 6) Yes No

27 Plenary Roll the cube, everyone must have a go at rolling the cube.
What ever it lands on you must write 3 sentences about

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