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WWW List # 5 Take notes in notes notebooks

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Presentation on theme: "WWW List # 5 Take notes in notes notebooks"— Presentation transcript:

1 WWW List # 5 Take notes in notes notebooks
Write the stem, meaning, and 2 example words

2 Vita - Life Vitamin Vital Revitalize

3 Demo - People Democracy Demography Undemocratic

4 Stereo - Solid Stereophonic Stereotype Stereoscope

5 Ism – Doctrine or policy
Capitalism Cubism Tribalism

6 Cogn - Know Recognize Cognizant Precognition

7 Sur - Over Surplus Surpass Surface

8 Alter - Other Alteration Alter ego Alternative

9 Astr - Star Astronomy Asteroid Astrophysics

10 Dyna - Power Dynamic Dynamite Dynasty

11 Chron - Time Chronological Synchronize Chronic

12 Hyper - Over Hyperactive Hyperventilate Hyperbole

13 Luna - Moon Lunar Lunatic Lunate

14 Octa - Eight Octagon Octopus Octagenarian

15 Gyro - Turn Gyration Gyroscope Gyrate

16 Contra - Against Contradict Contrary Contraband

17 Geo - Earth Geography Geothermal Geometry

18 Helio - Sun Helios Heliocentric Heliotropic

19 Thermo - Heat Thermostat Thermonuclear Thermos

20 Tetra - Four Tetrahedron Tetroxide Tetragon

21 Meter - Measure Thermometer Millimeter Hydrometer

22 Scope - Look Periscope Telescope Horoscope

23 Son - Sound Sonar Unison Sonnet

24 Dec - Ten Decade Decimal Decathalon

25 Stell - Star Interstellar Constellation Stellar

26 Amat - Love Amity Amatory Amorous

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